• 焊剂电弧中的位置约束电弧关键决定着电弧加热特性

    Position of flux strip in its constricting arc is the key to constrain arc, which decides the heating characteristics of arc.


  • 算法同时研究典型中纬度电离层加热特性以往高纬度结果进行了比较。

    This algorithm is also applied to study the heated properties of the ionosphere at typical middle latitudes and the results are compared with that by previous authors for high latitudes.


  • 介绍了反射聚焦小型太阳炉设计制作加热特性分析了热处理生产中应用可行性

    The design, manufacture and heating characteristic of a small solar furnace were introduced. The feasibility of its application in heat treatment was analyzed.


  • 研究了电磁成形宽厚板状感应加热特性,推导了电磁成形大宽厚比板状件单位体积感应加热功率公式

    The model of induction heating power for unit volume of plate-form part with big flakiness ratio was obtained.


  • 通过水稻等农产物料进行了光谱特性分析试验研究,提出红外辐射除了特性之外,还有选择性加热特性的重要结论。

    Based on the analysis and experimental studies of infrared spectral character, the selective heating character was put forward besides the heat character of infrared radiation.


  • 举例来说,就是蛋白加热时候转变颜色质感原因:蛋白中的化学键断开重新形成,改变了物理特性

    This, for instance, is why egg white changes colour and texture when cooked: bonds in the albumen in the white break and reform, changing its physical properties.


  • 电镀加热内应力电镀时与1%沉积避免特性

    After plating with heating except with 1% of the internal stress or plating of sedimentary can avoid this lead a characteristics.


  • 根据六水硝酸铀酰(unh)动力学特性,将微波加热减压振动流化床用于UNH脱硝过程价值的脱硝工艺。

    A new denitration process of UNH which is reduced pressure vibro fluidized bed with microwave heating is well worth research based on the denitration kinetics characteristics of UNH.


  • 本文利用组合式电热辐射实验研究加热地板采暖辐射板传热特性

    In this paper, the heat-transfer characteristics of the heating panel of an electric heating radiation floor system were investigated.


  • 微波萃取技术传统加热提取技术相比具有提取时间温度耗能低、品质高等优良特性

    Compared with the traditional technique of heating extraction, the microwave extraction technique is characteristic of short time, low temperature, low consumption and high quality.


  • 加热幅度取决于电磁场幅度频率同时也取决于该物体特性例如电阻率、尺寸以及形状

    The amount of heating depends on the amplitude and frequency of the magnetic field, as well as on the characteristics of the object such, as its resistivity, size, and shape.


  • 实验通过建立数学模型传统莲蓉蒸汽加热过程的扩散升温特性进行研究。

    The thermal diffusivity and the calefactive characteristic of Lianrong bread by steam heating were studied via establishing math model.


  • 超高速弹箭存在气动加热现象严重影响弹道特性

    The phenomenon of aerodynamic heating and ablation for hypervelocity projectues seriously affects the characteristics of the exterior ballistics.


  • 太阳能集热器热水自然循环加热的太阳能转换系统卵石特性进行了实验研究。

    Thermal characteristics of the gravel layer in the system heated by hot water natural circulation with solar collector were studied.


  • 感应加热电源负载输出频率功率开关管工作频率二倍,且功率开关器件工作时具有软开关特性需要高频应用的场合很意义

    Since its output frequency is as twice as the device frequency and it has the merit of soft-switching characteristic, multiple-frequency induction heater is widely used in high frequency application.


  • 微波辐射提取技术传统加热提取技术相比,具有提取时间温度耗能低、品质高等优良特性

    The special feature of microwave extraction technique over traditional heat extraction is short time, low temperature, low energy consumption and high product quality.


  • 介绍了激光加热辐射时间特性研究

    The study of radiation time property for cavity target heated by laser is reported.


  • 加石墨型的特性红外加热原理进行了分析,经试验确定了红外预热铸型工艺。

    The character of machining graphic mould and the principle of infrared heating have been analyzed.


  • 微波流化床结合了微波加热特点流化床特性设计的新型流化床。

    Microwave fluidized bed is a new type of fluidized bed, which is a combination of microwave heating characteristics and the characteristics of fluidized bed.


  • 利用快速加热可对保持原有组织特性材料进行轧制

    The fast heating method could be used in the rolling process for the material which was required to keep its original structure and property after rolling.


  • 传统液体循环加热体量在泵蒸发器、热交换器空气移动装置选择可以应用考虑载流体的热血特性的情况下。

    Traditional hydronic sizing methods can be used for selecting pumps, expansion tanks, heat exchangers, and air removal devices, as long as the heat transfer liquid's thermal properties are considered.


  • 大豆品种中农13为试验材料,研究不同浸泡条件加热条件以及凝固条件豆腐凝固质量特性影响

    The soybean variety Zhongnong13 was used to study the effect of soaking, heating and coagulating conditions on tofu-gel strength and water-holding capacity.


  • 物料加热表面受到对流冷却,讨论了物料吸收系数折射率导热系数,换系数,物料表面辐射特性温度影响

    The effects of absorption coefficient, refractive index, heat conductivity, convective heat-transfer coefficient and radiative properties of the surf ace on the temperature field are discussed too.


  • 燃气互换性以及燃烧特性参数等方面水煤气作为原油输运加热炉替代燃料进行了可行性分析。

    The feasibility of changing natural gas into water gas was discussed in aspects of flaming gas exchangeability and combustion characteristic parameter.


  • 微波加热后,影响稻米品质活力明显下降稻米食用品质和糊化特性变化不大

    After rice was dryied with microwave, the activity of debranching enzyme which effects on the rice quality decreased greatly, but the cooking quality and gelatinization property had little change.


  • 常压去离子水为工质,自然循环工况下上升加热段内单相摩擦阻力对流传热特性进行实验研究。

    The friction and convective heat transfer of single phase water flow in a vertical heated tube at natural circulation condition were experimentally investigated.


  • 工艺性能模拟分析表明,此结构具有SOI器件泄漏电流低输出电容特性而且抑制加热效应效应。

    The novel LDMOSFET did not degrade the advantage of SOI structure's low leakage current and parasitic capacitance, which also suppressed the self-heating effects and floating body effects.


  • 蒸汽加热控制由于具有惯性延迟特性,一直以来自动控制一大难题。

    It's very hard to automatic control of steam heating because of high inertia and delay.


  • 蒸汽加热控制由于具有惯性延迟特性,一直以来自动控制一大难题。

    It's very hard to automatic control of steam heating because of high inertia and delay.


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