• 提出协同MES(制造执行系统)概念

    The concept of collaborative MES (manufacturing execution system) is put forward.


  • 制造执行系统(MES)3生产运行监测监督

    Manufacturing Execution System (MES) 3. Operational monitoring and supervision of production.


  • 并进一步其结合在一起,提出了广义制造执行系统概念

    Furthermore, the concept of General Manufacturing Execution System (GMES) is put forward.


  • 利用文献计量方法,对制造执行系统现状进行了分析

    The purpose of this paper is to explore the research status of MES by employing bibliometric analysis.


  • 阐述制造执行系统基于状态关键设备的预防性维护和车间作业计划管理

    This article enunciates preventive maintenance based on the state of key equipments in manufacturing execution system and management of workshop planning and scheduling.


  • 讨论制造执行系统(MES)产生背景给出了MES的定义相关模型

    The background of Manufacturing Execution System (MES) is introduced. The definition and related models of MES are given.


  • 为了提高制造执行系统整体执行性能,需要单元生产业绩进行分析评价

    In order to enhance the total performance of manufacturing execution system, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the performance of each manufacturing unit.


  • 针对快速扩散制造过程若干核心问题提出支持快速扩散制造制造执行系统

    Aiming at some core issue of REM, Manufacturing Execution System (MES) supporting REM is put forward.


  • 介绍制造执行系统功能制造执行系统管理系统控制系统关系信息流

    This paper introduces the functions of the manufacturing execution system, the relationship and information flow among MES, production management system and device control system.


  • 本文重点对单元化制造环境制造执行系统体系结构制造单元优化重组问题进行研究

    This paper will mainly study the MES architecture under cellular manufacturing environment and the manufacturing cells optimal reconfiguration problem.


  • 上述研究成果已经课题组开发车间制造执行系统得到应用,取得了较好的应用效果

    The research results mentioned above has been adopted into workshop manufacturing execution system developed by our project teem and obtained good application effects.


  • 通过MES定位分析功能模型分解,构建了基于组件技术DNC网络的制造执行系统

    A manufacturing executive system based on groupware and DNC has been established through analyzing the role of MES and decomposing its function model.


  • 最后根据不同车间适用场合分别介绍了制造执行系统车间过程控制系统接口方式

    Finally, according to different situations in workshop, two kinds of interface methods between MES and Process Control System were introduced.


  • 最后本文制造执行系统报表程序相关数据库结构进行了设计,完成报表的基本功能

    Finally, for the purpose of the fundamental function of the report, the report program and the relevant database structures of MES are also designed in this article.


  • 制造执行系统(MES)可以车间物料进行有效管理控制但又缺乏库存的管理。

    MES can control and manage the material of workshop tier effectively, lacking of management for inventory.


  • 按照这种框架所构建制造执行系统能够实现生产作业计划实时调度以及生产过程的实时控制

    According to this structure, constructing MES will be able to realize real-time scheduling of production task planning and real-time control of production process.


  • 本项目组合作企业应用背景设计开发了敏捷化车间制造执行系统(amesV1.0)。

    Taking a cooperative factory as application background, the project team have designed and developed an agile MES software (AMES V1.0).


  • 制造执行系统处于计划现场操作控制之间执行,主要负责企业生产管理调度执行

    Manufacturing Execution System(MES)is the bridge between enterprise planning level and control level of the workshop, Which is responsible for the production management and scheduling execution.


  • 技术路线设计方法开发方法、项目管理等多个角度阐述了钢铁企业制造执行系统技术实现方法

    From the path of technology, design method, development method and project management, the technical implementing methods of MES for steel enterprises are expatiated.


  • CSP薄板带钢生产主流工艺之一制造执行系统CSP生产线运行管理中起着至关重要作用

    CSP technology is one of the mainstream technologies in thin slab production. Manufacturing execution system plays an important role in the operational management for CSP production line.


  • 本文分析了制造执行系统功能提出了制造执行系统功能模型数据流程模型,设计了制造执行系统

    Functions of manufacturing execution system were analyzed. The function model and data flow model of manufacturing execution system were presented. A manufacturing execution system was designed.


  • 根据APICS的定义,制造执行系统一种参与车间控制程序系统组成的工厂车间信息通讯系统

    According to APICS, a Manufacturing Execution system is a factory floor information and communications system consisting of programs and systems that participate in shop floor control.


  • 在网络联盟企业中采用分布式制造执行系统可以提高制造单元自主管理能力企业全球经济竞争应变能力。

    It also can improve the independent management capability of manufacturing cell and the enterprise response capability to global economic competition.


  • 生产计划调度系统钢铁企业制造执行系统(MES)核心,亦是整个综合自动化集成系统重要组成部分。

    The production planning and scheduling system is the core of MES iron and steel enterprise, its directly affect the efficiency and cost of steel enterprise.


  • 本文着重介绍了宝钢钢管厂制造执行系统主要功能实现,以及软件设计遇到某些特殊问题及处理方法

    The main functions and realization of MES for quality adjusting zone in Baosteel steel Tube Works are introduced. The resolvents of some special problems meeting in software design are discussed.


  • MES一个精确调度、发送、跟踪、监控车间生产信息过程,且能够及时测量和报告其实性能制造执行系统

    MES is a process which can attemper, end, track, watch the production information of plant. In addition, it can survey in time and return real time performance.


  • 本文首先制造执行系统领域作了比较全面分析基础上,提出一种CIMS环境下制造执行系统的软件功能模型

    On the basis of detail analysis of MES, a functional model of MES in CIMS was presented firstly in this paper.


  • AMCS基于现场控制系统FCS控制结构,在功能上则融合了制造执行系统MES车间管理功能FCS的控制功能。

    Based on the two layer control structure of FCS, AMCS integrates the plant management ability of MES and the control ability of FCS.


  • 面向车间生产分析车间生产管理主要角色例,建立制造执行体系结构制造执行系统关键技术作了详细分析。

    The main Actors and Use-cases are analyzed in the plant floor manufacturing environment and the system architecture of MES is set up. Then the key technologies are analyzed.


  • 制造执行系统位于上层计划管理系统与底层工业控制之间面向车间的管理系统,是上层计划层底层控制之间信息交流的桥梁。

    Manufacturing Execution System(MES) is a management information system of the workshop layer witch lies between the planning system of the upper layer and industrial control of the ground floor.


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