• 悉,为了和朋友一起冲过终点线,她等了5-6个小时,但今年她独自参加了马拉松比赛,并选择了最长的距离。

    It was reported that she waited for her friend to catch up for about 5-6 hours so that they could cross the finishing line together, but this year she took part in the marathon by herself, and chose the longest distance.


  • 冲过终点线时会得到条形码,你交给其中一个赛跑志愿者扫描这个条形码。

    When you cross the finish line you'll be given a bar code and you take this to one of the run volunteers, who will scan it.


  • 长跑运动员过终点线时已筋疲力尽

    The long-distance runner was dead beat as he crossed the finishing line.


  • 不要,别跑到马路边上去,您应该冲过终点线

    Don't run yourself silly and end up on the sideline instead of crossing the finish line.


  • 博尔特在一百比赛没有冲过终点线拍打胸膛庆祝了。

    Bolt started to celebrate his 100 meter win before he even crossed the finish line by pounding his chest.


  • 他们不止一次无视民调结果权威论断,让成为冲过终点线的先锋。

    And more than once, they have ignored the polls and the pundits and brought me across the finish line first.


  • 虽然英国的赛跑选手第一个过终点线的,后来被取消了资格

    The British runner was first to cross the finishing line, but was later disqualified.


  • 胜利不是第一冲过终点线得到最多得分而是做到最好。

    Wining is not about being the first one across the finish line or scoring the most goals, but it is about being the best you can be.


  • 终点线的时候我了,认识欢呼,”Bell

    "I had tears streaming down my face when I approached the finish line. People you don't know are cheering for you," says Bell.


  • 终点线的时候我认识人都欢呼,”Bell

    "I had tears streaming down my face when I approached the finish line.People you don't know are cheering for you," says Bell.


  • 终点线,只见攥紧拳头右手使劲一挥,便跪跑道上低下头哭了

    After he dashed over the finish line, he forcefully waved his grasping right fist and knelt on the runway, he cried.


  • 第 一个冲过终点线,举着摩洛哥国旗绕场一周庆祝 胜利的时候,卡萨布兰卡市民街头共同 庆祝。

    When she crossed the finish line in first place and took her victory lap carrying a huge Moroccan flag, people in Casablanca poured into the streets to celebrate.


  • 面对家乡巴西热情的车迷法拉利车队马萨冲过终点线的时候以为汉密尔顿最终名列第六,自己获得了年度总冠军

    Ferrari's Felipe Massa thought he had won the world title as he crossed the line in front of his home Brazilian fans at Sunday's Grand Prix with Hamilton in sixth.


  • 奥迪2赛车终点线时,奥迪赛车部主管WolfgangUllrich博士说:“本周奥迪极致科技项极其苛刻的测试。”

    Audi ultra technology has passed an extreme acid test this weekend, ” said head of Motorsport Dr. Wolfgang Ullrich after car #2 crossed the finish line.


  • 在比赛程中脚抽筋,搭了一辆便车,他们终点的时候,了,可是那时心怀鬼胎的他感觉好多了,于是他下车跑完了剩余的一小段并冲过终点线

    As they got near the end, the car broke down. But by then sneaky he was feeling better.


  • 训练无法预测敌人如何攻击你,障碍跌倒,在冲过马拉松终点线前筋疲力尽,刚跑完第一圈就对赛车失去控制。

    Without training, you will not be able to anticipate how your enemy will hit you. You will trip at that hurdle. Your knees will buckle before you hit the marathon's finish line.


  • 训练无法预测敌人如何攻击你,障碍跌倒,在冲过马拉松终点线前力倦神,刚跑完第一圈就对赛车失去操纵。

    Without training, you will not be able to anticipate how your enemy will hit you. You will trip at that hurdle. Your knees will buckle before you hit the marathon's finish line.


  • 我会3个光电传感器显示辆车第一个终点线

    I will be using 3 Photo sensors to show which car crossed the finish line first.


  • 终点线已经线之内只想相信,我冲过那条线力量自信热情

    The finish line is in sight and I just want to assure you I've got the energy and the optimism and the enthusiasm to cross the line.


  • 终点线已经线之内只想相信,我冲过那条线力量自信热情

    The finish line is in sight and I just want to assure you I've got the energy and the optimism and the enthusiasm to cross the line.


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