• 就是说练习当然让你擅长独游戏,帮助准确记忆清单,而且这种效果甚至能够持续多年

    That is, practice can certainly make people better at sudoku puzzles or help them remember lists more accurately. The improvement can even last for years.


  • 莱布茨否认了这种行为。准确的说,牛顿发表过任何关于术fluxions的文章,可能同一个短暂停留的客人讨论观点

    He denied the charge (probably accurately, since Newton had still not published anything on fluxions, and would hardly have discussed his idea with a transient acquaintance).


  • 这项检测已经药品连锁店网上销售多年但是使用者寥寥,部分原因可能是因为准确还是个未知

    The tests have been available in drugstore chains and online for a few years, but their use has been limited, partly because their accuracy was unclear.


  • 请记住我们使用模型预测未来未知;我们不是想使用此模型来准确预测我们已经知道

    Remember: we want to use the model to predict future unknowns; we don't want the model to perfectly predict values we already know.


  • 设计目标就是最后芯片一定尽量少,准确的说,最后的电路板尽量,因此,这些小不点的串行移位寄存器中标了。

    My design goal was to have the fewest chips in the end. More correctly it was to have the smallest board space used.


  • 相比于其他同学表现,自己一个百分如果大家准确评价自己,或者说大家都偏心于自己,那么平均百分应该是50%的。

    And I asked you to give yourself a percentage rating relative to the rest of the class, then if everybody was accurate, or at least not systematically biased, the number should add up to 50%.


  • 可以一个,比12+t代表,这里有点不准确地方,具体的步依赖于但是你们可以看到两个case

    It says, in either case in general, t of b-- and this is where I'm going to abuse notation a little bit but I can basically bound it by t, 12 steps plus t of b over 2.


  • 研究人员标签应该描绘更大实际食物量,更准确的卡路里从而可能阻止人们太多。

    The researchers say labels should depict larger, more realistic serving sizes, which might deter people from eating too much by giving them a more accurate calorie count.


  • 年幼海龟生长轮是可以的,但是不是断定海龟年龄准确方法

    A young turtle's growth rings can be counted, but it is not a very accurate way to tell the turtle's age.


  • 结果表明所使用地磁观测资料准确可靠,模型截断选取合理的。

    The results show that the geomagnetic data used are precise and reliable, and the selection of the truncation order is reasonable.


  • 一次它们可以重新计算出行,因此也就可以准确计算出返程的步履了。

    Now that they could re-count their outbound journeys, they were able to calculate the journey home.


  • 结果表明核磁共振内标求聚氧丙烯甘油醚类化合物均分子量快速方便准确

    The results show that It is a high speed, convenient and accurate method as compared with end-group analytical method.


  • 毕达哥拉斯详细叙述理论,其准确含义至今学者有争议

    The Pythagoreans elaborated on a theory of numbers , the exact meaning of which is still debated among scholars.


  • 仿真结果表明生成树拓扑抽象中使用此逼近算法后,大大减少节点由于拓扑信息准确而产生路由决策错误提高网络性能

    Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can greatly reduce the routing decision errors of the source nodes due to inaccurate topology information, and improve network performance.


  • 二进制代表十进制可能准确

    The binary representation of the decimal number may not be exact.


  • 骨髓认为修复受损皮肤过程作用但是准确的过程尚未知

    Bone marrow was thought to play a role in repairing damaged skin, but the exact process was unknown.


  • 仪器准确通常规定百分加上量程的百分(或者最低有效的字)。

    Instrument accuracy is usually specified as a percent of reading, plus a percentage of range (or a number of counts of the least significant digit).


  • 甘油基作标准求出聚醚分子量结果表明此法准确方便快速

    The glyceryl was used as standard to calculate NumberAverage Molecular Weight of polyether. The result showed that it was accurate, convenient and high speed method.


  • 达到80%以上,筛分准确反光效果好

    Into a round rate of over 80%, sieving mesh accurate, reflective effect.


  • 为了计算准确分钟然后除以五。

    For an even more accurate estimate, walk for five minutes, and divide the number of steps you took by five.


  • 如何检查一个字符串包含一系列准确连续10吗?

    How to check if a string contains a series of exactly 10 consecutive digits?


  • 水浴蒸发器温度调节控制采用温控仪,温度调节与控制准确

    In the cold bath and bath evaporator temperature regulation and control using digital temperature controller, temperature regulation and control accuracy.


  • 户外系统准确15厘米公司上升室内

    Outdoors the system is accurate to 15 cm says the company, rising to several meters indoors.


  • 光电式探测装置准确可靠。微电脑智能化角度控制有效解决长工短纬。

    Accurate and reliable photoelectric weft count detector. Problem of weft length difference is solved by computerized coil amount and Angle control.


  • 模型用于磨合磨损试验,最佳分形进行了准确预测

    When it is used in the running-in process, the model can predict optimum fractal dimension precisely.


  • 方法准确识别指针式仪表示有利于信号采集字计算机系统,基本能实现在线测试。

    The method can recognize the readings, which make it easy for the signals to be collected into computer system, and can realize on-line recognition.


  • 这是座造价昂贵设施楼房铁丝网延伸英里建筑群非设施来定义似乎准确

    An expansive place, it stretched for what seemed miles of buildings and razor wire, a definition more in line with a compound than a facility.


  • 模拟影像实际航空遥感影像进行仿真,结果表明改进后的三棱柱面较好地保留了遥感影像的分特性,计算的分形维更为准确

    The simulation results with real aviation remote sensing image show that the improved method effectively keeps the image fractal features and can obtain more accurate fractal dimension.


  • 一次它们可以重新计算出行,因此也就可以准确地计算出返程的步履了。

    Now that they could re-count their outbound journeys, they were able to calculate the journey home correctly.


  • 一次它们可以重新计算出行,因此也就可以准确地计算出返程的步履了。

    Now that they could re-count their outbound journeys, they were able to calculate the journey home correctly.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定