• 六月份美国新房出售五月增11%,为最大增幅

    Sales of new homes in America jumped by 11% in June compared with May, the biggest increase in nearly nine years.


  • 现在英杰华依靠出售新型人寿险种,利润边际始创新高年前6%的增长相比股票价格增长了10%。

    Aviva is now selling new life policies with record profit margins in a market where its share has increased to more than 10% from 6% a decade ago.


  • 他们喜欢使用工具是上调存款准备金出售低息债券

    Their weapons of choice: increases in the reserve requirement ratio and sales of low yielding bonds.


  • 全国空房这么为什么他们出租一些额外的租金似乎这样并不妨碍房屋出售

    The national vacancy rate is so high , why don't they gain some additional rental by renting?It seems that it doesn't prevent the sale of housing.


  • 财政部计划出售三分之一股票,把股份持有至40%,现有价格预期下使损失高达54亿美元。

    The Treasury plans to sell about a third of its stake, reducing its holding to 40%, which at current price expectations could generate a loss of up to $5.4 billion.


  • 这次移动性因为人们无法出售他们房屋而受到阻碍,于是即使蒙大拿州还缺少大量的工人失业加州继续上升

    This time, that mobility is hampered by people's inability to sell their homes. Unemployment may go on rising in California, even though Montana cannot get the workers it needs.


  • 如果试着更高的价格出售没有愿意购买的。因为这栋办公楼将回报不如投资者股票市场所能够获得12%的预期回报

    If you tried to sell it formore, there would be no takers, because the property would then offer anexpected rate of return lower than the 12 percent available in the stockmarket.


  • 我国大城市已经售出房屋空房很高,说明投机很多,这些房随时随地都能出售

    The vacancy rate is high among the houses sold in large cities, indicating a lot of speculation in housing.


  • EADS大部分盈利来自设备出售想要收益服务操作方面扩张

    EADS, which earns most of its revenues from supplying equipment, wants to expand its high-margin services operations.


  • 尽管过去几年就业一直都在下降,但是一些专家认为房子难以出售也将成为招募人才就业最大阻碍之一

    Although recruitment has been down over the past few years, some experts say the inability to unload homes could become one of the biggest obstacles to matching talent with the right job.


  • 但是要通过这样取得成功实属不易,特别是公司想要通过低于成本价出售商品(暂时性的)提高存货周转,这种策略更加不当。

    But this is a rocky route to success, particularly at a time when there are firms prepared to sell (temporarily) at well below cost just to establish turnover.


  • 因为英国失业低于美国,这产生部分影响,英国的房主不会勉强廉价出售他们房子

    Thanks in part to lower unemployment rates than America, British homeowners are not being forced to offload their houses at fire-sale prices.


  • 印尼利用出售原油的巨额利润修建学校聘请师资,使学校入学提高了一倍,1986年达到90%。

    Indonesia used its oil windfalls to build new schools and hire more teachers, doubling primary enrollment to 90 percent by 1986.


  • 补充到:监管不能保证安全可以合法出售发病几乎那些禁止出售

    He adds that regulation cannot guarantee safety: in the states where raw milk is sold legally, there have been nearly three times as many outbreaks of illness as in the states where it is not.


  • 在线免费可以制作分辨为1680x 1050的图片Blaskovic出售桌面版,那个一些专业调节,可以制作6000 x 4000的图像。

    While the free online version will let you create 1680 x 1050 resolution images, Blaskovic also sells a desktop version with more professional tweaks that can do 6000 x 4000 resolution.


  • 丹麦丹斯克银行分析师表示,“西班牙定于今天举行的5年期债券拍卖会有收益预计出售金额达到35亿欧元。”

    "Spain is likely to face higher yields at its five year bond auction today, at which it is expected to sell as much as 3.5 billion euros," the Dankse Bank strategists said.


  • 意大利财政部出售80亿欧元6个月公债收益为1.988%,明显高于上次1.657%。

    The Italian Treasury sold 8 billion euros in six-month bonds at a yield of 1.988%, which is up sharply from the 1.657% paid during the last sale of government debt.


  • 亚洲投资者星期一出售大量金融股因为他们担心全球银行系统坏账资本充足

    Investors in Asia sold a lot of financial stocks Monday worried about bad debts and capital adequacy in the global banking system.


  • 贴现购买出售贷款商业票据削减利息贴现

    The interest deducted prior to purchasing, selling, or lending a commercial paper; the discount rate.


  • 出售拍卖保留价格类似供应商拍卖投标体现自身的收益

    The income rate will be reflected in the auctions similar to the reservation price in sale auction.


  • 这些公司坏账银行自然缩减残留无用资产难以合理价格出售这些资产被戏称是有毒的,并非空穴来风

    But the rate of natural shrinkage of their bad Banks is low and the remaining dud assets are hard to sell at reasonable prices They're called toxic for a reason.


  • 以贴现方式出售证券收益

    The yield from selling securities on a discount.


  • 分析师们IBM业绩好转反映该公司已经改变了业务模式,服务方面实现更高利润,同时通过庞大的销售团队出售利润更高的软件产品

    Analysts said IBM's earnings improvement reflects the way it has changed its business to get better margins from services and sell more high-margin software products through its huge sales force. Mr.


  • 分析师们IBM业绩好转反映该公司已经改变了业务模式,服务方面实现更高利润,同时通过庞大的销售团队出售利润更高的软件产品

    Analysts said IBM's earnings improvement reflects the way it has changed its business to get better margins from services and sell more high-margin software products through its huge sales force. Mr.


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