• 火山喷薄出让人害怕的火花烟雾灰烬

    Her volcano belched a staggering mount of fire, smoke, and ashes.


  • 色调璀璨奢华色调流淌勾勒出让欧式殿堂

    Bright colors such as shades of luxury flowing music symbol sketched out people Continental hall.


  • 复归规则则赋予出让遗嘱继承项复归权。

    The reversion rule designates a remainder in the heirs of the grantor or testator.


  • 第一百五十条建设用地使用权消灭出让应当及时办理注销登记

    Article 150 When the right to the use of land for construction lapses, the assignor shall have his registration cancelled in time.


  • 蓄水水库今年的让人失望即使是顶尖的水电公司对此也无能为力。

    And low reservoirs have led to disappointing output this year-something even the best-run hydropower firms can do little about.


  • 不过全球供应链的真实商海中中国某些行业创造出让人惊艳的服务产品

    But amid the gritty business of global supply chains, some Chinese industries are developing surprisingly innovative services and products.


  • 简介英文版出让眼前一亮简历吗?赶快火速下载学习

    Profile in English, you want to make the bright spots in the personal resume? Quickly rushed to download to learn it!


  • 出让人肾上腺素泉涌的广告服务不是好的服务,基本上不要想卖出去。

    Write an ad for your service. If after a week your best ad is weak, stop working on the ad and start working on your service.


  • 第二开发者不能遵守shirky定律原因在于做出让人印象深刻产品的强烈愿望

    A second reason developers fail to obey Shirky's Law is the desire to do impressive-seeming things.


  • 因为虽然无法出让信服的前景但它至少给这个国家带来了该到来的东西。

    That is because, even though the opposition cannot yet offer a convincing vision, it can at least offer the country two things that are long overdue.


  • 第十八条出让受让依法取得土地使用权合同约定使用年限届满前收回

    The grantor shall not, within the granted period provided for in this contract, withdraw the grantee's right to the use of the granted land.


  • 不能按期开工建设提前30出让人提出申请延建时间最长不得超过

    If he cannot begin the construction on time, he should propose the extension request to the assignor ahead of 30 days, but the time can't exceed a year utmost.


  • 受让依法使用的国有建设用地使用权,合同约定使用年限届满出让不得收回

    The Assignee shall utilize the state-owned construction land use right in accordance with law. The Assignor shall not withdraw before the use term in this contract expires.


  • 社交媒体当道时代,就算是在片场,都使用Internet为电影出让兴趣点子。

    In the age of social media, however, studios can use the InternetInternet to figure out where an interest in the film exists.


  • 嘈杂喧哗日常生活学着找寻喜悦的时候,我总结出让人温暖开心的方法想象的要

    As I learned to identify and enjoy those moments amid the hubbub of regular life, I found more smiles and sunshine than I'd ever thought possible.


  • 同样野生酵母通常都带有能出让人不舒服味道基因并且这些基因烹饪用的菌种中罕见。

    Similarly, wild yeasts typically carry genes associated with a range of unpleasant flavours; and these genes were rare in the culinary ones.


  • 三月里明亮寒冷一天晚上壁炉尽的余火散发出让吃惊却昏昏沉沉的热气喜欢的余热。

    It was March, a bright cold day, and the ashy remains of her night's fire gave off a surprising sullen heat, for which she was not ungrateful.


  • 微软谷歌之间争斗已经转移到了新的领域它们比赛能够制作出让人感觉身临其境的在线地图

    The battle between Microsoft Corp. and Google Inc. has shifted into new territory: a race to see who can make online maps that make people feel like they're really there.


  • 出让受理土地登记申请之30日内依法为受让办理出让土地使登记,颁发国有土地使用凭证》。

    The assignor should handle legally registration for the assigned right to the use of land and issue "State-owned land use Certificate" within 30 days of accepting the application of land registration.


  • 首先一般情况下,出让人不好决定(不喜欢该)花费时间(5.2分钟)要少于做出一个好决定时间。

    First, the average unfavourable decision (unfavourable to the prisoner, that is) took less time to arrive at (5.2 minutes) than the average favourable one (7.4 minutes).


  • 另一部《左脚《走山坡走上山岗》两部电影也都精神励志片,均平民生活题材提炼出让深思的题目。

    My Left Foot, and Up to the Hill Down to the Village are two movies of inspirational power based on extraordinary stories of the common people.


  • 一学年年尾时,他们搬入共同租住的屋子,威廉出席一场时装表演后的事,那晚的凯特展现出让人刮目相看的一面。

    Late in their first year, the friends moved into a house-share together, but not before William attended a student fashion show, where Kate was revealed in a new light.


  • 女孩很多层次表现都高于男孩78%女孩出让人读得懂书信与之相比,只有62%的男孩可以做到。

    Girls outperform boys at most levels with 78% of girls able to hold a pencil and write recognisable letters, compared with 62% of boys.


  • 遵从物权行为理论德国民法中,第三手交易合同瑕疵的知情恶意,第三出让人无处分权知情才构成恶意。

    In German civil law which obeys the theory of juristic act of real right, the third party's acknowledgement of the former contract's defect is not malicious.


  • 策划小珂解释道,之所以采取这样的展览形式,一是期待看到不用领域艺术家面对相同创作素材,能开拓出让不为熟悉的艺术语言。

    Curator Xiaoke explains, she hopes to see more creative and different art works come out from white room by the different background artists who use the same material to work.


  • 这本中的现实主义搀杂了轻松明快的色调,成功描绘出让人身受的情感使读者宛如亲临境,陷入书中那些讨喜爱,又不甚完美的角色中去。 (成功描绘出引入戏的情感,这使得读者深深地卷入了书中那些但是又有缺点的角色中。)

    Its realism, combined with a refreshing lightness and its success in portraying emotion with empathy, draws the reader into a deep involvement with the book's appealing yet flawed characters.


  • 意思一个小组可以出让数百万喜爱使用软件程序。

    What I mean is a group of three people can write software that then millions can use and enjoy.


  • 意思一个小组可以出让数百万喜爱使用软件程序。

    What I mean is a group of three people can write software that then millions can use and enjoy.


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