• 沉积有机不锈钢表面改善其抗蚀性并

    Cold Plasma Deposition Organic Film on Stainless Steel to Improve Corrosion...


  • 脚底热量作用上层薄片,较地面作用下层薄片,好了,就这样产生了。

    Heat from the foot is applied to the top side of the wafer, and cold from the ground is applied on the other side, and voila: electricity.


  • 脚部热量作用于上层陶瓷薄片,较地面作用于下层的陶瓷片时,产生了

    When the heat from the foot is applied on the top side of the ceramic wafer and cold is applied on the opposite side, from the cold of the ground, electricity is generated.


  • 根据混合工质的这一特点,设计了氨-混合物作为工质联合生产新型热力循环

    The paper proposes a new power cycle using ammonia water mixture which can produce power and refrigerant.


  • 用途宇航工业化工耐腐材料喷涂烟花铝合金添加剂真空材料

    Uses: aerospace industry, chemical corrosion-resistant materials, thermal spraying, cold fireworks, aluminum alloy additives, electric vacuum material.


  • 常规消耗大量如果LNG用于,则既能回收LNG能,又能节省大量消耗。

    If LNG cold energy may be used in cold stores, the cold energy is recovered, and large amount of power consumption for cold stores is saved at the same time.


  • 方案2是以天然气作为燃料,采用热水锅炉实现冬季供热动力、采用离心式机组实现夏季

    Plan 2 is that heating in winter by water heaters using natural gas for fuel and cooling in summer by power driven centrifugal water cooler.


  • 采用陶瓷处理技术制备了高介钛酸陶瓷材料。

    The cold-pressing ceramic processing technique was used to prepare high-permittivity Barium Titanate ceramics.


  • 利用氨水混合物沸点特点,设计了氨水混合物为工质的联产循环系统

    A new combined thermal power and cooling system is developed using the characteristic of low boiling non azeotropic ammonia water mixtures.


  • 最后,以为基础研究了联产产品成本效益计算方法将其应用包头机组的成本效益分析中。

    In the end, based on electricity, the calculating methods for the cost and benefit of heating and electricity are studied, which are applied to air-cooled unit of BaoTou Second Thermal Power Plant.


  • 模型根据示范点各大楼负荷预测延时变化曲线按照经济最优原则制定微型燃气轮机计划

    The results show that the generation curves of micro turbine made by this optimal model can satisfy the operation economy and primary energy ratio index requirements of this project.


  • 基于热力学第二定律分析方法,按照系数概念确定了天然气蒸汽热水各种形式的建筑用能及建筑物耗、耗热量的能源品位高低

    Using the exergy analysis method, the conception of energy quality character was presented, which indicated the discretion of electricity, gas, coal, steam and hot water, cooling or heating load etc.


  • 提出了一个基于燃气热泵三联供总能系统

    A gas engine driven heat pump cogeneration system for combined heat, cold and power production is put forward and represented in this paper.


  • 介绍神马尼龙66公司空分装置一起由压机油泵导致的系统停车紧急启动液氮汽化系统过程中由于液氮取出阀内漏所造成壁冻裂事故

    The paper describes a sudden shutdown of the air separation plant operating in Nylon 66 Salt Corporation due to instantaneous power failure of the compressor oil pump.


  • 本文建立多级半导体温差瞬态分析数学模型

    A mathematical model of multi-stage semi-conductor thermoelectric refrigeration in the transient state is presented and a numerical analysis is made of the two-stage types.


  • 本文重点介绍了100MW汽轮转子线圈制造工艺相关工艺装备,该转子线圈的研制成功公司今后生产更大容量的空机组奠定了坚实的基础。

    The manufacturing technique of rotor coils of 100mw air-cooled turbogenerator is mainly discussed in this paper. And the success of it builds a great foundation for HEC to develop large-scale units.


  • 夏季太阳能维持温差吸热较高温度,用地下水维持温差较低温度。

    In summer higher temperature on the absorbing heat end of thermocouple is maintained by solar energy and lower temperature on the absorbing cold end of thermocouple is maintained.


  • 间歇灌注晶体心脏保护7自动5例(714)%,激除复跳2例。

    Cold crystal cardiac protective solution was intermittently perfused in 7 cases, with automatic heart resuscitating in 5(71 4%) and defibrillating in 2.


  • 详尽介绍黄浦中心医院的“热、”三联供系统

    The Tri generation system in Shanghai Huangpu Hospital has been reviewed in details, in this paper.


  • 标准适用石油化学工业适用于其它工业部门相类似的器。

    This standard is applicable to the air cooled exchanger used in petroleum and chemical industries; also, it is applicable to analogous air cooled exchangers in other industrial departments.


  • 热、三联产合理、充分利用能源一个有效途径

    The assembled heat-electricity-cool tri-cogeneration system is an effective way for reasonable and full-scale utilization of energy source.


  • 热、三联产合理、充分利用能源一个有效途径

    The assembled heat-electricity-cool tri-cogeneration system is an effective way for reasonable and full-scale utilization of energy source.


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