• 以下避免提问遇到冷场10个步骤

    Here are the 10 steps for asking questions in a presentation which will help you avoid being left hanging.


  • 这样一部辛辣刺激恶搞电影肯定不会冷场

    This spicy stimulate a spoof of the film certainly will not be awkward.


  • 我们最好事先多安排几个发言人,不要开会冷场

    We'd better organise several people to speak at the meeting – we don't want any awkward silences.


  • 遭遇冷场原因不少问题本身是否清晰害怕公众讲话都有可能。

    There are many reasons why people won’t answer your questions ranging from lack of clarity of the question to fear of public speaking.


  • 这种冷场看上去有些蠢有些心不在焉似乎对方无话可说

    This will be your cold market may seem silly, some absent-minded, it seems that with each other to say.


  • 因为一些技术性失误一个笑话不但不能引人发笑反而导致冷场了。

    Because some technical errors, a joke can't makes people laugh but rather lead to a awkward silence.


  • 那么如何初次见面的开始一场有意义交谈而且避免尴尬冷场呢?

    So, how do you start a meaningful conversation with someone new and avoid embarrassments or awkward moments of silence?


  • 我们知道相互间该什么好因此那次谈话老是出现冷场,令人好不尴尬

    We didn't know what to say to each other at all, so that conversation was full of awkward silences.


  • 迄今为止样品找到一个尘埃颗粒似乎来自太阳系诞生之前许多

    Only a single grain of dust found in the sample so far seems to have been sourced from a cold place beyond our Solar System many years before its birth.


  • 演员脱稿表演以义大利语排演整部戏剧,避免冷场演员即场思考反应表演。

    Italian Run Through, to reduce dead air, and make the actors think and react and act on their feet.


  • 然后舅妈那个妇女心照不宣走开了。只有开口说话了,这样才能不至于冷场

    Then the aunt mutually understand without saying went away with that women. I think that only I spoke up, then can be unlikely so awkward silence.


  • 比如血腥复仇咆哮声聚会上很适合用来打破冷场迅捷移动让你可以立刻前往餐桌前线

    For example, screaming blood fury is great ice-breaker at parties. And fast movement good for getting to front of buffet line.


  • 一直到查尔斯玛丽出来跳舞打破冷场之后大家才跟着跳起舞来,此后个个都玩得高兴。

    No one danced until Charles and Mary broke the ice by going out on the floor; from then on, everybody had a good time.


  • 班会上,老师开场白之后出现长时间的,令人窘迫冷场最后杰克问题打破了僵局

    At the class meeting, there was a long, embarrassing silence after the teacher's opening remarks. Finally Jack broke the ice by raising a question.


  • 理想的情况下,可以避免涉及无聊话题但是如果想不什么别的来,它们吧,以免冷场

    Ideally you can avoid boring topics, but if you can't think of anything else to say, then go with them as opposed to be quiet.


  • 如果演讲台上出现了一冷场停顿,许多都会觉得很尴尬他们的紧张情绪使得控制演讲节奏变得困难。

    Many people feel awkward if there is a silent pause on the stage, or their nerves make it difficult to control the pace of their delivery.


  • 下次会场会议上出现冷场时候,试着讲讲这个:“长颈鹿走进一家酒吧‘来杯苏打(姜汁)威士忌’”。

    Try this one the next time you're in a meeting or a conference and there's a lull in the conversation: "Giraffe walks into a bar, says, 'the highballs are on me."


  • 很多销售员时间,费尽心思想出来一句开场白,或者一个笑话用来打破这种难以避免冷场缓和拘谨的气氛。

    Like you Deon, salespeople everywhere spend time and energy trying to come up with a line or a joke to break the ice and relieve the inevitable tension when meeting new prospects.


  • 世界上成功喜剧演员之一克里斯•洛克众场合试行的搞笑创意经常遭遇冷场,而且摈弃的素材总是过能用的好段子。

    Chris Rock, one of the world’s most successful comedians, tries out his ideas in small venues, often bombing and always junking more material than he saves.


  • 20多岁阅读《勇士》这本书时,令惊叹现在对新书有些失望,对于我们会面,我很谨慎担心冷场尴尬但是亭亭真诚很显而易见,使人放弃戒备,当她把自己和莎士比亚和简.奥斯丁比较时,着实吓了一跳。

    Amazed by The Woman Warrior in my 20s, and disappointed by the new book, I was wary of our meeting, fearing silence and embarrassment. But Kingston's sincerity is apparent and disarming.


  • 20多岁阅读《勇士》这本书时,令惊叹现在对新书有些失望,对于我们会面,我很谨慎担心冷场尴尬但是亭亭真诚很显而易见,使人放弃戒备,当她把自己和莎士比亚和简.奥斯丁比较时,着实吓了一跳。

    Amazed by The Woman Warrior in my 20s, and disappointed by the new book, I was wary of our meeting, fearing silence and embarrassment. But Kingston's sincerity is apparent and disarming.


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