• 荣幸代表凯诺公司参加今天晚上的中国砂浆协会举办的年度颁奖晚会。

    It is my honor to attend this China Mortar Industry Annual Awarding Ceremony on behalf of Kerneos tonight.


  • 凯诺酸盐公司铝酸盐科研生产中,以及铝酸盐作为特种矿物凝材料和添加剂的干粉砂浆领域,都处于世界领导地位

    Kerneos is the world leader in the research, production and valorization of calcium aluminate specialty mineral binders and reactants to the dry mix mortar industry.


  • 林栋经理:凯诺斯酸盐公司铝酸盐的科研生产中,以及铝酸盐作为特种矿物凝材料和添加剂的干粉砂浆领域都处于世界领导地位

    Kerneos is the world leader in the research production and valorization of calcium aluminate specialty mineral binders and reactants to the dry mix mortar industry.


  • 乔治·诺斯布鲁克银行银行业务总裁

    George Kaiser is vice president of banking operations for Northbrook Bank.


  • 团队分析了65张西拍到卫五照片有些太阳飞船身后时拍的,有些是太阳差不多卡西尼前面时拍的。

    Tiscareno and his team analyzed 65 Cassini images of Rhea, some of which were taken with the sun behind the craft and some with the sun more or less in front of Cassini.


  • 私人厨师证实了杰克逊早餐是格兰·麦片,经常上午9:30左右卧室里吃。

    Personal chef Kai Chase testified to the granola breakfasts, which Jackson usually took in his bedroom about 9:30 a.m.


  • 真是,”提说道。“认为我们制造个奇案卫星周围没有固体物质。”

    "It's a real mystery," Tiscareno said. "I think we make a strong case that it's not a ring of solid material around the moon.


  • 盖尔·澳大利亚西太银行首席执行官,排第八;排在第九的是歌手碧昂·

    Gail Kelly, chief executive of Australia's Westpac Banking Corp, was in eighth place, followed by singer Beyonce Knowles.


  • 双职工确定无疑地应该买房。” 甚为诺斯布鲁克执行总裁姐妹公司西美国信贷公司乔治·

    "Dual-income customers should definitely buy a home now," says George Kaiser, vice president of banking operations for Northbrook Bank and Trust and West America Mortgage Co., its sister company.


  • 北约(北大西洋公约组织)举行特拉峰会上丹麦首相诺斯·福格·穆森一任北约秘书长。

    AT the NATO summit in Strasbourg and Kehl, Denmark's prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, was chosen as the alliance's next secretary-general.


  • ·费尔南德米格尔·费雷拉、佩德罗·马托·墨菲近期开展的一项研究显示,2003年到2008年期间,美国CEO平均薪酬是其他国家CEO们的两倍

    Recent research by professors Nuno Fernandes, Miguel Ferreira, Pedro Matos, and Kevin Murphy finds that, on average, U.S. CEOs earned double their non-U.S. counterparts between 2003 and 2008.


  • 克利特餐厅,一名叫格瑞德·夫的就餐者,“在家从不做饭如果在外面吃饭好多钱的话,我就希望别人。”

    At the Vinoklet, diner Grey Schafer says, “I don’t cook at home, and if I’m going to pay good money, I want someone to do the cooking for me.”


  • 事实上,1964年发生纽约皇后区街头袭击·吉(KittyGenovese)案件,也存在过折磨谋杀

    Indeed, there was the torture and murder of Kitty Genovese in Queens, New York, in a 1964 street attack.


  • 西北大学实验白鼠的大脑中直接注入剂量金’,博士说道,“这使它们成为天才小鼠——如果确有此评比的话。”

    Mice at Northwestern whose brains were infused directly with large doses of Noggin became, Dr. Kessler says, “little mouse geniuses, if there is such a thing.”


  • 八月,伊利共和党选出艾伦·作为他们的参议员候选人

    In early August, the Republican party in Illinois chose Alan Keyes as its candidate for the Senate.


  • ·米欧朱丽叶》的导演编剧是动漫老手·阿博瑞,莎翁古代的吟游诗人没有一丝愧疚之情,这大概具改编潜力故事了。

    Gnomeo and Juliet is directed and co-written by animation veteran Kelly Asbury, who makes no apologies to William Shakespeare or to the bard's, perhaps, most malleable tale.


  • 帕特里克·卡塔拉博士产妇胎儿医学系,西大学美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰市,补充说,这项研究显示母亲和胎儿明显好处

    Patrick Catalano, MD, from the Department of Maternal and Fetal Medicine at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, adds that this study shows clear benefits for both mother and fetus.


  • 邮轮所有者嘉年华邮轮一家意大利子公司在周日晚间发表声明船长弗朗切科•判断错误,并导致悲剧性后果。”

    The ship's Italian owner, a subsidiary of Carnival Cruise lines, issued a statement late Sunday saying the captain, Francesco Schettino, "made errors of judgment that had very grave consequences."


  • 罗普·格鲁门信息系统公司应用数学家·勒(Justin Kessler)将该项目的成果展示经理们时,他们都被如此低廉价格震惊

    When Justin Kessler, an applied mathematician at Northrop Grumman Information Systems, showed the results of the project to his managers, they were struck by the low price tag.


  • 罗普·格鲁门信息系统公司应用数学家·勒(Justin Kessler)将该项目的成果展示经理们时,他们都被如此低廉价格震惊

    When Justin Kessler, an applied mathematician at Northrop Grumman Information Systems, showed the results of the project to his managers, they were struck by the low price tag.


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