• 冰区航行拖船涅瓦河前哨”圣彼得堡设计建造的。

    Ice-class tugboat "Nevskaya Zastava" ("Neva Outpost") was designed and constructed in St. Petersburg.


  • 更多近期地质研究证明了13000年前的冰川消退现象整个加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省主要沿海地区内冰区存在

    More recent geologic studies documented deglaciation and the existence of ice-free areas throughout major coastal areas of British Columbia, Canada, by 13,000 years ago.


  • 冰区航行拖船涅瓦河前哨“圣彼得堡设计建造的。

    Ice-class tugboatNevskaya Zastava” (“Neva Outpost”) was designed and constructed in St. Petersburg.


  • 目前船舶冰区安全锚泊研究大多停留经验方法

    Currently, the study of ship anchoring in ice zone mostly remains on empirical methods.


  • 由于部分线路跨越冰区,因此绝缘设计必须予以特殊考虑

    Because partial lines will pass though areas coated with ice, the line insulation design must be considered specially.


  • 极地冰区破冰船利用起尾部特殊凹槽拖船船首相连的拖带方法

    A method of towing vessels through polar ice by means of icebreaking tugs with a special stern notch suited to receive and bow of the vessel to be towed.


  • 海洋冰区结构物的设置,不仅影响该区域的而且影响局地海冰运动

    When double caissons are located in ice - covered sea, it will influence not only the current field, but the ice movement.


  • 通过对计算结果分析研究所得到结论,冰区导管架平台设计有一定的参考价值

    Conclusions drawn from the analysis can be used in dynamic design of the offshore fixed jacket platform in sea ice infested zone.


  • 同时提出连续性泄漏油品时间离散方法冰区行为科学预测开辟新的思路

    Meanwhile, it presents the time scattering method of successional leaking oil which inaugurates a new idea for the scientific prediction of oil spill behaviors.


  • 随着海洋全球性开发以及近年来频繁海冰灾害冰区防治已经引起了全球关注

    With the global exploitation to the ocean and frequent sea ice disaster, the whole world has paid attention to oil spill of ice region.


  • 英、三国研究者合作始于1998年流冰区山上发现古代驯鹿骨骼排泄物时候

    Researchers from the U.S., U.K. and Canada have been collaborating since 1998, when ancient caribou bones and feces were found in high mountain ice patches.


  • 研究结果自升平台疲劳设计提供有效方法为自升式平台冰区使用提供依据

    The results in this paper provide effective method for the ice-induced fatigue design of jack-up platforms, and it provides foundation for the use of jack-up platform in ice zone.


  • 海冰灾害同样加大发生冰区事故可能,而冰区的防治比开阔海域溢油的防治更加困难

    Sea ice also increased the occurrence of oil spill of ice region. And ince oil spill prevention is much more difficult.


  • 更多热量到达格陵兰北极冰区所以洋流沿着欧洲海岸线向下流动欧洲就会经历较冷的天气

    More heat is over the ice fields of Greenland and the Arctic, so colder water flows down along the European coastline, thus colder weather in Europe.


  • 由于冰区地形气候影响OPGW容易发生事故选择合理的OPGW结构型式非常重要

    Because of influence of landform and climate in heavy icing area, OPGW will to happen ice injury accident easy, it is very important to choose rational OPGW structure pattern.


  • 天气条件可能周一转向有利上周俄罗斯船上成功救出52名乘客中国破冰船正在等待时机南极冰区突围

    Thee Chinese icebreaker that rescued 52 passengers stranded aboard a Russian ship last week is biding its time to save itself from Antarctic ice, as weather conditions may turn favorable on Monday.


  • 这次陨石调查主要沿阵风悬崖南段中段、北段蓝冰区进行,在上述地区分别发现41块、2684块、1721块陨石。

    Blue ice surface of the southern, middle and northern segments of the Gale Escarpment was searched during this exploration, with discovery of 41, 2684 and 1721 meteorites, respectively.


  • 因此冰区固定采油平台设计以及服役期平台评估,均进行可靠性分析,而且主要极端作用断裂的可靠性分析。

    Therefore, reliability analysis, especially fracture reliability analysis, for the design of fixed production platforms in ice environment or under extreme ice loads is required to be conducted.


  • 为了使OPGW光缆冰区线路稳定可靠应用电力用户设计院OPGW制造企业对此非常关注进行广泛研究

    For a stable and reliable use of OPGW in the heavy ice areas, the power consumers, design institutes and OPGW manufacturers are paying much attention to it and are carrying through extensive research.


  • 加拿大育空地区科学家们正在利用基因技术鉴别北美驯鹿探究古时驯鹿的相关信息,6000年前它们曾在这块流冰区漫步

    In the Canadian Yukon, scientists are using genetic techniques to identify caribou and to study ancient caribou that roamed the same ice patches 6,000 years ago.


  • 显示了其在永久冰冻之上表面由于多次冰冻融化已经成为多边形的冰板

    They show a surface broken into polygonal slabs by repeated freezing and thawing of the sort that happens above permafrost.


  • 警告负责区的部长如果再不下措施抑制温室气体的排放,则北极将在年内完全消失

    He is expected to warn ministers in polar regions that the arctic ice cap may totally disappear in as little as five years if nothing is done to curb greenhouse emissions.


  • 消失——最近几十年来,位于阿拉斯加州极地国家野生动物避难区的麦考尔冰川正在加速融化

    Vanishing ice--The McCall glacier in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge has undergone accelerating ice loss in recent decades.


  • 我们特定区域测量厚度用来帮助校正卫星一区域之前的测量

    We are out here on a dedicated field campaign to measure the thickness of the ice to help calibrate and validate satellite thickness measurements in this period of advanced retreat.


  • 研究人员认为一旦旋风带电微粒彼此分开风暴进入充电状态,产生被极度充电

    Researchers believe storms become electrically charged when swirling wind, water and ice separate charged particles from one another, creating regions of cloud that are strongly charged.


  • 由于只局限高地,所以每年流水搬运的岩屑运走的多得多。

    Because ice restricted to high altitudes and to polar regions, running water moves far more rock debris each year than ice does.


  • 恐怖冰崩日渐干涸姐妹,从“跳舞公路”到陷入赤贫牧民作者目睹黄河源区重重危机

    From the horrific icefall to the drying up Twins Lake, from th "e dancing road" to the poverty - stricken natives, the author witnessed the crisis of Yellow River Source.


  • 恐怖冰崩日渐干涸姐妹,从“跳舞公路”到陷入赤贫牧民作者目睹黄河源区重重危机

    From the horrific icefall to the drying up Twins Lake, from th "e dancing road" to the poverty - stricken natives, the author witnessed the crisis of Yellow River Source.


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