• 玻璃窗闪闪发光加热了金属片

    The panes glowed like plates of heated metal .


  • 东西尝起来无味了,就像加热纸板一样

    It tasted indescribably bland and insipid, like warmed cardboard.


  • 加热没有了,天气预报员今晚气温降到零度以下。

    My heater is not getting any power and weatherman says the temperature is to fall below zero tonight.


  • 这种加热发生非常之快,而不像其他除冰方式把热量浪费了物体表面或者冰上

    It happens so quickly that, unlike other de-icing methods, heat is not wasted warming up the [object's] surface or the ice.


  • 西在驻地里面点燃了一个露营丙烷加热还是很冷

    Marcy lights a propane camp heater inside the stand, but it's still cold.


  • 这些电流定向加热进入肿瘤电极针加热破坏癌细胞

    These currents create heat around the electrode, which when directed into the tumor, heats and destroys the cancer cells.


  • 火焰加热空气使之冲向高空的大气形成云团

    Fires heat the air, pushing it high into the atmosphere where it can cool into clouds.


  • 李师傅重要,这时一定要千万不要加热那样就会过头了。

    'it's important that the fire is off, so you don't add any heat to the meat and overcook it,' he says.


  • 时间到后不要急着拿出来,让面团微波炉里“休息3分钟然后再加热3分钟,“休息”6分钟,现在取出来看看,你的面团是不是一个变成两个大了?

    Heat for 3 minutes longer, then let rest for 6 minutes. The dough will double in bulk.


  • 加热烧死它们如果每天都能房子不同地方看见小强,你就需要针对它们的老巢了。

    Burn them with a Heat Gun: if you see cockroaches everyday in different parts of your house, you need to go after their colonies.


  • 然而今天坐椅已经有了记住调整不同驾驶员位置以及打开关闭座位中的加热装置功能

    Yet today's seats have functionality to "remember" and adjust position for different drivers, and to turn heating devices in the seat on and off.


  • 柔和300加热西班牙样品看看这样能否保留更多橄榄风味

    I also heated a sample of the Spanish oil more gently, to 300 degrees, to see whether it might retain more olive flavor.


  • 尘埃阻隔星云大部分可见光,但同时也被星云隐藏的年轻恒星光芒加热了,在WISE红外镜头的帮助之下,美丽的色彩便一览无余了。

    Dust blocks the view of most of this nebula in visible light.But that dust is also warmed by the light of the young stars it conceals, giving WISE a view of its beautiful infrared colors.


  • 尘埃阻隔星云大部分可见光同时也被星云隐藏的年轻恒星光芒加热,在WISE红外镜头的帮助之下,美丽色彩便一览无余了。

    Dust blocks the view of most of this nebula in visible light. But that dust is also warmed by the light of the young stars it conceals, giving WISE a view of its beautiful infrared colors.


  • 这些信息就可以满怀信心直面妻子。你肯定赢得这场谈话离婚的讨论可能会比这烈。

    Armed with this information you can confront your wife with confidence. You are sure to win the conversation. The divorce is likely to be more keenly contested.


  • 空气在进入气管加热气管底部分成个导气管通向每一侧的,这两人分支被叫做支气管

    The air is warmed up before passing down the windpipe, where it's divided at the bottom between two airways called bronchi that lead to either lung.


  • 这套设备利用水泥生产排放出的废气中的热量通过热交换的原理,晾干了水泥熟料,又加热锅炉里的从而形成水蒸气,最后推动涡轮转动发电。

    The system USES the heat from waste gases produced in the kiln during the cement-making process both to dry the cement and to heat water in a boiler that drives a turbine to produce electricity.


  • 鼓风机将氦气反应堆经过核裂变释放出大量能量的小球,加热

    Blowers move helium gas through the reactor and over the pebbles, where nuclear fission releases large amounts of energy, heating up the helium.


  • 人们外出屋子供暖由于墙壁热力管线的散热他们加热了屋顶上空间

    People heat their homes when they are not there and, thanks to leaks in their walls and heating ducts, also heat the airspace above their roof.


  • 同时,新恒星释放出强烈的紫外线辐射加热气体,从而星云发光

    Meanwhile, newborn stars are emitting intense ultraviolet radiation, heating the gas and causing the nebula to glow.


  • 为了检验这个理论科学家通过一个火坑里加热岩石,重现远古工匠们可能做法

    To test the theory, the scientists recreated what ancient tool makers might have done by heating a pile of silcrete stone in a fire pit.


  • 我们打发一位兄弟同去。热心,我们许多事上,屡次试验过,现在他因为深信你们

    And we have sent with them our brother, whom we have oftentimes proved diligent in many things, but now much more diligent, upon the great confidence which I have in you.


  • 这次的传感器人工绒毛取代加热过的细丝

    Instead of heated filaments, these sensors have artificial hairs.


  • 然而尽管会议最终顺利的举行,似乎对于这个问题争议了,格斯粒子似乎措手可得。

    However, although the meeting ultimately ran smoothly, it seems likely that arguments over this issue will become more heated now that the Higgs particle is perceived to be within reach.


  • 还有洗衣机耗电一步是给水加热通常洗衣服用30的水可以了。

    Also, most of the electricity used inwashing comes from heating the machine, so turn it down. Normally soiledlaundry will wash well at 30 degrees.


  • 如果磁场加热细胞我们组织造成长期性的损伤

    If they transmit heat to our cells, they can damage tissue over a long period of time.


  • 环境温度的上升正在逐步融化冰川两极的冰架同时它又直接地加热了海洋使海洋膨胀,海平面升高。

    Rising temperatures are melting glaciers and ice sheets, as well as warming the oceans directly, which causes them to expand.


  • 这种车辆装备强大的加热设备,可处理大约100立方米冰雪。

    The vehicle is equipped with powerful heating and capable of processing approximately 100 cubic meters of snow and ice.


  • 这种车辆装备强大的加热设备,可处理大约100立方米冰雪。

    The vehicle is equipped with powerful heating and capable of processing approximately 100 cubic meters of snow and ice.


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