• 争吵爱情关系分离状态使一切回到正轨关键

    Keeping the argument separate from the relationship status is key to getting things back on track.


  • 研究小组总结道快乐悲伤两个分离状态而且管理忧愁

    The group concluded that happiness and sadness are two separate states and money can help you manage unhappiness.


  • 如果对“万有引力”有绝好的理解,并其应用于星系旋转方式上,你很快就会意识这样问题:各星系应该逐渐趋于分离的状态

    If you take our best understanding of gravity, apply it to the way galaxies spin, and you'll quickly see the problem: the galaxies should be falling apart.


  • NFS现在一个状态协议包括数据元数据分离优化以及数据访问并行

    NFS is now a stateful protocol and includes optimizations for data and metadata separation as well as data access parallelism.


  • 这种架构使旁观者数据库服务器分离以便它们能够使问题加重情况查看状态

    This architecture keeps the "spectators" away from the database server so they can see the status without adding to an existing problem.


  • 他们希望需求分离外化信息及其内部状态的时候,项目组尝试估计应用一种模式最好

    They don't want their teams trying to figure out what pattern is best to use when there is a need to separate externalized information from its internal state.


  • 另外,假如分离,我需要单击拖动然后可以回到过去那个状态,再继续不同的拼图放到一起。

    And if I want to detach it, I just click and drag, and now I can go back and put different puzzle pieces there altogether.


  • 因为应用程序使用状态服务接口,所以此时课程实例看作已经与持久化上下文分离”。

    Because the application uses a stateless service interface, the course instance is at this point considered "detatched" from the persistence context.


  • 一点千真万确战争状态存在容易黄金与其信贷结构分离使实体黄金成为唯一终极追求目标

    This much is true: the existence of a state of war tends to divorce gold from its credit structure and make the physical metal the only ultimate reality.


  • 收入极度不平等会造成文化分离。 随着时间的推移,表面文化显示出健康状态,而肌体受到侵蚀。

    Yet extreme income inequality causes a cultural separation that is unhealthy on its face and corrosive over time.


  • 成功转化关键业务流程实例状态业务对象内容分离出来。

    The key success factor of this transformation is to externalize the state of business process instances from the content of the business objects captured in the systems of record.


  • 逻辑和状态分离提供状态处理机制因为Web服务状态的。

    Logic and state separated to provide stateless processing mechanism because Web services are said to be stateless.


  • 整个过程重用同一个持久化-上下文对象,这避免了分离实体状态的问题相应LazyInitializationException 异常。

    The same persistence-context object is reused during the course of the entire flow, eliminating detached-entity state and the corresponding LazyInitializationException.


  • 超级状态其中这里没有没有疾病,没有死亡,没有接触由于这是可以同意的,无论是沮丧赞同之中分离

    It is that supreme state in which there is not either birth or decay, nor disease, nor death, nor contact, with what is disagreeable, neither disappointment nor separation from what is agreeable.


  • 如果这种愤怒状态显得非常坚决可以识别分离‘愤怒保护者模式

    If this angry state is very pronounced, it can be distinguished as a separate 'angry protector' mode.


  • 流行的PresentationModel请参阅参考资料提倡将应用程序状态业务逻辑分开放入模型,而模型层是从视图的 GUI控件分离出来

    The popular Presentation Model (see Resources) advocates separating out the state and business logic of an application into a model layer that is separate from the GUI controls in the view.


  • 如同进入更深状态中,我们意识物质状态关系少,我们的第三只眼睛'活跃起来而且分离变成天然

    As the brain enters deeper states, our consciousness is less concerned with the physical state, our 'third eye' is active, and separation becomes natural.


  • 你们回到本质存在状态那些已经体验过的,却已分离,在你降低自己振动跌落的时候。

    You are returning to a state of being that you have already experienced and simply separated from, as you dropped down in your vibrations.


  • 学术权力行政权力相结合状态被打破,学术权力行政权力开始分离并且关系达到一定平衡

    Academic and administrative authority in the state of combining break, academic powers and executive powers from the beginning, and the right relationship between the two reached a certain balance.


  • 经常交替人格会引起疑问:为什么一些看上去协调的人格状态相互之间处在分离状态

    Often, the mutual dissociation of alternate personality states raises the question of why some apparently not incongruous personality states appear to be split from each other.


  • 油水分离器中流水平液滴所受曳力以及液滴的几种运动状态进行了分析讨论给出了有关的计算模型

    The non horizontal flow liquid drops in flow field and their a few motion state in oil water separator are analyzed and discussed, the computing model are given in this paper.


  • 本文利用植物生化分离分析方法,研究蛋白不同蛋白结合状态含量。

    The paper studies the zinc in different state of combination with proteins in zinc -enriched soybean meal by biochemical separation and analysis.


  • 分离一个很有优势盲信号分析处理工具机械状态监测故障诊断领域有较好的应用前景

    Blind sources separation is a special and dominant tool for analyzing and processing signals blindly, which is promising in condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of machinery.


  • 分离一个很有优势盲信号分析处理工具机械状态监测故障诊断领域有较好的应用前景

    Blind sources separation is a special and dominant tool for analyzing and processing signals blindly, which is promising in condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of machinery.


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