• 麦金农毫无感情地看着

    McKinnon looked at him unemotionally.


  • 麦金农估计大桥横向移动范围46英寸之间

    McKinnon estimated the lateral movement of the bridge to be between four and six inches.


  • 麦金农先生指控犯下了严重罪行并且美国具有寻求引渡合法权利正如我们起诉违反我国法律罪犯时,我们会这样做。

    Mr McKinnon is accused of serious crimes and the us has a lawful right to seek his extradition, as we do when we wish to prosecute people who break our laws.


  • 这些攻击可能是从麦金农先生家用电脑上发出的——这个意义上英国关系——目标遭受损害大西洋那边(美国)。

    They may have been conducted from Mr McKinnon's home computerand in that sense there is a UK linkbut the target and the damage were transatlantic.


  • 麦金农黑客活动并不是非法访问计算机时的随机试验而是关键时刻故意破坏美国防御系统,并且留下了证据确凿损害

    She said McKinnon's hacking activities "were not random experiments in computer hacking, but a deliberate effort to breach US defence systems at a critical time which caused well-documented damage.


  • 麦金农律师他们继续裁决提出上诉,同时母亲要求巴马介入

    McKinnon's lawyers said he would appeal against the decision while his mother asked Barack Obama to intervene.


  • 麦金农对于斯达姆关于不在英国其进行审判裁决提出异议

    McKinnon challenged Starmer's decision not to put him on trial in Britain.


  • 虽然拥有足够证据起诉麦金农,但这些我们搜集证据,并不能反映美国当局犯罪指控

    Although there is sufficient evidence to prosecute Mr McKinnon for these offences, the evidence we have does not come near to reflecting the criminality that is alleged by the American authorities.


  • 麦金农家人律师团希望总检察长批准英国进行审讯

    McKinnon's family and legal team had hoped the director of public prosecutions would authorise a trial in the UK.


  • 高等法院驳回了要求法庭复审的请求,这让麦金农家人支持者非常沮丧。

    The high court dismissed two claims for judicial review, dismaying McKinnon's family and supporters.


  • 新西兰麦金农通过中做得最好

    Making it to the top of McKinnon pass in New Zealand.


  • 昨天同坎农外长举行了会谈会见了金塞拉参议长

    Yesterday, I had talks with Minister Cannon, and met with the Honorable Noel A. Kinsella, Speaker of the Senate.


  • 麦金农事务律师凯伦·托德纳(Karen Todner)28天内裁决提出上诉如果可能,她将新的最高法院甚至欧洲最高法院提出上诉。

    McKinnon's solicitor, Karen Todner, said she would lodge an appeal against the decision within 28 days and, if possible, take it to the new supreme court and even to Europe.


  • 斯坦福大学(Stanford University)国际经济学教授罗纳德•麦金农(Ronald McKinnon)*最近就进行了令人信服的论证,称美国应当小幅加息

    Ronald McKinnon*, professor of international economics at Stanford University, recently made a convincing case for a moderate increase in US interest rates.


  • 儿科专家赫德·麦金农Heather Mackinnon)医生给婴儿做了检查断定可能并不是意外事故所导致的。

    The baby was examined by a consultant paediatrician, Dr Heather Mackinnon, who concluded the bruises were probably not accidental.


  • 今天英国电脑黑客加里·麦金农(Gary McKinnon)最近法律尝试失败告终按照法庭裁决将被引渡美国,在那里面临一项审判——监禁戒备森严的监狱中,最高期限可60

    The British computer hacker Gary McKinnon failed today in his latest legal attempt to avoid extradition to the US where he could face a sentence of up to 60 years in a high-security prison.


  • 希腊的锡尼岛发现了这个面具,他认为门农国王的遗物。

    He found this gold mask in a grave at Mycenae and believed it belonged to King Agamemnon.


  • 阿德里安·麦金农抓住了33岁的嫌疑犯。布洛克,用指着,让坐到地板上直到最后决定了如何处理

    Adrian McKinnon held the suspect, 33-year-old Tajuan Bullock, at gunpoint and told him to sit on the floor until he decided what to do.


  • 出入中心给各种活动提供了便利,有餐厅、户外用品出租独木舟自行车德林姆金农塔里甚至还有巨大银幕

    The Gateway Center was filled with plenty of things to do, including restaurants, outdoor-equipment shops, canoe and bike rentals, and even its own giant cinema screen, housed in Drumkinnon Tower.


  • 战疯人杀死了年轻阿纳金杰娜为此触动黑暗面杰森维婕尔阿诺率领敌军俘虏。

    The Yuuzhan Vong killed young Anakin, Jaina reacted by touching the dark side of the Force, and Jacen was captured by enemy troops led by Vergere and Nom Anor.


  • 禅宗审美视角去研究感悟金农绘画艺术可以更全面地理解其中哲学文化内涵,从而更深刻地把握中国文人的内在本质。

    We can then understand the philosophy and culture content from the painting art of Jin Nong, and hold the inside innate character of Chinese scholar painting by the Angle of taste of Zen.


  • 麦金农甲板,来到军官们的住处

    Mckinnon went down from deck to the officers' quarters.


  • 尼·麦金农眼泪周二丈夫阿德里安自己回到一周没会家中时,发现窃贼将这个五口之拥有一切偷得几乎一点不剩。

    Adrian and Tiffany McKinnon returned home on Tuesday after a week away to find that thieves had emptied almost everything the family of five owned, Tiffany McKinnon said through tears.


  • 莉莉·麦金农生活艰难了,但是艰难之中也蕴含着一些温暖。

    Lily McKinnon: Life is hard, but in between the hard bits there are some lovely bits.


  • 组建村镇银行理论基础主要麦金农金融深化理论、金融成长内生理论和发展经济学理论。

    The theoretical basis for the formation of village Banks is mainly McKinnon and Shaw's theory of financial deepening, financial endogenous growth theory and the theory of development economics.


  • 麦金农风险溢价理论说明流动性陷阱情况日本银行业很难赢利

    Rishi Goyal sand Ronald Mckinnon theory of negative risk premium shows that Japans banks are hard to make profit under the circumstances of liquidity trap.


  • 通过对有关利率理论回顾经济学派为线索,着重介绍了金融自由化理论中的麦金农-模型

    The interest theories are also reviewed in the sequence of Economics Schools, focusing on McKinnon-Shaw Model.


  • 通过对有关利率理论回顾经济学派为线索,着重介绍了金融自由化理论中的麦金农-模型

    The interest theories are also reviewed in the sequence of Economics Schools, focusing on McKinnon-Shaw Model.


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