• 不仅仅欧洲包括在美国这个争论估计会持续到下个月

    Expect to hear that argument a lot more over the coming months, not just in Europe but also in America.


  • 中国增收关税影响各种产品销售包括美国生产的那些

    A tariff on China would dent the sales of all kinds of products, even those made in the United States.


  • 丰田这一突然加速问题全球召回了850万汽车,其中包括美国的600万辆。

    Toyota has recalled more than 8.5 million vehicles worldwide, including 6 million in the United States, for sudden acceleration issues.


  • 大概包括美国生产的日本说明,日本生产厂质量管理从根本上优秀。

    I suppose this includes Japanese cars made in the US, which would still have to conform to Japanese-originated quality inspections.


  • 美国真的没有从未停止直到每种肤色孩子都被全面地包括美国梦中——这非常重要。

    America can really never, ever rest until children of every color are fully included in the American Dreamso important.


  • 小宫山英树是日本人,职业生涯大半索尼海外公司度过,包括美国任职20余年

    Mr. Komiyama, a native of Japan, has spent much of his career with Sony abroad, including more than 20 years in the U.S..


  • 声称冷战时期曾供职国家情报局的勒,消息来自高端报料,也包括美国超常项目之中。

    Geller, who says he worked for the Central Intelligence Agency during the Cold War, said his information came from a high-level source involved in U.S. paranormal programs.


  • 声称冷战时期曾供职国家情报局的勒,消息来自高端报料,也包括美国超常项目之中。

    Geller, who says he worked for the Central Intelligence Agency during the Cold War, said his information came from a high-level source involved in U. s. paranormal programs.


  • 剩余的172.50美元其他国家制造零部件的成本,其中包括美国制造零件所花费的10.75美元。

    The other $172.50 was for parts produced in other countries, including $10.75 for parts made in the U. S.


  • 中国企业海外竞争工程包括美国这个曾经货运铁路技术领先全球的国家现连一条像样的高速铁路没有

    Chinese companies are also vying for projects overseas, including in the U. S., which leads the world in freight railway technology but has almost no high-speed rail expertise.


  • 今天,包括美国电话电报公司维珍公司世界各地运营商,都他们的客户提供任意宽带接入式的语音网络技术服务

    Operators around the world, including AT&T and Verizon in America, also offer VoIP services which customers can use over any broadband connection.


  • 除了亚马逊平原搜寻橡胶树种南美建立试验性的种植园外,项目还有一些新奇生产橡胶的计划包括在美国41个种植蒲公英属植物。

    In addition to searching the Amazon and establishing experimental plantations in Latin America, the program came up with some novel plans to produce rubber including planting Dandelions in 41 states.


  • 架采用全集成数据FIDL)的B-1轰炸机于1016结束第一阶段测试其中包括美国空军爱德华兹空军基地进行9架次飞行

    The B-1 Fully Integrated Data Link (FIDL) flight test plan for Phase 1 concluded Oct. 16; it included nine sorties performed by the U.S. Air Force at Edwards Air Force Base.


  • 年前Tommy Hilfiger收购Lagerfeld品牌,此次并不包括在美国巨头Phillips-VanHeusen本周公布30亿美元收购该集团的范围之内。

    The Lagerfeld brand, which was bought by Tommy Hilfiger five years ago, was not part of the $3 billion acquisition announced this week of the fashion group by the American giant Phillips-Van Heusen.


  • 美国这些公司包括美国电话电报公司、通用电气公司西屋电气公司

    In the United States, they included such firms as American Telephone and Telegraph, General Electric, and Westinghouse.


  • 安特吉公司美国运营着另外11个反应堆其中包括普利茅斯的 “朝圣者”核电站

    Entergy runs 11 other reactors in the United States, including Pilgrim Nuclear station in Plymouth.


  • 时,欧洲已有二十多万病例,包括死亡病例1000例和美国的1000例病例。3月24日,国际奥林匹克委员会(IOC)主席托马斯·巴赫宣布为了公众的安全,原定于东京举行的2020年夏季奥运会将推迟至下一年。

    By this time, there were more than 200,000 cases in Europe, including 1,000 deaths, as well as 1,000 cases in the US. On March 24, President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Thomas Bach, announced the 2020 Summer Olympic Games, which were planned to be held in Tokyo, would be delayed until the following year in the interest of protecting pubic safety.


  • 美国法院裁决证实了一看法,包括1900年最高法院Paquete Habana 的裁决。

    U.S. court rulings confirmed this understanding, including the 1900 Supreme Court decision in Paquete Habana.


  • 美国大学78所海外分校包括英国所。

    American universities have 78 campuses overseas, including four in Britain.


  • 美国经济制裁——周四得以延期,包括冻结所有美国叙利亚资产禁止进口叙利亚的石油——收效甚微。

    American economic sanctions, which were extended on Thursday to include the freezing of all Syrian assets in America and banning the import of Syrian oil, will have little effect.


  • 越来越多公司不同地方生产包括美国合理

    Increasingly, it makes sense to make things in a variety of places, including America.


  • 越来越国家包括英国美国许多常规检测建立一个'选择退出'的基础上。

    In an increasing number of countries, including the UK and many US states, routine testing is now offered on an 'opt-out' basis.


  • 今天庆祝母亲节包括美国英国印度丹麦芬兰意大利土耳其澳大利亚墨西哥加拿大中国日本比利时几个国家

    Today Mothers day is celebrated in several countries including us, UK, India, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Mexico, Canada, China, Japan and Belgium.


  • 但是认为所有亚洲销售包括日本,与美国欧洲相比的话可能下降

    But he conceded that sales in Asia overall, including Japan, are likely to cool when compared to the U. S. and Europe.


  • 但是认为所有亚洲销售包括日本,与美国欧洲相比的话可能下降

    But he conceded that sales in Asia overall, including Japan, are likely to cool when compared to the U. S. and Europe.


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