• 中毕业的时候,我希望做一些有趣的事情。

    When I graduate from junior high school, I hope to go something interesting.


  • 完试后,我们就初中毕业了。

    We are leaving junior high school after the exams.


  • 天我们要参加初中毕业典礼。

    We will attend the junior high graduation ceremony tomorrow.


  • 们将参加2019年6月21日举行的初中毕业典礼。

    We will attend the junior high graduation ceremony on June 21st, 2019.


  • 于我们,我们是15岁的初中毕业生,不再是小孩子了。

    As for us, fifteen-year-olds, who are finishing middle school, we're no longer younger children.


  • 因为身体残疾初中毕业小星不得不辍学

    Due to the physical handicap, he had to drop out after graduation from junior middle school.


  • 一年暑假刚好初中毕业小孩新疆

    This year happens to be the summer I graduated from junior high school to the children in Xinjiang.


  • 所以尽管初中毕业了,仍然有很多机会见到老师

    So even if I've already finished my junior school, I still can see Miss Pan often.


  • 义务教育时间85开始小学14初中毕业

    The duration of compulsory education is 8 years, starting from primary education at the age of 5 up to completion of junior secondary at the age of 14.


  • 初中毕业进入高职教育首先遇到问题专业兴趣培养

    After entering higher schools, the first problem of junior middle school graduates is the cultivation of professional interests.


  • 初中毕业,论做生意,10个大学生不是俺俩对手。

    His mother and I only have middle school qualification, but in business world, none of the college students can stand in line with us.


  • 中考联招制度作为初中毕业升高中的考试招生方式其影响与日俱增。

    JAC entrance examination system, as an entrance examination and enrollment method for a junior high school student to go to senior high schools, has more and more impact.


  • 父母初中毕业离异了,今年年初亲爱的奶奶永远地离开了

    My parents got divorced after I graduated from Junior High. At the beginning of this year, my most loved grandma passed away.


  • 初中毕业以后上了中等技术学校,在那里成为一名汽车修理工

    After junior high school he went to a trade school where he learned to be an auto mechanic.


  • 2007年,17黄冬梅初中毕业放弃了升高中的机会决定南下广东打工。

    Huang Dongmei graduated from the junior middle school in 2007 she was 17 years old at that time. She quitted the chance to go to the senior high school and decided to find a job in Guangdong.


  • 当然最终大学毕业可能触及一个高中初中毕业得多最高值。

    And ultimately, of course, the college graduation rate is likely to hit a substantially lower ceiling than that for high school or elementary school.


  • 初中毕业以后如愿考入师范学校现在我正为了实现梦想而努力奋斗

    After my graduation of middle school, I was admitted to a normal school as I wished. And now, I am trying my best to realize my dream.


  • 学生们双文初中毕业能精通注音与拼音系统正体简体中文字体

    By the time they graduate from Middle School, students are proficient users of two phonetic systems and of both traditional and simplified Chinese characters.


  • 当时还有半个学期就要初中毕业朋友麦德约我一起私立的默乐高中。

    At that time, I only had one quarter of junior high left. My friend, Matt, persuaded me to come with him to take the test for Moeller.


  • 张艺谋1968年初中毕业,在陕西农村插队劳动,陕西咸阳国棉工人。

    After graduation from junior middle school in 1968, Zhang yimou worked in the rural areas of Qianxian County of Shaanxi Province and later was a worker in Xianyang No. 8 Cotton Factory of Shaanxi.


  • 一名当地中学教师告诉记者,要取得初中毕业证书就必须参加中考,考试费用650

    According to a teacher at a local high school, a middle school diploma is contingent on sitting for the high school entrance exam, which carries a 650-yuan fee.


  • 时间段内,构建美国中产阶级阶层答案来自初中毕业生,此后一个时间段,就是高中毕业生。

    For a time, elementary school was the answer to the question of how to build a broad middle class in America. And for a time after that, the answer was high school.


  • 新的高中招生制度初中毕业生学业考试成绩综合素质评定结果作为招生录取的主要依据

    In the new high-school enrollment system both the achievement test and comprehensive quality evaluation results should be regarded as the main basis for recruitment;


  • 我国现行教育体制下,初中毕业的教育分流主要包括升高、升中等专业学校直接就业等几种途径。

    Under the present education system of China, education streaming after junior middle school will mainly distribute students to the senior middle school, secondary vocational school, or labor market.


  • 尽管哲学,因为我多灾多难家庭,我初中毕业就选择师范使自己尽早走上工作的道路。

    Although I have deep love for philosophy, I had to choose to read in a normal school to get a job earlier after I finished junior middle school, because of my distressful family.


  • 这些原因造成了许多初中毕业刚进入高中阶段时不能很好地适应高中英语教材,高中英语教材产生畏难情绪而学习落后。

    At the same time, they will feel it hard to study English well in senior middle school. It is for these reasons that they can't do well in English study in senior middle school.


  • 这些原因造成了许多初中毕业刚进入高中阶段时不能很好地适应高中英语教材,高中英语教材产生畏难情绪而学习落后。

    At the same time, they will feel it hard to study English well in senior middle school. It is for these reasons that they can't do well in English study in senior middle school.


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