• 中国国家图书馆京师图书馆,敕建清宣统元年(1909),1912年正式开馆接待读者。

    The predecessor of the National Library of China is the Metropolitan Library founded in 1909. In 1912, the Library opened to the public.


  • 吴湖帆(1894- 1968),万,字东庄,署丑簃,号倩书画

    Wu Hufan (1894-1968), the early name wing yan, word Yu jun, changed its name, the word ", also known as qian, don't ugly, qian guan, calligraphy and painting named lake sails."


  • 耶鲁大学(YaleUniversity坐落美国康乃狄格州纽黑文市的私立大学始创于1701“大学学院”(Collegiate School)。

    Yale University is a leads located in Connecticut, new private University, Founded in 1701 years, Beginning name is" Collegiate School".


  • 20世纪,一位叫约翰·埃尔弗雷斯·沃特金斯的美国工程师对今天的生活进行了预测。

    At the start of the 20th century, an American engineer named John Elfreth Watkins made predictions about life today.


  • 到2021年,参加项目的学校还将扩大至120所学校,惠及21000学生。”阿德恩在霍克湾一所学校里准备午餐时说道。

    The number will extend to 21,000 students in 120 schools by the start of 2021 ," Ardern said while she was serving up lunch at a school in Hawke's Bay.


  • 本周迈阿密热火谈起这件事时,他们知道接下来会发生什么,”球员经纪人谈起过去48小时发生戏剧性转变时这样

    "I spoke with Miami early this week and they had no idea at that time what was going on," a player agent said of the dramatic turn of events these past 48 hours.


  • 20世纪法官宗法律案件中对房东提起诉讼,房客处理臭虫,案件的整个过程妇孺皆知

    Bedbugs, one judge remarked in an early 20th century lawsuit against a landlord, "can be dealt with by the tenant by processes known to all housewives."


  • 村民们已经要求移除这些废料。这些废料2008年在首都达喀尔致死20儿童以后六月底七月运送倾倒在这里的。

    Villagers have demanded the removal of the waste which was dumped at the end of June and early in July near their land after killing 20 children in the capital Dakar in 2008.


  • 希拉里3月曾推出为《凌晨3竞选广告,其中用了一熟睡女孩视频资料。

    Hillary Clinton's campaign AD "3 am" aired this month includes file images of a sleeping little girl.


  • 本文中,我们了解客户企业社交软件历程

    In this article, we've Shared the journey of customers who have taken the first steps into enterprise social software.


  • 八月上演部署4000武装士兵占领重要城市敏感地点(火车站商业中心等等)的好戏。

    At the beginning of August, it made a show of deploying 4000 armed soldiers to control sensitive points in big cities (train stations, commercial centres and so on.)


  • 今年10首次公开发表的故事拍卖会上东欧收藏家购得。

    The story, which was published for the first time in early October, was bought by an Eastern European collector at auction.


  • 上世纪70年代佐治亚大学生物学专业研究生马克迪丽娅欧文斯突然产生了在遥远非洲重新安家冲动。

    In the early nineteen-seventies, Mark and Delia Owens, two graduate students in biology at the University of Georgia, were seized by the idea of resettling in remotest Africa.


  • 所有11候选人五月汉密尔顿参加面试,最终结果将于5月6日揭晓。

    All 11 hopefuls will be flown to Hamilton Island in early May for interviews, and one will be declared the winner on May 6.


  • 二十世纪九十年代俄罗斯军官宣布,能够训练海豚攻击敌方舰只

    In the early 1990s, a Russian military officer allegedly trained several dolphins to attack enemy ships.


  • 2006,3300英军士兵被部署当地,却给一切火上浇油。

    The deployment of 3,300 British troops there in early 2006 poured petrol on this fire.


  • 2006,3300英军士兵被部署在当地,却给一切火上浇油。

    The deployment of 3, 300 British troops there in early 2006 poured petrol on this fire.


  • 空军第822飞行学员18日结束教机飞行训练全部转入空军某歼击机飞行学院开始战斗机高教机飞行训练。

    The 8th batch of 22 female pilots have been enlisted into a fighter-jet flying academy for advanced flight training after completing their initial flight training Wednesday.


  • 一发现来自长期研究项目,研究人员对英国6014公务员进行调查他们年龄介于39岁至61岁之间,其中三分之二为男性。他们上世纪90年代调查研究开始都拥有健康心脏

    The findings came from a long-term research project into 6, 014 British civil servants aged 39-61, two-thirds of whom were men, who had healthy hearts at the start of the probe in the early 1990s.


  • 21世纪人口估计显示大概有4500万帕诺亚格人。

    Early 21st-century population estimates indicated some 4, 500 Wampanoag descendants.


  • 史密斯出生于苏格兰那里接受了教育。 在19世纪40年代,史密斯来到曼彻斯特,并成为从事空气污染研究的专家

    Scottish born and educated, Smith arrived in Manchester in the early 1840s and became an expert on atmospheric pollution.


  • 二十世纪玛丽安·安德森出生于宾夕法尼亚州费城刚开始教堂唱歌,不久她那浑厚动听的嗓音在她所在的教区出了

    Marian Anderson was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the early nineteen hundreds. She began singing in church.


  • 所有选手演讲完后,我们当场决出一等奖2二等奖3三等奖4

    And this competition will be decided at 2 first prize, 3 second prize and 4 third prize.


  • 本文中,刚刚毕业大学生分享职场第一次接触现实社会的经历

    Here, three recent graduates share their experience of starting their first job and getting their first taste of real life.


  • 本文中,刚刚毕业大学生分享职场第一次接触现实社会的经历

    Here, three recent graduates share their experience of starting their first job and getting their first taste of real life.


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