• 大多数函数极限运算问题可用常规算法及运算法则解决。

    Most of the problems on functional limit operation can be solved through regular algorithms.


  • 探讨函数性、函数渐近线函数极限之间关系

    The paper probes into the relation between functional differentiability and the derivative function limit, and the relation between asymptote of function and the derivative function limit.


  • 本文等价无穷小代换洛必达法则求函数的极限进行了探讨

    This article discusses some problems which should be paid attention to using equivalation infinite small and the L Hospital Theory.


  • 本文阐明二重极限极限不确定关系给出齐次函数极限不存在的判定方法

    The uncertain relationship between the double limit and the quadratic limit is explained and the determination methods to the nonexistence of the odd function's limit are given.


  • 根据数学分析中一元函数多元函数极限的相关知识,在理论上证明了指标有效性

    According to unary function limit and multivariate function limit of mathematical Analysis, the validity of the index Vnew is proved in theory.


  • 由于函数形式的独特性,使得幂指函数极限显得复杂文中给出了几种类型幂指函数极限简捷方法

    Due to its unique characteristics, the calculation of the exponential function limit seems complicated. This paper discussed several simple ways to calculate the exponential function limit.


  • 为了很好地掌握求极限方法,尤其是如何很好地结合第二个重要极限函数的极限本文专门以定理形式给出函数极限的方法。

    The paper provides the theorem of the limit of combination of power and exponent function, which gives us a new method to work out the limit of this kind of function.


  • 为了很好地掌握求极限方法,尤其是如何很好地结合第二个重要极限函数极限本文专门定理形式给出函数极限的方法。

    This paper mainly introduces the method of power exponential function to find out the result of limit in the form of theorem.


  • 本文函数极限概念基础上,进一步讨论了泛灰函数极限运算运算性质,为讨论泛灰函数的连续性以及泛灰函数的导数奠定了基础。

    Some definitions of four fundamental operations of grey number and grey function are given in this paper, also we have given the whiting method of grey function.


  • 应用函数极限函数极限交换次序定理研究了二元函数二重极限累次极限关系定理,研究了二元函数的两个二阶混合偏导数可交换次序定理。

    By using the limits of functions and the exchange limit theorem, we considered the relationship between the double limit of function with two variables and its repeated limits.


  • 高温极限不同自由度配分函数有不同,这依赖于他们具体能级结构

    What'll happen in the high temperature limit might vary, depending on the structure of the energy levels.


  • 本文讨论了在函数极限过程中利用等价无穷小量代换,提出四条定理,并给出了证明。

    This article mainly discusses about how to take advantage of infinitesimal quantity to get the limit of power-exponential function.


  • 高等数学教学发现很多学生函数极限运算方面面临不少问题

    Found many students facing many troubles in higher math's study in the limit of function operation aspect.


  • 针对结构隐式极限状态函数可靠性分析提出一种支持向量分类迭代算法

    For reliability analysis of structure with implicit limit state function, an iterative algorithm was presented on the basis of support vector classification machine.


  • 本文应用奇异函数简化计算具有悬臂极限荷载

    In this paper, we use singular function method to simplify calculations of limit loads for annular plates with cantilever end.


  • 一系列不同极限状态函数条件下,随机抽样拉丁超立方抽样法以及是否使用方差减缩技术进行比较研究

    Comparative study on random sampling and Latin hypercube sampling with and without variance reduction techniques is carried out to a number of different limit state functions.


  • 分段函数函数问题中难点,本文分段函数分界点极限,导数、积分运算问题探讨一些方法

    This text will talk about some new methods about the limit of disjunction function in the boundary and the operation of lead number and definite integral.


  • 情况下,屈服极限所有应力分量某个函数达到固定达到的。

    In two and three dimensions the yield limit is reached when a certain function of all the stress components reaches a fixed value.


  • 讨论均匀磁场向同性带电谐振子函数描述得到量子和经典极限条件下的结果。

    Double wave function quantum theory is applied to describe the motion of three dimension isotropy charged harmonic oscillator in a uniform magnetic field.


  • 众所周知,连续函数极限函数不一定连续的,理论应用上均造成许多障碍

    The limit function of the sequence of continous function is not always continous. It brings about many difficulties in theory and application.


  • 给出无穷远处具有有极限函数有关导数的几个定理及其严格证明

    The paper gives several theorems for derivate of the function with finite limit at the infinite point and its strict proof.


  • 数学分析极限方法研究函数性态门课程基本思想运动辩证逼近思想,基本工具极限理论

    Mathematic analysis is a course of studying function by limit method with dialectical closing thought of movement as its basic idea and limit theory as its basic tool.


  • 提出一种方法——构造证明多元函数极限存在,并得到了证明多元函数极限不存在新条件。

    A new method is provided to prove the non-existence of multivariable function limit by virtue of construction method.


  • 基于极限状态函数估计失效概率计算提出一种新的可靠性灵敏度分析方法

    Based on the moment estimation of limit state function for calculation of failure probability, a new reliability sensitivity analysis method is presented.


  • 给出指数迭代序列极限函数一些性质

    Some properties of the limit function of the iterated exponentials sequence are presented.


  • 微积分研究对象函数,研究工具极限,微积分概念定义方式与以往学习的初等数学概念有本质的区别。

    Functions are research objects of the calculus and limit is its research tool. The way to define the calculus concept differs distinctly from that of elementary mathematics.


  • 目标函数塑性极限弯矩函数时,证明了这优性条件也是最优解的充分条件。

    It is proved that the optimality conditions are also sufficient if the objective function is a convex function of the plastic limit bending moment.


  • 运用量子理论,给出了氢原子双波函数描述讨论了经典极限

    Double wave quantum theory is applied to the description of a two dimensional hydrogen atom. The classical limit of this description is discussed.


  • 运用量子理论,给出了氢原子双波函数描述讨论了经典极限

    Double wave quantum theory is applied to the description of a two dimensional hydrogen atom. The classical limit of this description is discussed.


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