• 这种不会我们这样凡夫俗子身上。

    Such things are not for mere mortals like ourselves.


  • 森林令人感到愉悦之地,然而凡夫俗子喜爱

    Inspiring are the forests in which worldlings find no pleasure.


  • 妙语精诚我们凡夫俗子多少可贵启示

    Four eloquence, sincere words, give us ordinary people going about the implications of the how much valuable!


  • 大自然发怒之时,我们这些凡夫俗子的又多少呢?

    When Mother Nature decides to unleash her fury, there's very little we mortals can do except deal with it.


  • 我们真的相信上帝真的插手去帮助一个凡夫俗子恢复健康吗?

    Do we believe that God can or will actually intervene in an individual's physical recovery?


  • 然而,靠神所信心这些凡夫俗子可以不平凡的人生

    But it was because of God's gift of faith that these ordinary people were able to live extraordinary lives.


  • 天底下放弃功名,甘心成为一名凡夫俗子者,实在太少了。

    There are few people in the world who would like to give up fame and success and willing to be an earthling.


  • 莫言一个撕下程序化宣传海报凡夫俗子一个个推上台面诗人

    Mo Yan is a poet who tears down stereotypical propaganda posters, elevating the individual from an anonymous human mass.


  • 某种意义上讲,他们似乎宇宙人,我们这些凡夫俗子形成了鲜明的对照

    It's as if they were, in some sense, cosmic beings in violent and lovely contrast with us suburban creatures.


  • 某种意义上讲,他们似乎宇宙人,我们这些凡夫俗子形成了鲜明的对照

    Its as if they were, in some sense, cosmic beings in violent and lovely contrast with us suburban creatures.


  • 对于我们普通人来说,蓝色可以反映大千世界里显得极其渺小凡夫俗子忧郁

    For us common folk, blue may mirror the melancholy of mortals dwarfed by the infinite.


  • 意识父亲只是一个凡夫俗子可能尽善尽美时,我便开始感激有加。

    When I realized that my father was just a man, and that he was not perfect, I began to appreciate him so much more.


  • 某种意义上讲,他们似乎宇宙我们这些凡夫俗子形成了强烈鲜明的对照

    It's as if they were in some sense cosmic beings in violent and lovely contrast with us suburban creatures.


  • 没有时间可以凡夫俗子一样的浪费并不长的生命完成许许多多第一流

    He, unlike the ordinary ones, does not have superabundant time to squander, but has to utilize his limited life to accomplish numerous distinguished things one after another.


  • 凡夫俗子,畅游旅途之中,心中总是充满远离尘嚣向往寻觅人生难得的平淡恬静。

    Mortal like us, are always longing for a place far from the secular world and searching for rare peace and tranquility on our journey.


  • 这样结果不是高盛应该有的,它即时地提醒投资者,高盛不过就是一个凡夫俗子

    But the results still are out of character for the firm, and a timely reminder for investors that Goldman, too, is mortal.


  • 对于我们这些凡夫俗子来说,最佳人生境界也许不是别的而是成为一个快乐生活

    But for those of us ordinary people, an optimal state of life may not be the other, but to become a happy family life.


  • 我们些后来人,我们这些心窍凡夫俗子只能仰天长,只能着湍湍不息的河流长叹

    We in the later one, we ordinary people can only look up the understanding not only to look, Tuan Tuan endless rivers sigh.


  • 这个国家里,要是荣誉,有头脑,那么一般凡夫俗子之辈都会鼓动如簧之攻击

    In this country, it is enough for a man to have distinction and brains for every common tongue to wag against him.


  • 为了完成第一流的事,必须放弃或减少凡夫俗子快乐、交游、娱乐争执答辩澄清

    To accomplish first-class businesses, he can not but abdicate happiness, travels, entertainments, love and hatred, quarrels, arguments and clarifications.


  • 第一流浪费生命第一流的人举世无双可惜生命同凡夫俗子一样,也并不他们

    The most distinguished man does not waste his life. The most distinguished man is unrivalled, although pitifully, the length of his life is no longer than that of those ordinary people.


  • 渴望超越死亡,但是却缓慢呼吸死亡的气息反复冲刷,最终仍然被绝望凡夫俗子恐惧俘获

    Oh-you long to be beyond; despair and mortal fear seize you in this death that breathes slowly and streams back and forth eternally.


  • 牧师这些问题自有严格观念但是怎样使它们回答调和起来,完全超出了我们凡夫俗子的理解了。

    How the Vicar reconciled his answer with the strict notions he supposed himself to hold on these subjects it is beyond a layman's power to tell, though not to excuse.


  • 倘若具备奥利维尔那样才干专业演员觉得对付不当众讲话这头魔怪的话,想想我们这些凡夫俗子将如何呢?

    If a professional actor of Olivier's caliber could feel mocked by the Public Speaking Monster, what about the rest of us, you know, regular guys and gals?


  • 虽然许多程序员保持专心致志可能没有问题但是其他人使我们这些凡夫俗子中的另一些人不出闪失当然也是有帮助的。

    While many programmers probably don't have much trouble staying focused, it certainly helps to have somebody else keeping the rest of us mere mortals on track.


  • 骄傲认为我们友谊,我都一直没有凡夫俗子友谊中的任何罪恶所诱惑好胜、散布谣言背地里说坏话。

    Never once in our relationship, I was proud to think, had I ever even been tempted to commit a single mortal friendship sin: being competitive, gossiping, or backstabbing.


  • 制作网站过程当中,我们经常碰到困难给制作者提供了一次完善自身的机会提醒用户我们制作者其实也是凡夫俗子

    The mistakes we naturally run into when creating a website provides designers with an opportunity to make the most of a bad situation and remind our users that we are people too.


  • 制作网站过程当中,我们经常碰到困难给制作者提供了一次完善自身的机会提醒用户我们制作者其实也是凡夫俗子

    The mistakes we naturally run into when creating a website provides designers with an opportunity to make the most of a bad situation and remind our users that we are people too.


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