• 不过这会伴随着一次真正其他工作动力过剩

    But this will be accompanied by an actual surplus of labor in other occupations.


  • 报告警告,“中国动力过剩时代动力缺乏时代过渡。”

    "China is moving from an era of labor surplus into an era of labor shortage," the report cautions.


  • 我国动力市场具有两大特点动力过剩和劳动力需求垄断

    Two characteristics of the labor market are observed. One is excessive supply of labors, the other is monopolistic demand of labors.


  • 农村动力过剩导致农民增收困难、农村经济发展缓慢原因之一

    Present rural labor surplus is very serious, it also causes peasants' income increasing difficulty, and it is one of the reasons why the rural economy develops slowly.


  • 然而很多经济学家认为未来几年中国遭受动力过剩不是动力短缺

    Yet many economists argue that China is likely to suffer from a Labour surplus rather than a shortage for years to come.


  • 因此如果存在过剩动力那么一个简单工资下降能解决问题

    So, if there are surplus workers, then a simple drop in wages should solve the problem.


  • 所有这些情况,现在已经完全颠倒过来了:这里拥有过剩动力但却缺乏订单,而且没有一点复苏的迹象

    All of that has now reversed. There is a surplus of workers and an absence of orders, with no sign of any recovery.


  • (见表三)技术本地化匮乏存在的,中国将近60%的人口仍然居住乡村地区因此很难说中国过剩动力出现了枯竭

    There are localised skill shortages, but it is hard to believe that China's labour surplus is exhausted when almost 60% of the population still lives in rural areas.


  • 过剩动力以及低价自然资源特别是石油这是通缩的主要因素。

    Labor surplus and low prices of natural resources, especially oil, were the factors.


  • 尽管动力生产率在快速提升,但是,过剩动力使得工资维持低水平,这就引起了国内外制造产品价格下降

    The surplus labor kept wages stagnant despite rapid labor productivity increase, triggering declining prices of manufacturing goods within China and without.


  • 经济增长加快同时,动力过剩供给遏制了工资的上涨,使通胀保持在水平。

    Even as growth accelerated, a surplus supply of workers kept wages down and inflation low.


  • 由于动力供应过剩劳动者报酬仍然很低,从而限制消费者消费能力

    Wages remained low, due to ample labor supplies, and held down consumer spending.


  • 贝南克这些数据表明动力供应过剩情况单纯的失业率数字揭示还要大。目前的失业率是10.2%。

    'These data suggest that the excess supply of labor is even greater than indicated by the unemployment rate alone,' Mr. Bernanke said. The unemployment rate is now 10.2%.


  • 结合实际,从剩余动力转移存在困难原因等方面着手展开论述,提出使过剩农业动力顺利转移的对策。

    Drawing on difficulties and reasons existing in the smooth transfer of the surplus labor force, this paper tries to find the solution to this problem.


  • 研究认为,延长组长7油层压实作用产生过剩压力提供了油气初次运移动力

    The study shows that the driving force of primary hydrocarbon migration in Yanchang formation is provided by the superfluous pressure produced when Chang-7 oil layer set was compacted.


  • 这种全球经济视角储蓄不是动力(就像储蓄过剩假说中那样),而是系统中的霸权国家过度货币创造被动结果

    In this view of the world economy, savings are not a driving force, as in the savings-glut hypothesis, but a passive result of excess money creation by the system's hegemonic power.


  • 事实上中国贸易顺差主要动力在于国内过剩供给压力

    In fact, the main driver of China's trade surplus is excess supply pressure at home.


  • 预测确定各类人力资源供给需求状况而付出努力以便预告组织内部某些岗位部门可能出现动力短缺过剩

    Forecasting: the attempts to determine the supply of and demand for various types of human resources to predict areas within the organization where there will be future labor shortages or surpluses.


  • 社会转型时期,多种因素共同作用造成英国农村过剩动力产生了一系列社会问题

    During the transformation of society, the surplus labor in rural England produced by many factors working together, brought a series of social problems.


  • 职工下岗、失业农村过剩动力以及每年大量新增劳动力都使劳动力供给需求之间缺口越拉越大

    The gap between the labor force supply and demand is bigger and bigger now by the staff and workers unemployment, rural surplus labor force and large increasing labor force every year.


  • “民工我国动力依然过剩现象并存折射出我国经济社会生活许多深层次问题

    The phenomenon of Shortage of migrant workers and labor surplus still co-exists, and reflects many deep-rooted problems existing in our social and economic life.


  • 工资上涨导致有些人下结论说,中国农村过剩动力已经

    This acceleration of wages has prompted some to conclude that China's surplus Labour in the countryside has been used up.


  • 许多学者动力总量过剩以及城乡分治就业制度宏观角度这些现象进行解释

    Many scholars attempted to explain these problems from a macro-perspective, which involves such things as the difference of urban and rural employment systems and surplus labor force.


  • 作为人口大国,我国农村动力严重过剩,农村劳动力转移就业不仅经济问题而且成为了一个突出的社会问题

    As a populous country, China's surplus rural labor problem is serious. The employment of rural labor is not only an economic issue, but also become a prominent social problem.


  • 作为人口大国,我国农村动力严重过剩,农村劳动力转移就业不仅经济问题而且成为了一个突出的社会问题

    As a populous country, China's surplus rural labor problem is serious. The employment of rural labor is not only an economic issue, but also become a prominent social problem.


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