• 史蒂芬妮建议凯马沃尔玛

    STEPHANIE: Then I suggest you go to K-Mart or Wal-Mart.


  • 大多数超市沃尔以及药店,设有专门的取柜台

    Most of the supermarkets such as Walmart and Kmart and drug stores have a pharmacy counter.


  • 其他职位持有凯马圣路易斯密苏里州聘为销售员后晋升部门经理

    Other positions held: K-Mart, St. Louis, Missouri: Hired as Sales Clerk and promoted to Department Manager.


  • 8月份公司公布凯马第二季度销售额持平西尔斯美国门店下降1.2%。

    In August, the company reported that Kmart's comparable store sales were flat in the second quarter, while Sears stores in the U.S. saw a decline of 1.2%.


  • 不过从MyKmart(我凯马特)站点实际情况,我们至少可以看到公司为什么简化注册流程

    At least for the MyKmart site, though, we can also see why the company would want to make the sign-up process easy.


  • 就是为什么在经过爪哇岛苏门答腊岛时,开始露宿野外,住廉价的帐篷里接受夜晚雨水的洗礼。

    That's why I started camping, out in the wild, across Java and Sumatra, in a cheap Kmart tent and the rain that fell at night.


  • 确定厂家们是否生产这些东西,不过我想如果他们生产的话,那么在凯马特百货商店里一定能到。

    I wasn't too sure they still made them, but I thought if they did they would surely have them at Kmart.


  • 米勒太太凯马特为阿比盖尔雷神玩偶时,注意到一个红色头发的芭比娃娃,于是决定亲自尝试改造寡妇”玩偶。

    When Ms Millar was in Kmart buying Abigail a Thor doll, she noticed a Sparkle 'Girlz' doll with red hair and decided to try and turn it into a Black Widow doll herself.


  • 很强的工程意识能够解决这样的问题,然后继续努力。”工程师西·查多

    "She has a very good engineering sense to break down a problem like this and then go after it." says engineer Casey Machado.


  • 他们需要解释为什么这种属性没有扩散所有人,”科罗拉多大学波尔得分校的·问道。

    "They still have to explain why it hasn't spread to everyone," says Matthew Keller of the University of Colorado in Boulder.


  • 西召集了家里所有成员还有挚友,告诉修说需要学校赶回

    Kathy and Matthew summoned family and close friends and told Matthew Jr. he needed to come home from college right away.


  • 塞拉利昂新建柏油大路首都首先连到了博城(这个国度第二城市),接着通往位于东南部的

    On the Sierra Leonean side new tarmac runs from the capital first to Bo, the country's second city and then on to Kenema in the southeast.


  • 弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯郡乔治·大学研究幸福感心理学副教授托德士丹这些发现意义重大,虽然没有看到这项研究。

    Although he has not read the study, Todd Kashdan, an associate professor of psychology at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., who studies well-being, says these findings make perfect sense.


  • 西走廊的窗户啜泣,路格博士修则走进了化验室。

    Kathy wept against a hallway window while Dr. Luger and Matthew walked into an exam room.


  • 迈可说,他们必须但是一旦他们拉”交给勒曼被释放的。

    Michael says they have to leave Mahone, but once they deliver Scylla to Kellerman, it'll buy Mahone his immunity.


  • 摘自杰弗里书《月亮唱歌》(乔纳森)。

    This is an edited extract from Jeffrey Masson's The Pig Who Sang to the Moon (Jonathan Cape).


  • 正在接受调查其他涉案人员来说,迪帕斯认罪或许是个消息这些人员包括了家人雇员以及一些主要投资者

    The plea could prove bad news for others under investigation in the case, which have included Madoff family members, employees and some large investors.


  • 努诺·费尔南德斯米格尔·费雷拉、佩德罗·托斯·墨菲近期开展的一项研究显示,2003年到2008年期间,美国CEO平均薪酬是其他国家CEO们的两倍

    Recent research by professors Nuno Fernandes, Miguel Ferreira, Pedro Matos, and Kevin Murphy finds that, on average, U.S. CEOs earned double their non-U.S. counterparts between 2003 and 2008.


  • 特约研究院麦当娜·莱伯灵露西·沙克尔福德以及特约评论员丽莎·瑞恩保罗·恩杰里·肯均对此文有所贡献。

    Staff researchers Madonna Lebling and Lucy Shackelford and staff writers Lisa Rein, Paul Kane and Jerry Markon contributed to this report.


  • ·克斯击败竞争对手——“小甜甜”布兰妮文·费德林儿子西恩·普雷斯顿登上可爱明星宝贝”排行榜之首。

    Maddox saw off stiff competition from Britney Spears and Kevin Federline's son Sean Preston to top the cute list.


  • 而且因为对于黑客来说直接入侵手机有实际意义并且这种短信服务的方式成本,这就意味着今后这种手机入侵方式越来越流行的”手机安全公司的首席技术官哈菲

    And because there is an incentive for attackers to compromise mobile phones, and the cost of compromising is not that high, that says it will become more prevalent in the future.


  • 顶由钻石和祖母绿宝石镶嵌的王冠是1900年的时候,德国王子吉多·亨克尔·冯·多纳斯第二任妻子瑞典公主琳娜定制的。

    The diamond-and-emerald confection was commissioned by German prince Guido Henckel von Donnersmarck for his second wife Katharina around 1900.


  • 37岁的斯科特·阿帕吉安,36岁·登,以及37岁的肖恩·共同创建了这家位于旧金山公司

    Scott Arpajian co-founded the San Francisco business with Ken Marden, 36, and Sean Kelly, 37.


  • 教员-乌平斯基女士,"还有一点必须注意,如果尾巴辫子,最好披散头盔下面,阿富汗可以看出你是一个女儿身。

    And one more thing: “If you have a pony tail, ” said Marina Kielpinski, the instructor, “let it go out the back of your helmet so people can see you’re a woman.”


  • 佳丽·亚斯乔纳森·乔治计划2008年11月份当地市政厅结婚举行婚礼乔纳森一场摩托车车祸

    Magali Jaskiewicz and Jonathan George had planned to wed at their local town hall in November 2008, but he was killed just two days before the ceremony in a motorcycle accident.


  • 美国北达科他州大学洛MartyMarchello博士说:“3又1/2盎司未烹调生牛肉含大约3毫克,所脂肪少于3毫克。”

    "The iron content is about 3 milligrams in a 3 1/2-ounce uncooked portion, " says Marty Marchello, Ph.D., at North Dakota State University. "That portion contains less than 3 grams of fat."


  • 美国北达科他州大学洛MartyMarchello博士说:“3又1/2盎司未烹调生牛肉含大约3毫克,所脂肪少于3毫克。”

    "The iron content is about 3 milligrams in a 3 1/2-ounce uncooked portion, " says Marty Marchello, Ph.D., at North Dakota State University. "That portion contains less than 3 grams of fat."


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