• 最近几个月来尽管去年全球价格有所下滑,但南亚国家部分撒哈拉以南非洲国家价格出现了大幅上扬。

    In recent months, domestic food prices have risen sharply in South Asia and parts of sub-Saharan Africa, despite a fall in global grain prices over the past year.


  • 医生多用调整心率的药物,并用根(一种药材)诱导呕吐以排空内食物,服药活性炭吸收胃中残留毒素

    A doctor might prescribe a drug to bring your heartbeat back under control and try to induce vomiting with ipecac, pump your stomach or absorb the toxin with ingested charcoal.


  • 进口商责任要求上,法律为进口增加了同样安全保障措施。

    And with the law's new importer accountability requirements, there will be added assurances that food from abroad is as safe as domestic food.


  • 英国斯特·莱斯·克莱德大学科学家们日前发明出了一种智能包装袋人们可以通过观察包装袋来判断内食是否变质

    Scientists from Strathclyde University, UK, have created an intelligent food wrapping that can tell people if the contents are going bad.


  • 专家通货膨胀上升是因为这个季风季节范围干旱影响玉米产量并且导致价格上涨

    Experts say Inflation is rising because a widespread drought this monsoon season affected crop production and pushed up food prices in the country.


  • 但是最近几周价格一直处于稳定下降的状态,减缓了人们对供应不足担忧

    But domestic food prices have been stable or declining in recent weeks, easing shortage concerns.


  • 高度敏感信息可能导致美国大豆玉米出口市场崩溃造成饲料供应重大混乱

    This is highly sensitive information that could result in a collapse of US soy and corn export markets and significant disruption of domestic food and feed supplies.


  • 有些商店甚至率先手推车上采用了一种昂贵红外线固定器,安装这种新设置无疑相应地影响价格

    Some stores have even pioneered an expensive infra-red immobiliser on their trolleys. Such developments will no doubt duly impact the cost of foodstuffs within the store.


  • 它们经常全球价格低迷大力干预市场,通过补贴农民征收进口税以免谷贱伤农,保证稳定供给

    They have frequently intervened heavily to ensure a reliable domestic food supply, subsidising farmers and imposing import tariffs to prevent them being undercut when global prices are low.


  • 高校校园卫生管理薄弱环节较多污染隐患严重发生集体性中毒的高危场所。

    There are some weaknesses on the management of food hygiene in colleges and universities, and the hidden trouble caused by food pollution is serious.


  • 目的探讨介入综合治疗内食管-胃吻合口疗效

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy of synthetic interventional therapy for gastroesophageal anastomotic fistula.


  • 排空时间大概在4 ~6小时之间,排空之后继续分泌胃酸如果没有物中和,胃酸长期侵蚀黏膜

    Gastric emptying time of food is about 4 ~ 6 hours, after emptying, the stomach will continue to secrete gastric acid, if there is no food, stomach acid will be long-term erosion of gastric mucosa.


  • 用塑料勺子适合用量搞到盘子里,把剩下储存冰箱里,24小时

    Spoon desired amount into a dish. Store remainder in the refrigerator in a suitable container for up to 24 hours. Always discard uneaten serving.


  • 贲门底角抑制胃重要因素之一它通常为一锐角

    The Angle between the cardia and the fundus of the stomach is an important factor in preventing the reflux of food from the stomach to the esophagus.


  • 最后提出降低干耗一些具体措施

    We put forward some practical measures for lessing the weight loss of foods in display cases finally.


  • 最后并非最不重要如果烹饪剩菜存放起来,由于需要时间才能冷却,请勿直接将整个置于冰箱

    Last but not least, if you want to store leftovers after cooking, do not place the entire crock in the refrigerator since contents will take too long to cool.


  • 廉价进口用油进入印度市场后促进消费,由于国内食用油价格过高人们更加青睐进口用油,”米斯奇

    "The availability of cheap imported oils in India will boost consumption and people will prefer imported oils to local oils, which are much more expensive," Mistry said.


  • 目的:探讨贲门术后内食管胃吻合口瘘护理

    Objective to study the nursing care measure of the Intrathoracic anastomotic leakage following resection of esophageal and cardiac carcinoma.


  • 介绍了添加剂基本情况着重讨论了抗氧化剂甜味剂以及品添加剂使用存在若干问题。

    The basic situation of food additives in China is described. Antioxidants, sweeteners, etc. in food, as well as some problems relate to the use of food additives are discussed emphatically.


  • 确保安全卫生使用干净容器冲泡,未的奶液请冷藏保存24小时用完毕。

    For ensuring safety and health, please use the clean containers to brew, please keep the rest milk in cold storage and finish it in 24 hours .


  • 临近新年关闭校外饭店,基本关门准备过年了。

    As the New Year approached, the school dining hall was closed. So were the restaurants outside school. Everyone was busy preparing for the festival.


  • 组合式蒸汽恒温恒湿醒发我司针对加工行业需求吸收国外面点醒发技术的基础上,根据国市场的实际需求设计生产的产品。

    The fermentation room is adapted to combination type in constant temperature and constant humidity. In accordance with domestic demand for food processing industry, we designed and produced this type.


  • 诸如“关于世界范围供应论文这样命题甚至可以令一个孩子进入全然熟悉的领域去进行研究探讨。

    A composition topic like "Write a paper on the world's supply of sugar" will send even a child in search of completely unfamiliar ideas.


  • 中餐厨师要负责中餐厨房的日常操作,确保饭店品,成品保持一贯质量口味外观

    Ensures that all food in the hotel, whether cooked or uncooked is consistent in terms of quality, taste and presentation as set by him.


  • 冷库采用世界先进的理念设计最尖端的技术建造,建成后达到各种国际储藏作业相关标准的要求。

    The new cold store will use "Worlds best practice" design and construction techniques, and will meet all domestic and international standards for food storage and handling.


  • 文章介绍内食蚜蝇科昆虫最近几年分类学生态学生物学习性生物防治研究现状

    The research advances in the taxonomy, ecology, biological characteristics and biological control of Syrphidaes in recent years were introduced.


  • 文章介绍内食蚜蝇科昆虫最近几年分类学生态学生物学习性生物防治研究现状

    The research advances in the taxonomy, ecology, biological characteristics and biological control of Syrphidaes in recent years were introduced.


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