• 立法者将“购买美国货”条款加入今年经济刺激方案严格禁止美国工作国外技术工人人数

    Lawmakers added "Buy American" clauses to this year's stimulus package, and there are still absurdly tight limits on the number of skilled foreigners who can work in America.


  • 随后迈克·唐奈修改了讲话,并在讲话稿加入一个条款奴隶制是内战诱因”。造成的破坏国家造成意味深长,不可磨灭的影响。

    McDonnell then rewrote the proclamation, adding a clause that "slavery led to the war", but the damage to his national standing was profound.


  • 1991年,荷兰小城马斯特里赫特召开欧盟峰会制定欧元运作诸多基本准则德国坚持将该条款加入条约。

    That clause was inserted in 1991, at the insistence of Germany, at the eu summit in Maastricht, the Dutch town where many of the ground rules for the euro were set down.


  • 他们的加入条约还有另外一附加条款,即其他欧盟成员国可以拒绝认可该国法庭判决书

    Another sanction in their accession treaties is that other EU members may refuse to recognise court judgments.


  • 巩献田法案起草者已经加入保护国有财产条款

    Mr Gong says the drafters have added provisions on the protection of state property.


  • 商谈最后阶段,提案又加入减少纳税人损失条款

    In the final stages of negotiations, new provisions intended to recoup taxpayer losses were added.


  • 如果之后你有想起什么需要加入条款可以做成附录双方人签署了它,把附录附原始的那份协议的后面。

    If something comes up later that drastically changes the project it is best to write up an addendum, have all parties sign it, and attach it to the original agreement.


  • 共和党过去几天中一直坚持不在协议加入条款

    Republicans have insisted repeatedly over the last few days that the deal does not include tax rises.


  • 此类条款并不具备加入前谈判所产生力量那时小小的失误会很容易转变成又一漫长的等待。

    They have none of the power of pre-accession talks, when a single mis-step can easily mean another year of delay.


  • 侵权责任法》将“过度医疗加入侵权责任条款目的保护患者合法权益

    "Excessive treatment" is added into tort liability provision in tort liability Act, on the purpose to protect the legitimate right and interest of patients.


  • 而根据中国加入WTO条款其他国家可以无条件引用美国的措施。

    Under the terms on which China entered the WTO, others can impose safeguards simply because America has.


  • 可以在合同加入所依据法律、合同发生地律师费条款有了这些条款一旦合同引起诉讼已经客户打这场诉讼战准备一些弹药”。

    Consider including choice of law, venue selection, and attorneys fee clauses. If your contract gets litigated, you might as well give your client some "ammunition" for the fight.


  • 为了小心起见我们合约中加入了几条款

    As a caution, we inserted several provisions in our contract.


  • 阅读条款之前,加入使用网站

    Please read terms before joining or using site.


  • 我们希望你们介意协议加入条款

    We hope that you won't object to our inserting such a clause in the agreement.


  • 本文通过引用大量数据资料结合WTO相关条款,认真分析了加入WTO国内钢铁企业带来机遇挑战

    The article analyses the chances and challenges brought by China's entry into WTO by quoting a large quantity of data and combining related WTO clauses.


  • 中国开始大力游说条款加入这份报告中。这份报告过去温室气体排放都怪罪富有国家美国

    China initially lobbied hard to insert a clause into the report that laid the blame on the greenhouse gas emissions in the past on rich nations such as the United States.


  • 米多本来准备夏天加入伯明翰,最后谈崩了因为米多部分合同条款满意

    Mido had been poised to join Birmingham earlier in the summer but the move collapsed because he was not happy with certain aspects of his contract.


  • 本文针对这一问题,分析其中原因建议设计合同中加入要求设计单位投保工程设计责任险条款提出相应的操作办法。

    This paper analyses the reason of the phenomena, and proposes to add the clause of liability insurance for design enterprises, and some concrete implementary Suggestions are also given.


  • 立法者将“购买美国货”条款加入今年经济刺激方案严格禁止美国工作国外技术工人人数

    Lawmakers added "Buy American" clauses to this year 's stimulus package, and absurdly tight limits on the number of skilled foreigners who can work in America.


  • 条款公认中国加入世界贸易组织所接受四个不利条款之一

    Product-specific protection clause is recognized as one of the four unfavorable clauses after China entered WTO.


  • 滥用税收协定主要措施就是税收协定中加入反滥用条款

    The major measure to avoid the international tax treaty shopping is to add the specifical articles in the international tax treaty.


  • 欧盟已经美国发出警告,称美国经济刺激计划加入的“美国货”条款可能违反了国际贸易规则

    The European Union has warned the U. S. that proposed 'Buy American' provisions in planned stimulus spending could break trade rules.


  • XXX每一分包合同加入下述条款:”XXX已授权公司后者委派此类分包合同,无须此类分包商的同意

    XXX shall include a provision in every subcontract that it places authorizing assignment of such subcontract to COMPANY without requiring further consent from such subcontractor.


  • 继续使用网站等使用即构成接收隐私权政策任何更新,本隐私权政策加入使用条款规范。

    If you continue to use the website, said use constitutes your acceptance of the Privacy Policy and any updates. The Privacy Policy is incorporated into and is subject to the Terms of use.


  • 我们已经俱乐部过了,转会中加入出售附加条款现在达成协议已经不远了。

    We have held talks with them, and with a sell-on clause inserted in the deal we are not far off agreement.


  • 双方必须诚意的努力达成所有细节条款一致意见协议以书面形式表现双方签字加入合同

    The parties must make a good faith attempt to agree on all necessary particulars. Such agreements are to be evidenced in writing, signed by the parties and added to this contract.


  • 双方必须诚意的努力达成所有细节条款一致意见协议以书面形式表现双方签字加入合同

    The parties must make a good faith attempt to agree on all necessary particulars. Such agreements are to be evidenced in writing, signed by the parties and added to this contract.


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