• 高的薪酬买到只是暂时舒适而不是加长快乐

    A higher salary buys temporary comfort, not prolonged happiness.


  • 前后制动器采用多种规格弹簧制动加长制动调整臂

    The front and rear brakes have the brake cylinder and brake modulator of several specifications.


  • 纯天然乳胶做成弹性好的加长家用手套用于洗衣洗碗防护

    Pure natural latex, a good stretch of home made flexible gloves. Protection when used in laundry washing.


  • 初期阶段目标期限通货膨胀稳定时期,目标期限长的倾向。

    The target limit is short at the early stage, but tends to be longer when the inflation is stable.


  • 奥卡利那,洋埙一种的赤陶制成塑料乐器吹口,加长

    A small terra-cotta or plastic wind instrument with finger holes a mouthpiece and an elongated ovoid shape.


  • 灯火通明柱廊时候,黑根看到两个女人正要进入加长的豪华轿车里面。

    While waiting in the floodlit colonnade of the mansion for his car, Hagen saw two women about to enter a long limousine already parked in the driveway.


  • 为了满足增强动力需求轰炸机装有加长收集板,它标准星际战斗机表面积大。

    For its increased power requirements, the bomber boasts elongated panels with greater surface areas than the standard starfighter.


  • 桑德善于使用大幅照相机镜头,且具有更长的曝光时间这样就可以聚焦于拍摄对象的细节部分

    Sander favoured large-format cameras with lengthy exposure times so he could focus on detail.


  • 如果高个子,那么你已经知道这点多余布料去给裁缝加长时候简直根救命稻草。

    If you're tall, you already know that this extra bit of fabric can be a life-saver when it comes to tailoring items to be a little longer.


  • 都市繁华惊扰了身体宁静工作繁忙打破了肌体的平衡,加长白天你失去健康活力

    The urban prosperity disrupts the physical tranquility; the busy work unbalances the body; the prolonged day robs you of your vigor!


  • 木琴一种打击乐器逐级加长一排排镶嵌的木棒组成,并发出半音音阶,两个木槌敲击。

    A percussion instrument consisting of a mounted row of wooden bars graduated in length to sound a chromatic scale, played with two small mallets.


  • 而伊夫,身形犹如加长下一代iPhone一样轻声细语,除了兴奋时候能够毁灭一切

    Eve, shaped like an elongated egg, is as cool as the next iPhone and whisper quiet, unless she's excited, in which case she has a tendency to blow things up.


  • 有人坐在走廊座位上看书,对面驶来加长货运列车,飞快的车速把气流送车厢,这时读书人才会抬起头来。

    Some people sat on the corridor seats and read, only looking up when an elongated freight train whooshed air into the carriage.


  • 加长圣诞剧集中我们看到Robin终于见到国王Richard并且诺丁汉长官卑鄙计划告诉

    A double Christmas episode would see Robin finally meet up with King Richard and warn him of the Sheriff of Nottingham's dastardly plans.


  • 两者(加长外套和皮裙)通过翻领连接起来……,搭扣本身就是力量象征:其它的一切都多余的。

    The lapels link them together, the tight boots call to order, the diminutive clutch is a symbol of power: nothing else is needed.


  • 每个来到世上,其实都是完成生命本书,这本书在不同阶段的历程中,由不断加长的辐射线渐渐变成螺旋形。

    Each one comes here to finish but one book of life, which, during the progress of its various parts, grows spiral-wise on an ever-increasing radius.


  • 提出,自由式学校提供一些选择——创新性教学手段加长学时——在家长中受欢迎,并将激励已有的学校效仿它们

    Schools which offer options that are popular with parents-such as innovative ways of teaching and extended school days-will inspire existing schools to emulate them, he argues.


  • 姚明睡床具体尺寸尚未透露,此前有关官员介绍,(奥运村)为姚明以及其他一些身材特别高大运动员定制特殊加长床垫

    The size of Yao's bed was not detaied but officials have said previously Yao and other especially tall athletes will sleep on special, extended mattresses.


  • 姚明睡床具体尺寸尚未透露,此前有关官员介绍,(奥运村)为姚明以及其他一些身材特别高大运动员定制特殊加长床垫

    The size of Yao's bed was not detailed but officials have said previously Yao and other especially tall athletes will sleep on special, extended mattresses.


  • 天后凯文挤过龙卷风一样旋转玻璃门出了Newark机场外面,就看见加长的豪华大奔,已经面前人过道

    Five days later, Kevin exited Newark Airport through an automated tornado of revolving glass, just as a Mercedes limousine slid to a stop in the passenger pickup lane in front of him.


  • 由于加长车身使得车厢的鼻部尾部显得过于突出而造成坦克行进时会被卡住,所以这种履带的底盘系统除了能在平地行驶之外无法逾越其他的地势。

    The short tractor assemblies were useless over anything but flat roads as the elongated hull protruding fore and aft caused the system to get stuck.


  • 垃圾食品已经导致了美国每日摄取超过1000卡里路,远远超过了他们所需要的,Rotheram-Borus 说.持续媒体暴光人们带来了压力使人们正常人际交往中麻木.在为此买单同时,人们正在忍受逐渐加长工作时间上下班时间.

    Constant media exposure creates stress while also numbing people to normal human interaction. And to pay for it all, people are working longer hours and enduring longer commutes.


  • 交通专家告诉记者就业增长可能也起到一定作用,加上一些通勤距离加长

    A transportation expert told the reporter that job growth likely plays a part as well, along with some people driving longer distances to and from work.


  • 报告摘抄过去的文件加长了篇幅。

    The report was padded out with extracts from previous documents.


  • 此书的美国版本只有155,但具有加长分量

    The 155-page American edition of the book packs the intellectual heft of a much longer text.


  • 大熊猫2017年至2019年展出确认我们对话伙伴关系承诺

    The two giant pandas will be on show from 2017 to 2019 to confirm our long term conversation partnership promise between China and Canada.


  • 豪华轿车司机开着加长轿车送机场指给我看伦敦景色

    The limo driver was driving me to the airport and was pointing out the scenes in London.


  • 公园地区遥远,使得徒步划水旅行的路程大为加长,徒步和划水是北极荒野交通的首选方法

    The park’s remote location make extended backpacking or paddling trips the preferred methods for taking in its Arctic wilderness.


  • 公园地区遥远,使得徒步划水旅行的路程大为加长,徒步和划水是北极荒野交通的首选方法

    The park’s remote location make extended backpacking or paddling trips the preferred methods for taking in its Arctic wilderness.


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