• 淋巴结病出现可能有助于识别这种疾病因为天花或者水痘具备这一特征

    The presence of lymphadenopathy can help identify the disease as monkeypox since it is not characteristic of either smallpox or chickenpox.


  • 我们需要了解正在发生变化必须确保我们具备各种能力应对未来可能出现任何紧急状况

    We need to be aware of the changes taking place, and we must make sure that we have the right mix of capabilities to deal with any contingencies that might arise in the future.


  • 除了个别例外,出现大量病例国家具备良好监测检测程序

    With few exceptions, countries with large Numbers of cases are those with good surveillance and testing procedures in place.


  • 目前为止科幻电影出现尽管上百万所用具备视频功能。

    It has never lived up to its depiction in science-fiction films, even though millions of people now carry mobile phones capable of video calling.


  • 移动电话出现时候世界各地用户使用而后交费(一种称作付费的计费模式),这样一来具备一定的信誉成为必须

    When mobile phones first came in, subscribers everywhere talked first and paid later (a model known as postpaid), so they had to be creditworthy.


  • 迄今为止,许多研究人员仍然怀疑这样步态至少大约250万年前出现早期Homo类人物种时才具备

    Until now, many researchers suspected that such a gait did not appear at least until the appearance of early Homo species around 2.5 million years ago.


  • JSR 301portlet桥接规范(portlet bridge specification)出现,使我们具备运行JSF应用标准方式不论portlets版本是1.0还是2.0。

    With the JSR 301 portlet bridge specification, we now have a standard way of running JSF applications as both 1.0 and 2.0 portlets.


  • 具备灵活思维模式去生活时候最好机遇出现

    The best opportunities arise when you approach life with a flexible mind-set. see how you can get out of the unlucky column.


  • 大西洋东西两岸具备隐形机能F -35联合战斗攻击机因为成本不断上涨订单数目亦可能出现大幅下滑。

    And on both sides of the Atlantic the rising cost of the stealthy F-35 Joint Strike Fighter means its order book could shrink sharply.


  • 掌握高层建筑结构设计要点正确处理高层建筑设计过程中出现问题每个结构设计师所必须具备基本素质

    Master high-rise building structural design, the main points of the correct processing high-rise design process problems, is each structure designers must have the basic quality.


  • 因为很多信息重复出现所以现在很多浏览器具备智能填表功能

    Because a lot of information is repeated, so now many browsers also has the function of the smart fill out a form.


  • 目前许多方面的情况表明中国具备了企业相互持股出现一些外部和内部条件,而且已经表现诸多同企业相互持股相似现象情况。

    However, it is showed that, in China, at present, many conditions that the cross shareholding required is emerging, and many phenomena and outcome like the cross shareholding has appeared.


  • 为了这些网站构建一个功能强大而且具备柔性”的系统,以适应不断变化需求,而且能够根据公司出现需求能够程序扩展,并不容易

    Producing a powerful yet flexible system for these sites that meets ever-changing requirements while growing to meet your company's emerging needs isn't easy.


  • 我们大部分抛弃了自己内心本来具备忽视祂,另外创造人类自己文明智慧因此社会出现是是非非、各种不同派别的思想主义。

    Most of human, they neglect and even abandon the inborn Tao and instead create human's civilization and intelligence. Hence there are concepts of wrong, right and assorted thoughts in the society.


  • 得到这份工作,你不得不继续假装具备这项你根本没有的技能那时又会出现什么情况呢?

    What happens if you get the job and you have to continue to pretend to have this skill even though you don't?


  • 汉魏六朝时期出现的大量具有虚构成分叙事作品,足以说明当时人们普遍地具备自觉的虚构意识

    Fictitious elements manifested in narrative works in Han Wei and the six dynasties demonstrate that people of that time generally had a fictitious awareness.


  • 国际贸易中,出现问题产品时,我国羊肉具备追溯性,致使羊肉出口遭受技术贸易壁垒

    In international trade, when problem product appeared, because our mutton can't be traced, the export of mutton must be faced the technical barriers.


  • 传统民商法体系调整这种新型关系时候具备足够的针对性导致司法实践中种种问题出现

    Civil and Commercial Law in the traditional system does not have enough direction to adjust the new relationship, which led to various problems of the judicial practice.


  • 必须强调的是我们CRRT偏爱主要适用于那些合并aki危重患者他们实施间歇性治疗出现问题或者具备可行性。

    It must be highlighted that our preference for CRRT applies only to critically ill patients with AKI, in whom intermittent dialysis can be problematic or even impossible.


  • 一方面,出现计划外工作可能表示存在真正的问题,即团队是否具备实现目标能力,从而不得不削减计划的工作。

    On the other hand, the unplanned work may represent a real problem if the team does not have the capacity to meet it and is forced to cut back on the planned work.


  • 目前由于铁道罐车具备自动监测系统出现泄漏事故很难及时发现

    In present, since there is no automatic monitoring system on rail tank car, it is hard to discover the leak even it happens.


  • 他们工作开启了有机电子研究随后相继出现了各种具备应用价值有机电子器件

    Their work led to the field of organic electronics and opened the way to a host of organic electronic devices which has resulted in several commercial applications.


  • 使用作为展览名称,一是因为孙轶作品中管子频繁出现符号。二是因为它所具备精神气质孙轶绘画世界合拍。

    The reason to NAME the tube for the exhibition is as follows: the tube is frequently used as a symbol in Sun yi's works and the spirit of the tube is in line with Sunyi's painting world.


  • 随着近年电动车出现汽车普及摩托车销售现状一直欠佳甚至出现各种衰退型行业具备特征

    With the emergence of electric vehicles in recent years, the popularity of car, motorcycle sales situation has been poor, even the recession-based industry with a variety of features.


  • 随着近年电动车出现汽车普及摩托车销售现状一直欠佳甚至出现各种衰退型行业具备特征

    With the emergence of electric vehicles in recent years, the popularity of car, motorcycle sales situation has been poor, even the recession-based industry with a variety of features.


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