• 同时东西收拾起来,重新一个室友

    In the meantime, I need to start packing up her things and look for another roomy.


  • 昨天晚上告诉不要继续白吃白住,外面工作

    Last night, I told him not to be a freeloader any more, and go out to find another new job.


  • 因为片区域吵闹了,老妇不好一个更安静的住所。

    The old woman has to look for a for she can't sleep well in the noisy area.


  • 所以如果再找一个理由鼓励自己戒烟考虑一下过早产生皱纹这一

    So if you need another reason to motivate you to quit smoking, add premature wrinkles to the list.


  • 汽车公司不想更多对手福特或许应该这场游戏找一个参赛者

    The Big Three do not need any more competition, but Ford may let another player into the game.


  • 已经错失男人不要后悔他们属于于是大眼睛一个

    The good men who have missed, don't regret, they don't belong to you, so you have to open your eyes and look for one.


  • 当然可能想着尽快一个男友并不意味着你的择友标准就要降低

    Of course, you'd want a boyfriend again soon but that doesn't mean that you'd settle for less.


  • 所有家人朋友遇见分钟内他们必定:“应该再找一个男人了!”

    All family and friends met me five minutes, they must said, "you should find a man!"


  • 可是觉得不够安全。他决定一个洞穴如果有野人,他可以在那里藏身

    But he still did not feel safe enough. He decided to look for another cave, where he could hide if savages came.


  • 我们女人养大一直知道再找一个女人究竟会不会我们想要寻求的答案

    We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.


  • 不象其他同龄人孩子,她打算再找伴侣,没有可以仿效榜样鼓励这么

    Unlike many of her contemporaries, she has had only one child and has no intention of finding another male partner. She has no positive role models to encourage her to do so.


  • 不过你应该方法治疗这种被心理学家称之为母亲伤口”。最喜欢方法就是自己找一个

    You can and should find a way to heal what psychologists call the "mother wound. " My favorite strategy for this is to make yourself another mother.


  • 如果老婆女友周五晚上不在身边,赶快一个吧!是说,赶快给你的女性朋友个电话,带着参加我们的活动吧!

    If your wife (girlfriend) is not with you at Friday night, please find one! I mean, call your lady friend up, and bring her to Amazing Friday.


  • 佛瑞德可以从中选择作为背景然后音乐播放器,把喜欢的音乐放进去那样的话,你的来访者就可以听到你的音乐了。

    Fred: : you can choose one type to make it as your background, and then find a music player and put your favorite songs into it, so your visitors can enjoy the music after entering into your zone.


  • US-based队长主唱我们公司盘算会其余语言的主唱我方才听了韩文Decadent感到很好有兴致吗?

    I am a US-based captain and lead singer our company would like to find a lead singer in other languages I have listened to you sing Korean Decadent feel good you interested?


  • 他们这个酒吧上一年或者有时甚至年,然后他们会另外一个喜欢的地方

    They'll come to the bar for a year, or maybe even two, then they'll find another favourite spot.


  • 一个董事会成员退休了卡尔董事否决再找接替的要求。

    Then one of the sitting board members retired, and Carl and his directors kept vetoing choices for a replacement.


  • 意识工作就要做完了,想方设法一点活来他做:厨房里做调料洗衣房里一个毛巾架等等。

    As I realized that the work was drawing to a close, I thought up more jobs for him: a spice rack in the kitchen, towel rails in the laundry room.


  • 一个高智商的盗贼可能会根据电表数据推断何时出门度假,然后再找时机下手。

    A sophisticated burglar might use these data to figure out when you're away on vacation, the better to rob your house.


  • 我们可能一个更好事业伙伴了。

    We couldn't have asked for a better business partner.


  • 如果有任何问题回答”,再找对于来说一定还有更好节食计划

    If the answer to any of these questions is no, keep looking. There are better diet plans out there for you.


  • 为什么自己一个或者家人朋友生活在一起,感情来临时,为什么不再找爱人

    Why not live on our own, or with our families or friends, and have lovers when the mood takes us?


  • 约翰·尤加- - -很难一个一样帮助其他艺术家成功了,如何一个一样为了帮助别人而赴汤蹈火的人呢?

    It's hard to find someone as committed to helping other artists find success as him. And how can you not like someone who create things to help you set stuff on fire?


  • 这时候很难一个愿意承担所有公司债务的买主了。

    And this time there is no escaping by finding yet another buyer willing to shoulder its entire burden.


  • 大多数情况下,在需求评审一个需求问题要比等到程序设计好、编码好,构建以及测试好之后成本要低多。

    In most cases, finding a requirement problem in a requirements review is far cheaper than waiting until the application is designed, coded, built, and in testing to find the problem.


  • 可以总裁进入董事会董事然后我们作为投资方还会一个董事。

    You can put the President on the board, you've got to go get at least two other board members and then we, as investors will bring one board member.


  • 可以总裁进入董事会董事然后我们作为投资方还会一个董事。

    You can put the President on the board, you've got to go get at least two other board members and then we, as investors will bring one board member.


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