• 了让各年龄阶段的学生认识到劳动教育的重要性,中共中央委员会最近发布了相关指导纲要。

    In order to stress the importance of hardworking spirit education among students of different ages, the Communist Party of China Central Committee recently released a guideline.


  • 来到会议室,向委员讲述亚拉巴马州有很多劳动人民不管是黑人还是白人伤残补助规定造成了不良影响,然后投下了极有影响力的一票

    He came to the meeting and cast a loud aye vote for our resolution, after telling the committee how many Alabama working people, black and white, had been hurt by the new disability rules.


  • 根据欧洲委员这种转会非法的,因为它们劳动法相抵触

    According to the European Commission, no such transfers are illegal because they contravene labor laws.


  • 保罗劳动就业部部长最近都催促欧盟委员会,仍旧限制两国工人国家施压,并明年完全消除这些限制。

    The two countries' labour ministers recently urged the commission to put pressure on those countries that still apply restrictions on their workers to lift them next year.


  • 全国律师协会劳动委员主任姜俊禄法律法规不健全这些歧视存在的根源

    Director of the Labour law committee under the all China Lawyers Association Jiang Junlu said the lack of related laws and regulations was at the root of all discriminations.


  • 经济顾问委员预测,全日制大学毕业生相比,市场接受两年制技术教育专业培训的劳动需求增长要快。

    The Council of Economic Advisers projects faster-growing demand for those with a two-year technical-college degree, or specific training, than for those with a full university degree.


  • 一个非盈利组织——美国劳动技能委员(the New Commissionon the Skillsof the American Workforce)美国招聘老师通常是选择排名下游大学毕业生

    The New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce, a non-profit organisation, says America typically recruits teachers from the bottom third of college graduates.


  • 中国国际贸易促进委员(CCPIT)昨日表示1000家企业进行调查显示劳动密集行业出口商利润率最低只有3%。

    Yesterday, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade said a survey of 1,000 businesses showed exporters in labour-intensive sectors generating profit margins as low as 3 per cent.


  • 案件处理之中,劳动仲裁委员工作人员支持女士的行为。他们说妇女怀孕丢失工作者权利当事人公司进行起诉

    The case continues and workers at the mediation committee support Luo, saying a woman losing her job due to pregnancy has the right to bring the company to court.


  • 劳动争议仲裁委员对回避申请应当及时作出决定口头或者书面方式通知当事人

    A labor dispute arbitration commission shall timely make a decision on an application for recusal and notify verbally or in writing the party of its decision.


  • 劳动争议仲裁委员应当将其解聘

    A labor dispute arbitration commission shall dismiss such an arbitrator.


  • 美联储就疲软的经济数据发表了自己的意见,美国经济的增长速度稍微公开市场委员之前预期”,劳动市场预期疲弱”。

    The Fed noted the weak data, saying that the economy was growing "somewhat more slowly than the committee had expected" while the labour market has been "weaker than anticipated".


  • 申请人收到仲裁申请书副本应当内向劳动争议仲裁委员提交答辩书

    Within ten days after receiving a copy of the written application for arbitration, a respondent shall submit a statement of defense to the labor dispute arbitration commission.


  • 调解书仲裁员签名加盖劳动争议仲裁委员印章,送达双方当事人。

    The statement of mediation shall be signed by the arbitrators, sealed by the labor-dispute arbitration commission and served on the parties.


  • 无法定代理人的,劳动争议仲裁委员指定代理人。

    Where such an agent is lacking, an agent shall be designated for him by the labor-dispute arbitration commission.


  • 企业劳动争议调解委员职工代表企业代表组成。

    The labor-dispute mediation commission of an enterprise shall be composed of representatives of employees and of the enterprise.


  • 劳动争议仲裁委员收到答辩书后,应当日内将答辩书副本送达申请人

    Within five days after receiving the statement of defense, the labor dispute arbitration commission shall submit a copy of the statement of defense to the applicant.


  • 是否延期劳动争议仲裁委员决定

    Whether a hearing shall be postponed shall be decided by a labor dispute arbitration commission.


  • 调解书仲裁员签名加盖劳动争议仲裁委员印章送达双方当事人。

    A mediation record shall be signed by the arbitrators, on which the seal of the labor dispute arbitration commission shall be affixed, and served on both parties.


  • 劳动争议仲裁委员收到答辩书后,应当日内答辩副本送达申请人

    The labor-dispute arbitration commission shall, within five days after it receives the statement of defense, serve a copy of the statement of defense on the applicant.


  • 裁决书仲裁员签名加盖劳动争议仲裁委员印章。

    An arbitral award shall be signed by the arbitrators, on which the seal of the labor dispute arbitration commission shall be affixed.


  • 提出仲裁的一应当劳动争议发生之日起60内向劳动争议仲裁委员提出书面申请

    The party applying for arbitration shall submit the arbitration application to Labor Dispute Arbitration Committee within 60 days when the labor dispute arises.


  • 劳动争议仲裁委员行政区划层层设立

    The labor dispute arbitration commissions shall not be established level by level according to administrative divisions.


  • 晚宴场合,人们班级委员工作劳动一般谈话无聊放宽

    Over dinner, people also talk about classes, committee work, and labor, but in general most conversations are frivolous and relaxing.


  • 本文城市社区探索新的劳动争议调解制度实践途径尝试构建新型社区劳动争议调解委员

    And then the author takes the city community as an example, groping for the approach to practice the new system, trying to rebuild the new type community labor dispute mediation committee.


  • 本文城市社区探索新的劳动争议调解制度实践途径尝试构建新型社区劳动争议调解委员

    And then the author takes the city community as an example, groping for the approach to practice the new system, trying to rebuild the new type community labor dispute mediation committee.


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