• 坐在那里努力集中思想准备发言

    She sat trying to gather her thoughts before making her speech.


  • 没有准备发言稿只有一些笔记讲话时不时参阅。

    He didn't have a prepared text, just notes that he referred to during the speech.


  • 会议中,当准备发言时,总是制止自己然后思考,“我的意见是不是听起来蠢了”。

    In meetings, she'd be about to speak up, only to silence herself, thinking, ‘That will sound really stupid’.


  • 让学生准备陈述发言使他们参与到评估运用大量科学观点来分析全球问题的过程。

    Preparing these statements will engage the students in assessing and applying a number of scientific views on global warming.


  • 意见写成纲要准备会上发言

    He made an outline of his views and got ready to present it at the meeting.


  • 本周发言中,看起来巴马已经对这些风险最好了充分的应对准备

    In his speech this week, Mr Obama seemed too prepared to run the risk of all this happening.


  • 对于没有社交恐惧来说,公共发言心跳加速或者紧张帮助发言前做好准备或者提升能量

    For people without a social phobia, the elevated heart beat, or nerves that come before public speaking help to prepare you or increase energy before you talk.


  • 有些Google高层开会只用5分钟——与会者最好早有准备发言务必简洁

    Some top Google executives just do 5-minute meetings - anyone who attends these meetings had better be prepared, and concise.


  • 因为劳动节即将来临人们开始九月开学购物准备。” 佩金斯今天一次发言中还说:“我们期待着在今年圣诞节前每月都会有连续的增长,现在看来这一趋势将要被减弱,但还并不是损失惨重。”

    Because Labor Day falls later this year, some people will be shopping for the start of school in September, he said.


  • 上述伦敦证券交易所发言周一罗瑞铎预计国际明年年底准备就绪

    The LSE spokesman said Monday that Rolet expects the international board to be ready by the end of next year.


  • 比如说一位出席发言主题严肃的,那么这份介绍观众做好准备听接下来轻松的演说

    Sets the mood. For example, if a serious subject was presented by the previous speaker, the introduction can prepare the audience for a more light-hearted speech to follow.


  • 本田发言这项技术没有准备大面积使用因为使用时可能会分心

    Honda said the technology was not ready for general use because of potential distractions in the person's thinking.


  • (索尼电子发言索尼公司没有准备发布关于2010年索尼公司将要推出的新的电视的价格以及关于预计销量的任何细节问题)。

    A representative for Sony Electronics said the company was not yet ready to share details about how expensive its new televisions would be in 2010 or how many it expected to sell.


  • 或许即席演讲重要秘诀随时做好准备应该能够预先通知自己将要发言

    SPEECH Perhaps the most important tip for giving impromptu speeches is to be prepared. You can often predict when you might be asked to say a few words.


  • 酒店,内维站讲台上,准备开始观众发言林肯锁着出口处丢了丹尼,他四处找寻结果发现另一名男子在夹楼上,拿着狙击枪。

    Back inside, Banerjee takes the podium and begins to address the crowd as Lincoln just loses Downey behind a locked Exit door. Lincoln turns around to find another man on the mezzanine with a rifle.


  • 课堂发言努力准备你的同学查看电子邮件时,你会变得沮丧。

    It's frustrating when you put a lot of work into a class presentation, and you know your classmates are looking at their e-mails.


  • 苹果唱片公司发言阿斯皮纳发表的声明进行了证实她说公司准备提供披头士乐队专辑歌曲在线音乐服务

    A spokeswoman for Apple Corps confirmed Aspinall's statement, and said that the company is preparing to make the Beatles catalog available through online music services.


  • 承包洛克希德·马丁公司发言人约翰·史密斯,洛克希德·马丁公司正在准备F - 35 B演示样机BF - 1飞行测试,该测试有可能6月6日前进行。

    Prime Contractor Lockheed Martin is gearing up for a flight test of the F-35B demonstrator aircraft, known as BF-1, possibly before 6 June, according to Lockheed Martin spokesman John Smith.


  • 你们将会一会儿时间准备你们发言可以草稿。

    You'll have a few moments to prepare your speech, so you can make a draft first.


  • 惠普Slate今年晚些时候上市。不过公司发言周一,惠普尚未准备公布价格技术特性销售日期

    H-P says the Slate will be available later this year, but a spokesman said Monday that the company isn't ready to reveal the price, technical features or sale date of the product.


  • 伯南克下午3点45分发言之前其事先准备好的发言稿就已公布

    From Bernanke's prepared remarks, released moments before his 3:45 p.m. speech.


  • 如果参与比较害羞的话,你可以好好地准备并且机会长一些发言

    If you are shy about contributing, prepare well and speak longer when you have the floor.


  • 很多作业准备明天发言复习考试内容,更不用说每天读书报告了。

    I've got too much work to do, I have to prepare a speech for tomorrow, and study for an exam, not to mention the daily book report.


  • 很多作业准备明天发言复习考试内容,更不用说每天读书报告了。

    I've got too much work to do, I have to prepare a speech for tomorrow, and study for an exam, not to mention the daily book report.


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