• 我很惊讶知道伊莱沙·如此特别是认识葬礼美国历史上最隆重的时候,这个葬礼仅次于伯拉罕·林肯

    It is astounding that Elisha Kane is known to so few people -especially considering that his funeral was said to be the largest in US history, second only to that of Abraham Lincoln.


  • 基于所作采访坚信至少太平洋地区,与干旱其他环境风险有关科学知识应该故事来宣传。

    Based on her interviews, Finucane believes that - in the Pacific region at least - the science related to drought and other environmental risks should be complemented with a narrative.


  • 数据,2009年全球游艇销量锐减45%,五分四的游艇生产商被迫关门或是削减规模。

    Global yacht sales plunged by 45% in 2009, according to Capgemini, and four out of five yachtmakers had to cut back or shut down.


  • 除了人类强大相互影响自然形象化描写,作品评论艺术——包含音乐绘画以及所有创造冲动表达

    In addition to intense human interactions and nature imagery, Cather's work often comments on the arts — on music, on painting, on all expressions of the impulse to create.


  • 来说网上工作完全意外财,几个努力份体面的工作处处碰壁

    Working online has been a financial windfall for Kelly, who struggled for months to find a decent job but kept hitting dead ends.


  • 个人生活其他女人间那非常动人的关系推测,过去,将来也一定会有。

    There has been, and continues to be, speculation about Cather's personal life, and her relationships, often deeply emotional, with other women.


  • 然而尽管先生原始计划稍作调整使递减性降低,这次穷人似乎共和党候选人中达到了骄傲地步

    This time around, however, raising taxes on the poor seems to be a point of pride among Republican candidates, although Mr Cain has modified his original plan slightly to make it less regressive.


  • 发现了些并没有让此事不了了,而是直截了当地质问

    The deputy noticed something missing too, but he didn"t excuse it. He confronted Kevin about some missing money.


  • :“这样的话,自知不是自我中心主义,对应聘者很有帮助的吗?”

    Kevin: "So, candidates will help themselves by being self-aware but not self-centered?"


  • 不过布莱克威尔也一些赞美辞”,英国影星·温丝雷特、安吉丽娜·茱丽、昂丝·赫尔墨斯就博得好评。

    Blackwell did have some kind words, however, praising British actress Kate Winslet, Angelina Jolie, Beyonce and Katie Holmes for their sense of style.


  • 同样伊顿伊顿),克里夫兰为基础设备制造商获得了美国以外的百分55销售,“我们理念制造货币区。发言人姚什科

    Likewise, Eaton ( ETN), the Cleveland-based equipment maker, gets 55 percent of its sales outside the U.S. Spokeswoman Kelly Jasko says, "Our philosophy is to manufacture in the zone of currency."


  • 他借用希腊历史家普鲁塔克伎俩,文章讲述了另外一位同时代华盛顿冷战决策者保罗尼采(1907-204)与相似的一生

    Reviving a wheeze of the Greek historian Plutarch, he has written a parallel life with another Washington cold-war policymaker and contemporary of Kennan’s, Paul Nitze (1907-2004).


  • 加利福尼亚一个大型技术交流会议上,乔布斯电信设备领域的后起CERENT公司的首席执行官鲁索相遇

    In California, at a large technology conference, Chambers and telecommunications equipment rising star Cerent CEO Carl Russo met.


  • 银行没收了公司的一些财产,担任公司20余年首席执行官察夫·瑞特(MosheKeret)还面临着受贿指控(自己却否则这些指控并且由于缺乏证据不了了了)。

    Banks had seized some of its financial assets and its chief executive of 20 years, Moshe Keret, was facing bribery allegations (he denied these and the case was dropped for lack of evidence).


  • 崔斯特瑞姆怎么可能找到呢?去那里首要条件便是找到艾尼·弗斯

    How will you find Cain without going to Tristram? Finding the Tree of Inifuss is the first step on your journey.


  • ·血传说得到大地母亲编织命运绳。他必然能为你们指点迷津。

    Cairne Bloodhoof: Legends say that it saw the strands of fate as they were woven by the Earth Mother. It alone can show you your destiny.


  • 但是家庭基金会指出只有百分6美国认为艾滋病美国严重健康问题

    But the Kaiser Family Foundation points out that only 6 percent of Americans believe that AIDS is the most serious health problems.


  • 圭亚那中部河流,流程约为161公里(即100英里)。河中含厄图尔瀑布闻名

    A river, about 161 km (100 mi) long, of central Guyana. It has gold deposits and is known for its Kaieteur Falls.


  • 有人认为1918年《露斯坦尼亚号沉没世界上一部动画电影

    Some consider McCays Sinking of the Lusitania from 1918 to be the first animated feature film.


  • 有人认为1918年《露斯坦·尼亚号淹没》世界上一部动画电影

    Some consider McCay's Sinking of the Lusitania from 1918 to be the first animated feature film.


  • 并非要将弗来德尔降级,或是谴责塞林最初失败

    I had no intention of recommending Fredendall for reduction or of placing the blame for the initial defeats in the Kasserine battle on his shoulders.


  • 奇尔顿布莱克伯克·维茨,西库克卡茨等人2009年指出没有来自正常成长环境孩子百分57机会营养不良

    Chilton, Black, Berkowitz, Casey, Cook, Cutts, et al. (2009) states that children who do not come from normal surroundings are at a 57 percent chance of having malnutrition.


  • 人是应希兹达国王签署和平条约,见证弥林远近闻名角斗场重生

    The Yunkai'i had come at King Hizdahr's invitation, to sign the peace and witness the rebirth of Meereen's far-famed fighting pits.


  • 他借用希腊历史家普鲁塔克伎俩,文章讲述了另外一位同时代华盛顿冷战决策者保罗尼采(1907-204)与相似的一生

    Reviving a wheeze of the Greek historian Plutarch, he has written a parallel life with another Washington cold-war policymaker and contemporary of Kennan's, Paul Nitze (1907-2004).


  • cc3怒里,终于给Nod兄弟会配备了游戏玩家你自己运兵车——清算者。

    Command and Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath finally brought the Brotherhood of Nod a transport vehicle of their own in the Reckoner.


  • cc3怒里,终于给Nod兄弟会配备了游戏玩家你自己运兵车——清算者。

    Command and Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath finally brought the Brotherhood of Nod a transport vehicle of their own in the Reckoner.


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