• 升温速度高于1.2万年前最后一次冰川消退

    That rate of heating is far greater than during the last glacial retreat some 12,000 years ago.


  • 虽然冰川消退期间二氧化碳含量变化温度的变化密切相关,但显然滞后冷却期间的温度。

    Although change in carbon dioxide content closely follows change in temperature during periods of deglaciation, it apparently lags behind temperature during periods of cooling.


  • 更多近期地质研究证明了13000年前冰川消退现象整个加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省主要沿海地区内无冰区的存在

    More recent geologic studies documented deglaciation and the existence of ice-free areas throughout major coastal areas of British Columbia, Canada, by 13,000 years ago.


  • 冰川消退分离动植物种群再次接触

    When the glaciers retreated, the separated populations of plants and animals came into contact again.


  • 以往的间冰期中,冰川消退它们尾迹留下开阔土地

    During previous interglacial periods, when glaciers retreated, they left behind open land in their wakes.


  • 2010年76日- 7日冰川消退1英里(1.5公里)。

    On July 6-7, 2010, the glacier retreated by roughly 1 mile (1.5 kilometers).


  • 2001年图片中的线显示是2010年7月初冰川消退部分

    The yellow line in the 2001 image shows the part of the glacier that retreated by early July 2010.


  • 冰川消退已经有1万2千地壳已经慢慢地恢复原来形状

    In the twelve thousand years since the glaciers receded, the Earth's crust has been slowly returning to its original shape.


  • 人们最后一次冰期热带气候条件以及随后发生冰川消退知之甚少。

    Little is known about climatic conditions in the tropics during the last glacial period and the deglaciation that followed.


  • 他们警告说,1.1万年前只是冰川消退,现在可能开始整个地球范围转变

    They warn of a planetary transformation comparable to the retreat of the glaciers more than 11,000 years ago.


  • 世界范围内冰川消退极地地区的海冰融化异常且同人类温室气体排放增加相关

    Worldwide glacier retreat, and sea ice melting in Polar Regions , is unusual and related to increases in human GHG emissions;


  • 实际上南部支流外流更多格陵兰中心冰原水源,所以那边的冰川消退导致大规模流量

    The southern tributary actually drains a larger portion of Greenland's central ice sheet, so a retreat there could lead to a more substantial ice discharge.


  • 条河的河水沿着峡谷冰川消退的一万年前那样翻滚着——春天就像汹涌澎湃、砍伐树木的洪流一样,季夏它就像一条毫无渲染的晶莹剔透的小河流一样。

    It dances down its canyon much as it has since the glaciers receded 10, 000 years agoin spring as a raging, tree-felling torrent, in late summer as a spare, crystalline rivulet.


  • 间冰期通常在冰期之间时间,这时气候变暖冰川会暂时消退直到气候再次冷,下一个冰期开始。

    Interglacial periods are, typically periods of time between Ice Ages, when the climate warms, and the glacial ice retreats for a time, before things cool off again and another Ice Age begins.


  • 由于地区夏季平均气温高于全球平均值速度持续上升所有剩余冰川都在迅速消退

    All the remaining glaciers were rapidly retreating as average summertime temperatures in the area continued to rise faster than the global average.


  • 正是因为全球气候变暖这些冰川正在消退已经威胁到区域未来供应

    Thanks to global warming, these glaciers are receding, threatening the long-term water supplies for the region.


  • 几个世纪之中,冰川形成开始消退海平面上升几十然后到了现代世界

    Within a couple of centuries the glaciers began their precipitate retreat, the oceans rose by tens of metres, and we were in the modern world.


  • 因此冰川2010年夏天可能经历一场显著消退

    As a result, the glacier had the potential to experience significant retreat during the summer of 2010.


  • 另外,由于恰卡塔亚(Chacaltaya冰川消退南美洲海拔最高城市——玻利维亚首都巴斯一个滑雪胜地几年被迫关闭

    A ski resort in Bolivia's capital, La Paz, the highest in South America, closed several years ago because of the retreat of the Chacaltaya glacier.


  • 全世界冰川已经消退我们呆滞目光通过自己烧杯进行观察

    From our own beaker, we've watched with glazed eyes as glaciers have retreated worldwide.


  • 还说尽管一些冰川正在消退,但它们消退速度,“在历史上并不惊人”。

    The minister added although some glaciers are receding they were doing so at a rate that was not "historically alarming".


  • 冰川可能正在消退但是北极熊数量在增多加拿大印第安人村落的北极熊数量尤为惊人

    The glaciers may be receding, but the polar bear population is growing, alarmingly in some Canadian Indian villages.


  • 雪线升高了150冰川因此消退10千米

    The snow line here has risen 150 meters, and glaciers have retreated by 10 kilometers.


  • 2010年7月流动速度已加速每年大约15公里冰川前沿消退将近10公里(6英里)。

    By July 2010, it had accelerated to roughly 15 kilometers per year, and the leading edge had retreated nearly 10 kilometers (6 miles).


  • 它常被比喻冰川”,这个词恰如其分因为冰川(以及极地)消退告诉我们这个十年首要情况,正是地球的自然界退化。

    The usual metaphor for this is "glacial", which is apt since the retreat of the glaciers (and polar ice caps) tells us the primary datum of the decade has been physical degradation of the planet.


  • 当初规划者大概没有想到接下来的一个世纪时光蕴藏的沧海桑田:冰川公园里一处冰川都在消退甚至消失——原因日益暖化气候

    Those planners probably didn't imagine the dramatic changes that were in store in the following century: the retreat or disappearance of every glacier in the park due to warming climate.


  • 这个坑是大约2万年前消退冰川留下的,周围沉积数以千计的光滑鹅卵石,看起来“就像只母鸡下蛋,”西

    It had been carved out about 20,000 years earlier by a retreating glacier that deposited thousands of beach-smooth cobblestones around the hole, "like a hen laying eggs," Mr. Hussey said.


  • 确实平均气温升高度左右足以引起世界许多地区冰川消退

    It is true that the average temperature rise is only about two degrees, but that has been enough to start the glaciers receding in many parts of the world.


  • 确实平均气温升高度左右足以引起世界许多地区冰川消退

    It is true that the average temperature rise is only about two degrees, but that has been enough to start the glaciers receding in many parts of the world.


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