• 刚学习放松时,可以从学简单曲子开始加上放松的技巧去练习

    For those who are new to relaxation, you can start with easier pieces you have learned, and practice adding relaxation.


  • 在这里就不代码贴出来了感兴趣朋友可以下载本人也是学习Silverlight不久希望大家共同学习

    Not in the code posted here, and interested friends can download, and I was just learning Silverlight soon, and we hope to learn together.


  • 知道在我申请其中一个出国学习项目中,我被选上。

    I just found out that I didn't get into one of the study abroad programs I applied for.


  • 一样觉得通过纸质学习一种仪式,就学习餐具吃饭戒尿布一样重要

    That being said, I feel that learning with books is as important a rite of passage as learning to eat with utensils and being potty-trained.


  • 懂得如何接受爱人道歉以及如何爱人道歉都值得学习的,某些情况下直接行动没有必要(有时我们真快要生气了),只要这样开一句口,“吵架真不值得,是了”。

    Learn to accept an apology as well as to apologise, not necessarily for the action (sometimes we are right to be angry), but for the situation: "I'm sorry we had such a silly quarrel".


  • 而言之,沉淀段新的记忆时间里,感谢公司把我们入社会的毕业生提供一个好的工作环境学习平台

    In short, I amso grateful to BLVD for providing a good working environment and learning platform for the group of graduates including me, on which we can better communicate and learn.


  • (孟加拉儿童初级读本里韵文---原注)学习这样词句前,经过karakhala这样的双音练习的狂轰滥炸;我着“天上淅沥下雨,树叶婆娑摇曳”,这对于来说是“原始诗人”的一首诗

    I am just come to anchor after crossing the stormy region of the kara, khala[2] series; and I am reading "The rain patters, the leaf quivers, " for me the first poem of the Arch Poet.


  • 进入高中的时候没有完全适应这种开放式学习不少空闲时间浪费了。

    Just entered high school I was not completely adapt to the open learning, and a lot of free time is wasted.


  • 今天学习吉他第一买了吉他,对于拥有吉他可是呵护备至,生怕有什么磕碰

    Today is my first day learning the guitar, and bought a new guitar, with just the guitar, but I love it lauding it to the skies for fear it what Kepeng.


  • 如果接触XPath课程帮助开始学习领会XPath结构

    If you're new to XPath, this lesson will get you started and help you get a feel for an XPath's structure.


  • 自动记忆功能睡觉学习所有学到的东西都会入睡立刻重播四次

    Automatic Memory: you study right before you go to sleep. Everything you study then gets three or four instant replays after you fall asleep.


  • 首先那些因为学习或者事业起步而延迟怀孕女性自己身体状况允许的条件下着急生育。

    First, women who had delayed having children while they studied and started careers hurried to the maternity wards while they still could.


  • 期间,尤达欧比—万魁—·金灵魂那里学习威尔斯巫师秘技。

    In the interim, Yoda and Obi-Wan would study the Shaman of Whills' knowledge from the disembodied form of Qui-Gon Jinn.


  • 专业器乐表演小提琴通常会学习一些基本练习的曲目一些小型乐曲因为入学基本功练习牢固一些。

    My major is instrumental performance, violin, I usually learn some basic repertoire practiced and some small pieces, because just the entrance, to the basic skills practice more firmly some.


  • 说明:北京科技培训课程代码非常适合入门嵌入式新手学习

    Beijing is still the concept of technology training courses code, very suitable for novices just getting started embedded learning.


  • 不管是不是返校开始新学期学生每个人在一生中都应该积极地学习新知识东西

    Whether or not you're a student who just headed back to school, everyone should strive to learn new things throughout their lives.


  • 这些原因造成了许多初中毕业生进入高中阶段时不能很好地适应高中英语教材,高中英语教材产生畏难情绪而学习落后。

    At the same time, they will feel it hard to study English well in senior middle school. It is for these reasons that they can't do well in English study in senior middle school.


  • 进入首都经济贸易大学学习时候想法班上没有一个女生会爱上

    My original opinion was that no one could make me fall in love her in my class when I began to study in Capital University of Economics and Business.


  • 本津吉今年24岁大学毕业,拿到建筑学学位尽管学习建筑学的过程中发现自己喜欢门学科

    Tsuyoshi Sasamoto, 24, graduated from college in spring with a degree in architecture even though he decided midway through his course that he didn't like the discipline.


  • 高等师范院校毕业生达不到中小学教学要求,存在着毕业就要重新培训、重新学习工作以后适应期长的现象

    Graduates of teachers colleges fail to meet requirements, a fresh graduate must be re-training, re-learning, to adapt to the teaching work.


  • 本人接触网页时候以为网页简单就是几个几个组成起来就是网站通过学习知道了什么网页。

    I just catenary when the industry think that is very simple web page that is a few blocks, several color formed up as a website, but through years of learning both Let me know what is the web page.


  • 移民,我会一切安置好之后LINC学习英语

    A: No, I'm the new immigrant, I will set up everything and then go to LINC class to learn English.


  • 北京城东北角儿一个“长满鲜花地方”,在师傅张晓临时画室里开始学习绘画

    In "a place full of fresh flowers" at the northeastern corner of Beijing, I started to learn painting in the temporary studio of Master Zhang.


  • 工作开始就保持学习心态而且一直持续今日我养成最好的习惯之一

    One of the best things I did when first starting my career, and that I've maintained to this day, was to keep a learning mindset.


  • 时刻要警惕性虽然孩子功课的时候,需要他们坐在一起,但是如果可以和他们学习地方靠近一点,也会有帮助的。

    Keep a watchful eye: Although you don't need to sit with your children while they do their homework, it helps to be nearby.


  • 时刻要警惕性虽然孩子功课的时候,需要他们坐在一起,但是如果可以和他们学习地方靠近一点,也会有帮助的。

    Keep a watchful eye: Although you don't need to sit with your children while they do their homework, it helps to be nearby.


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