• 虽然我国刑法刑事诉讼法一直禁止刑讯逼供事实却是屡禁不止。

    According to Chinese criminal Law and Code of criminal Procedure, extorting confession by torture is forbidden in the investigation of criminal case, but in practice it is commonly used.


  • 刑事诉讼法刑法关系诉讼法实体法的关系,一直学界热议话题

    The relationship between the Criminal Procedural Law and Criminal Law is just the one between the procedural law and substantive law is a very hot topic all the time.


  • 随着刑事诉讼法修改控辩双方要直接法庭举证要求相应证据规则

    With the amendment of the code of criminal procedure, both the prosecutor and the defendant have to show evidence to the court, so this needs the consistent rule of evidence.


  • 禁止不利益变更原则各国刑事诉讼法民事诉讼法行政诉讼法共有原则。

    The principle of the Prohibiting Alteration for Interests is the common principle in the criminal procedure law, civil procedure law and the administrative procedure law.


  • 我国刑法单位犯罪作出明确的规定刑事诉讼法缺乏相应诉讼程序规定。

    In our country, the criminal law has made explicit stipulation to the institutional crime, while law of criminal procedure lacks the corresponding stipulation of legal procedure.


  • 刑事诉讼法几乎没有口供“身影”,人们更多的是从学理加以分析界定

    In the Law of Criminal Procedure, nearly does not have the oral confession "the form", what the people are more is performs from the scientific theory or principle for it to analyze the limits.


  • 我国现行刑事诉讼法确定公诉案件被害人诉讼当事人主体地位没有赋予其上诉权

    In our country, the present criminal Law determines the litigants and the victims main body status in the public prosecution case, but it does not endow them with appeal right.


  • 我国现行刑事诉讼法确定公诉案件被害人诉讼当事人主体地位没有赋予其上诉权

    In our country, the present criminal Law determines the litigant's and the victim's main body status in the public prosecution case, but it does not endow them with appeal right.


  • 虽然我国刑事诉讼法明确刑事诉讼证明标准但是实践中存在诸多问题不好操作

    Though has defined the identification standard of criminal suit in criminal procedure law of our country, but a great deal of problems still exist in practice, not easy to operate.


  • 1996年修订刑事诉讼法建立了控双方平等参与法官居中裁判的控辩式审判方式

    The 1996 amended Criminal Procedure Law has established the accusing and defending trial mode which enables the equal participation of the accusing and defending parties and the impartial judges.


  • 中国刑事诉讼法当地检察机关视社区期望罪行轻重,当地经济状况决定是否起诉权力。

    China's Criminal Procedure Law gives powers to local procuratorate departments to prosecute based on community expectations, the severity of the crime and local economic conditions.


  • 人身检查我国现行《刑事诉讼法规定强制性侦查行为,刑事侦查实践使用频率很高。

    Personal examination is a coercive investigative measurement regulated by Criminal Procedure Law of China and widely used in the practice of investigating proceedings.


  • 但是民事诉讼法刑事诉讼法关联来看,诉权理论可以成为刑事诉讼基础理论之一。

    But, the correlation from Civil Procedure Law and Criminal Procedure Law comes, theory on litigious right also being able to become one of basic theory in the Criminal Procedure Law.


  • 依照刑事诉讼法的规定,这里的“犯罪嫌疑人限定侦查机关采取特定刑事强制措施

    According to criminal lawsuit, the criminal suspect here should be confined to the one who has been taken coercive measures by the preliminary investigation.


  • 刑事起诉制度刑事诉讼制度的组成部分刑事诉讼法》对不起制度重大修改

    The criminal activity does not Sue the system is a criminal prosecution system constituent, was new "Law of criminal Procedure" to not to Sue the system to make the significant revision.


  • 许多西方国家刑法刑事诉讼法存留有亲亲相隐”规定,具体表现亲属作证特免权。

    Many Western countries have retained the formulation of "Relative Concealment" in the criminal law and procedure law which concrete expression to Privilege of Relatives Witness.


  • 虽然我国没有明确规定量刑建议权,但是我国的刑事诉讼法相关法律中,多次提到相似的权力

    Although there is not an explicit definition about sentencing proposal in law, similar powers have been mentioned frequently by Chinese Criminal Procedure law and other related laws.


  • 我国诉讼法,即《刑事诉讼法》、《民事诉讼法》、《行政诉讼法证人界定诉讼参与人

    China's three major procedural laws, Criminal Procedure law, Civil Procedure law, Administrative Procedure law all defined the witnesses as those who will participate in the proceedings.


  • 1996年修正后刑事诉讼法虽然赋予检察机关以拘留决定权,但并未赋予拘留的执行权。

    In the criminal procedure law amended in 1996, though the right of making detention decisions is endowed to prosecutorial organization, the enforcement power is not endowed.


  • 刑事简易程序价值包括下列几方面的分析其一刑事简易程序是提升刑事诉讼法效率有效措施

    Value of criminal summary procedure includes the following analysis: Firstly, criminal summary procedure is the most effective measure to promote efficiency of criminal procedure law.


  • 意大利创建技术顾问制度先驱者,本国刑事诉讼法规定了极为系统详细的技术顾问的内容。

    Italy, the pioneer and founder of technical consultant system, has laid down in its national criminal procedure law systematic details of technical consultant.


  • 我国刑事诉讼法关于二审发回重审方面规定过于原则概括导致司法审判工作的许多方面出现随意性。

    The rehearing of procedure of second instance in our code of criminal procedure is too brief in principle, which leads to the casualty of several aspects of the judicial justice.


  • 我国尽管1996年修改刑事诉讼法增设简易程序但是我国现行的刑事简易程序存在许多问题

    Although our country set up the summary procedure while revising the criminal procedure law in 1996, but a lot of questions have existed in our country 's current criminal summary procedure.


  • 证明标准逮捕条件中的核心问题我国刑事诉讼法相关司法解释一问题作出明确界定

    Standard of testification is a core problem in arrestment conditions. However in our country's criminal procedure law and relevant judicial interpretations, this problem is not clearly defined.


  • 当前,《刑事诉讼法面临新一轮修改辩诉交易制度引进移植再次成为国内法学界关注的焦点

    At present Criminal Procedure law faces the new round amendment again. The introduction and transplantation of plea bargaining system becomes focuses in the domestic law circles.


  • 一部刑事诉讼法制定修改需要总体思路上把握塑造一个权力行使型构造还是权力抑制型构造。

    Whether the enactment and amendment of a criminal procedure law is to shape a structure of power exercising or a structure of power restraining needs to be controlled in general.


  • 保障律师调查取证促进控辩平等,更好地维护犯罪嫌疑人的合法权益,我国刑事诉讼法内容之一

    The guarantee of lawyers' right to investigate and obtain evidence is one of the contents of Code of Criminal Procedure of China, and it is important to promote judicial justice.


  • 刑事执行刑法刑事诉讼法并列刑事法学体系三大主干学科之一但是实践容易遭到忽视

    Criminal execution law is one of three mainstay subjects in criminal jurisprudence system which parallels to criminal law and criminal procedure law. However, it is most easily ignored in practice.


  • 我国刑事诉讼法相关司法解释搜查主体、搜查证、搜查的过程问题进行规定存在诸多问题。

    The criminal litigation law and other judicial explanation in China have stipulated the subject of search, search warrant, search procedure, and the like, but problems still exist.


  • 现行刑事诉讼法刑事抗诉权定位法律监督权不利于保证被告人合法权益,不利于维护法院判决的稳定性。

    The active criminal Law, taking the criminal protest right as legal superintendence makes against defendant's legal right and the stale of court's judgement.


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