• 一个原因树木室的导管系统(Compartmentalized vascularsystem),因此可以允许树木一部死亡而同时一部仍然在旺盛的生长。

    One secret to their longevity is their compartmentalized vascular system, which allows parts of the tree to die while other portions thrive.


  • 50%35岁以下男性每天早上至少20盥洗精心打扮

    50% of men under 35 spend at least 20 minutes preening themselves every morning in the bathroom.


  • 之一以上员工他们按规定休假期间被召回办公

    More than a third of workers said they called into the office while technically on holiday.


  • 正如文章系列第1所提到的,离开办公代理最初设计支持委派

    As noted in part 1 of this article series, the Out of Office agent was not originally designed to support delegation.


  • 例如火花实验科学发明展区一部这里展放的都是一些发明家的发明

    The Spark Lab, for example, is part of the Science and Innovation area. It deals with the work of inventors.


  • 根据份报道作为调查漏税嫌疑行动一部大约有250名官员入驻这家钢铁制造企业办公

    According to various reports, some 250 officials descended on the offices of the steel-maker as part of an investigation into suspected tax evasion.


  • 引出了我们第二问题,即应该哪儿托管编辑

    Which leads us to the second part answer to where the newsroom should be hosted.


  • 家庭生活重要性灵活育儿教育的必要性早已成为办公文化一部

    The importance of family life, and the necessity of flexibility for childcare have become part of office culture.


  • 这位世界钢铁巨子,英国富有之所以看上去那样健康放松,一部原因就是座落地下那个巨大游泳池

    The giant swimming pool in its basement is one reason why the leader of the world's steel industry, and Britain's richest man, looks so fit and relaxed.


  • 对于例外准确诊断结果控制措施影响而十重要情况实验网络正在提供后援支持。

    The laboratory network is providing backup support for situations in which exceptionally precise diagnostic results are important because of the implications for control measures.


  • 尽量保持镇静跑着穿过市区,在15赶到了办公

    Trying to stay calm, I raced across town and made it to his office within 15 minutes.


  • 找到管理员之一威士忌给我打开爱因斯坦办公,我得以拍照

    I find the superintendent, give him a fifth of scotch, and he opens up Einstein's office so I can take some photos.


  • 送往急症女性,百之2235也是因为遭受家庭暴力的缘故

    Between 22 and 35 percent of women who visit emergency rooms are there for that reason.


  • 必须很快就适宜病例管理接触者追踪作出决定时,现场实验可提供快速可靠结果暴发期间使用

    Field laboratories provide rapid and sufficiently reliable results for use during an outbreak, when decisions about appropriate case management and contact tracing need to be made quickly.


  • 系列第1我们介绍离开办公代理开始然后查看不同的启用代理方法主要区别。

    In part 1 of this series, we start with an introduction to the Out of Office agent, and examine the major differences involved in how the agent is enabled.


  • 车上的帐篷厨房学习以及移动的起居,已让这辆俨然成为了这个家庭的一部

    Part tent, part kitchen, part schoolhouse and part rolling apartment, the car is definitely also a part of the family.


  • 格雷比尔实验曾经证明一部中的电子活动模式大家熟知基地神经节,行为形成至关重要的。

    Graybiel's lab has previously shown that patterns of electrical activity in a part of the brain known as the basal ganglia are critical for habit formation.


  • 国家睡眠基金会2005年的调查报告显示之一美国夫妇或床而

    Nearly one in four American couples sleep in separate bedrooms or beds, the National sleep Foundation reported in a 2005 survey.


  • 贝尔实验现在法国阿尔卡特朗讯一部几乎全面转向开发

    Bell Labs, now a part of France's Alcatel-Lucent, is turning its attention almost entirely towards development.


  • 布什于12:36一个无窗会议,在空军士兵们展开的两面美国国旗发表了第二次讲话。

    Bush made his second remarks at 12:36 from a windowless conference room, in front of two American flags dragged together by Air Force privates.


  • PMDSC - E网络服务中心项目管理办公一部,是企业信息系统陆军计划执行办公室的一个组织

    PM DSC-E is part of the Network Service Center Project Management Office, an organization of the Army Program Executive Office, Enterprise Information Systems.


  • 那么下午2点15到达办公

    So I will be arriving at your office around 2:15 PM.


  • 上周五公布最新调查显示,三之一法国办公恋情但多数恋情持续时间很短。

    One in three French people claim to have had a workplace romance, most often a short-lived fling, according to a survey published on Friday.


  • 上周五公布最新 调查 显示,三之一法国办公恋情但多数恋情持续时间很短。

    One in three French people claim to have had a workplace romance, most often a short-lived fling, according to a survey published on Friday.


  • 那你走进办公之后,可以解雇通知书惋惜离开了。

    You could walk into the office one day, only to be sent away with a pink slip and your employer's "sincerest regrets."


  • 走进办公之后,可以解雇通知书他的“万惋惜离开了。

    You could walk into the office one day, only to be sent away with a pink slip and your employer's “sincerest regrets.


  • 这话根据就在于国会预算办公估计计划受众之一可能拥有商业保险

    The Congressional Budget Office(CBO) estimates that a third of families that wouldenroll would have access to private coverage.


  • 吉米距离办公10车程布鲁·里亚拜访自由战士尤瑟夫阿里沙卡尔。

    Jimi takes me to the village of Burulia, a 10-minute drive from her office, to meet a former freedom fighter called Yusuf Ali Sarkar.


  • 吉米距离办公10车程布鲁·里亚拜访自由战士尤瑟夫阿里沙卡尔。

    Jimi takes me to the village of Burulia, a 10-minute drive from her office, to meet a former freedom fighter called Yusuf Ali Sarkar.


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