• 摘要本文首先描述分组传送演进驱动力演进历史

    Abstract: This article describes the drives and history of packet transport network evolution.


  • 课题结合项目要求分组传送芯片组中一款千万级的流量管理芯片进行仿真验证

    Complying with the requirement of the project, the simulation of traffic managing chip with ten million gates in chips of packet transport networks is executed in this subject.


  • 传送分组传送演进过程中,网络之间互联互通运营商关心主要问题之一

    In the evolution of the optical transport network to the packet transport network, one of the main concerns of the operators is the interworking between networks.


  • 接入点在所调度传输功率下把数据分组传送低于调度的功率级的最低功率级相关联客户端

    An access point transmits data packets, at the scheduled transmission power level, to clients associated with a minimum power level that is less than the scheduled power level.


  • 分组传送(PTN)技术包括传送多协议标签交换(T - MPLS)运营商骨干传送(PBT)。

    Packet Transport Network (PTN) technology includes the Transport Multi-Protocol Label Switching (T-MPLS) and Provider Backbone Transmission (PBT).


  • 分组传送网络融合产物,在电信行业业务运营背景技术代表传送网络的IP化发展趋势

    Packet transport network (PTN) is a convergence network of SDH and IP. Under the background of full services operation, this technology represents the development trend of transmission network.


  • 该文根据分组话音业务特点,结合分组话音业务服务质量要求,特别是分组丢弃概率分组传送时延要求,研究AAL2分组话音系统中aal 2分组长度的确定方法。

    This paper investigates the optimal packet, length for AAL2 packet voice system without bit dropping, which takes into consideration the features and quality of service of AAL2 packet voice.


  • 尽管如此一份编码数码形式,再拆分许多小小的分组地球上四处传送的电子邮件,与握个说声“你好看来还是有着本质区别的。

    Yet an email encrypted in digital code, broken into tiny packets and beamed around the planet does seem qualitatively different from someone shaking hands and saying "Hi".


  • 通常一个给定语音样本通过语音信道,编码分组传送解码过程中遭到不同类型损伤

    Generally, a given speech sample is played over the speech path, where it presumably undergoes various types of impairments during encoding, packetization, transmission, and decoding.


  • 为了保证网络进行可靠通信传送数据必须被装进管理的、可追踪分组中。

    To ensure reliable communication to take place over a network, data to be sent must be put in manageable traceable packages.


  • 弹性分组RPR由IEEE标准化基于环网拓扑新一代城域传送技术

    Resilient Packet Ring (RPR) is an IEEE standardized next-generation metro optical transport technology based on ring network topology .


  • 指以分组的形式基于IP协议网络传送语音数据技术

    VoIP (Voice over IP) is a technology that sends packet voice data over IP networks.


  • 端的电路是从节点端口目标节点一端口之间软件建立传送分组的通道,它和传统虚电路的区别在于与端口有关。

    The end-to-end virtual circuit is between a port from the source node to the other ports of the target node, it is the channel to send packet which is established by the software.


  • 城市传送弹性分组环(rpr)技术要求

    Metropolitan optical transport network RPR technical requirement etc.


  • 然后手机通过通用分组无线业务GPRS网络服务器发出导航请求传送用户当前的位置坐标

    Then the telephone will require a navigational operation from the server side and send the position coordinate to the server side by the GPRS network.


  • 传统传送IP业务承载网处理带宽新型IP分组业务时,业已表现出种种不足。

    The traditional transmission network and IP network has shown flawed in various ways in dealing with the new IP packet bandwidth business.


  • 最后给出标准化接口侦听消息定义呼叫内容分组传送格式以及侦听结果传送方法

    Finally, the definition of interception messages, the transmission format of call content package and transmission method of interception result on the standard interfaces are provided.


  • 传递报文分组时,它们是从一个主机传送另一个主机,直到达到它们最终目标

    As packets travel, they are routed from host to host until they reach their ultimate destination.


  • 蜂窝网络蜂窝网络传送蜂窝数据分组方法,选择数据分组路由的方法以及蜂窝调制解调器

    Cellular network, method for transmitting cellular data packets in cellular network, method for data packet routing, and cellular modem.


  • DECP由数据访问业务逻辑层、安全代理、数据传送代理、客户代理、消息层、事务管理器七个部分组

    DECP is made up of data access layer, business logic layer, security proxy, data transport proxy, client proxy, messages layer and transactions manager.


  • 因此必须要求突发控制分组传送过程中保持两者之间合理时序关系

    So it requires there is a reasonable relationship of time or-der between a burst and its control packet during cross the OBS network.


  • OBS网络可以看作两个网络的重叠:传送数据突发的纯网络传送突发分组光电混合控制网络。

    We can look OBS network as two networks, one is transparent optical network for transmitting data burst; the other is optical and electronic hybrid control network for transmitting burst head packet.


  • 指定服务质量移动传送分组无线通信网络

    This specified quality of service is conveyed from the mobile station to the packet wireless communication network.


  • 用于发送数据装置某些实施例包括数据接收方装置的发送器,数据流包括多个数据分组

    Some embodiments of an apparatus for transmitting a data stream include a transmitter to transmit a data stream to a recipient apparatus, the data stream including a plurality of data packets.


  • 移动划分通信并且将其传送服务器时,服务器这些分组整个通信。

    When the mobile stations divide up a communication and transmit it to the server, the server combines the portions into the entire communication.


  • 通过弹性分组管理管理弹性分组环网传送业务

    Through supervisory frame in RPR network manages transport service in RPR network.


  • 传送一个多个AAL2用户信息流时,应用分组业务特定汇聚子层

    On one or more AAL type 2 user information streams, the Segmentation and Reassembly Service Specific Convergence sublayer may be deployed.


  • 传送一个多个AAL2用户信息流时,应用分组业务特定汇聚子层

    On one or more AAL type 2 user information streams, the Segmentation and Reassembly Service Specific Convergence sublayer may be deployed.


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