• 我们看到冲突情绪不看之间打架,一种希望观察感觉方面自己战斗明白自己瞪着景象时会瞠目结舌。

    We see his conflicting emotions both to see and not to see, a sense that he wished to observe and yet he is at, in some ways, at war with himself, knowing to gawk, to stare at this sight.


  • 尽管阶级冲突底蕴存在于这种敌对情绪之下,但反对派主要来自地域

    Although undertones of class conflict existed beneath such hostility, the opposition was primarily geographical.


  • 冲动拖延人际冲突缺乏毅力掩饰负面情绪策略我们为什么这些策略呢?

    Impulse, procrastination, interpersonal conflicts and lack of perseverance are all strategies used to mask negative emotions. Why do we use them?


  • 但是夫妇很少能解释负面情绪引起冲突信号,从而自动调节自身达到内心平衡

    But couples in conflict rarely interpret negative feelings as signals to balance the drives for autonomy and connection.


  • 能够有效地发挥作用或者冲突非常严重时,人们需要学习一定行为策略更好地应对情绪反应

    When this brain region does not efficiently activate or when the intensity of the conflict is very high, people need to learn behavioral strategies to cope with the emotional response.


  • 抗议者做出滑稽动作,这印象点燃澳洲的反日情绪,因此,这次冲突威胁着澳洲的一个最强大的地域联系的稳定。

    As images of the protesters' antics inflameanti-Japanese feeling in Australia, the clash is also threatening the stabilityof one of Australia's strongest regional ties.


  • 黄衫军夸大泰国柬埔寨边境冲突激烈言辞煽动民族主义情绪,这无疑是稳定的情势火上浇油

    The yellow shirts have been stoking nationalist feeling with heated rhetoric about border clashes with Cambodia, adding another unstable element to an already volatile mix.


  • 这项研究发现可推测叶侧皮层功能不足可能紧张的人际冲突发生之后情绪行为异常的一个因素。

    The study findings suggest that low LPFC function may be a risk-factor for mood and behavioral problems after a stressful interpersonal event.


  • 相反人们开始感到不安嫉妒时便开始产生不满情绪这样将会导致误会冲突产生。

    On the contrary, when people start feeling insecure and jealous, they start also experiencing less satisfaction, which in many cases leads to misunderstandings and conflicts in the relationships.


  • A -型冲突或者情感冲突,”在产生不同意见引入了个人情绪反应不是职业

    A-type conflict, or "affective conflict," refers to the emotional reactions that can occur when disagreements become personal rather than professional.


  • 考虑这本当中涉及到一些主要人物自我傲慢情绪以及他们之前情感冲突,这本书还是非常成功的。

    This is no mean feat given the sizes of some of the egos involved, and the clashes between them.


  • 即使没有经历过一些创伤重度抑郁症平均每个人每天都会积累冲突不满情绪

    Even if you haven’t just been through something traumatic or are severely depressed, the average Jo goes through his day accumulating conflicts and resentments.


  • 而另外一项研究发现表达愤怒有助于控制感积极情绪建立。而这些恐惧方式应对冲突身上并不存在

    Another study found that expressing anger contributes to a sense of control and optimism that doesn't exist in people who respond in a fearful manner.


  • 知道矛盾冲突——情绪上的或者理智上的。

    It knows only contradiction and conflict - emotional or intellectual.


  • 语言精练,形式独特发泄情绪,表述看法,挥洒自身内在美感乐韵诗人内心外界的冲突和交融之终极。

    It's the emotional outburst of some personal views about the world from the heart of the poet with language refined in a unique way to be musically beautiful.


  • 认知冲突高层管理团队(TMT)决策质量理解程度接受程度成正相关,情绪冲突则削弱tmt决策质量。

    Cognitive conflicts have positive relationship with Top Management Team's (TMT) quality of decision, understanding and reception, while, emotional conflicts weaken TMT 'decision quality.


  • 这样做,从长远的角度上来说可以提高关系间开放性减少不必要的冲突误解消极情绪以及时间能量浪费

    By doing so you promote openness in your relationships in the long run and that will also help you to minimize unnecessary conflicts, misunderstandings, negativity and waste or time and energy.


  • 也许会愿意告诉家人或者好友情绪波动和治疗有关避免产生冲突误会

    You may want to tell family members and friends that your moods are "subject to change," to prevent possible conflicts and misunderstandings with other people.


  • 糟糕是,这种糟糕的情绪影响他身边一旦发生冲突他们很容易就吵架了。

    What is worse, this kind of emotion will influence the others, once there occur some conflicts, it will probably to have some quarrels.


  • 一般来说,众所周知日本并不是一个过于情绪国家等级森严办公室里直接冲突直言不讳比较罕见现象

    Japan is generally not a nation famed for its overly emotional displays, with direct confrontations and outspoken arguments a rare phenomenon in often strictly hierarchical offices.


  • 角色冲突玩世不恭具有较预测作用,角色模糊情绪衰竭具有较强的预测作用。

    Role conflict was a more powerful predictor to cynicism, and role ambiguity was a more powerful predictor to emotional exhaustion.


  • 社会支持干扰效应分析显示部份社会支持会强化高科技女性专业人员工作-家庭冲突情绪耗竭讥诮态度的影响。

    The high supports from others may sharpen the positive effects of the work-family conflicts on emotional exhaustion and cynicism.


  • 咨询员自身存在情绪情感问题其他心理冲突时,必须暂时停止上岗

    Once counselors having got any problem of mood, emotion and etc. in themselves they should leave their working place temporarily.


  • 今天情绪有些紧张尤其亲密的另一半或者朋友意见冲突的时候。

    This is an emotionally charged day, especially if you disagree with a close friend or partner.


  • 情绪冲突心理学一个新的研究主题,相关研究主要源自认知冲突的研究。

    Emotional conflict is a new psychological research topic, which is stemmed from the research of cognitive conflict.


  • 情绪冲突心理学一个新的研究主题,相关研究主要源自认知冲突的研究。

    Emotional conflict is a new psychological research topic, which is stemmed from the research of cognitive conflict.


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