• 系统安全性方面内部威胁认为外部威胁具有更高的严重度

    In system security, internal threats are considered of higher severity than external threats.


  • 声称外来内部威胁,这样可以禁止任何他们想要禁止的东西。

    Invoke an external and internal threat to ban anything they don't like.


  • 本文论述了如何利用蜜罐技术检测标识收集来自内部威胁信息

    This presentation discusses how honeypot technologies can be used to detect, identify, and gather information on the insider threats.


  • 公告指出,该项目日常除了探测其他类型网络攻击,还将检测内部威胁设置收集数据

    The announcement notes that what sets insider threats apart from other types of attacks is the use of normal, day-to-day activities to collect data.


  • 内部攻击身份鉴别内部威胁检测首当其冲重要性不言而喻。

    As the identification is bear the brunt of insider detection, it goes without saying the significance of insider identification.


  • 不同预防性防御措施(1)可能在防御内部威胁防御来自计算机黑客威胁有效

    Different preventive defensive measures (Figure 1) may be more effective against an insider threat than a threat from a computer hacker.


  • 至于印度中国是否尽释前嫌取决于中国对内部威胁认知,也取决于其坚定但有时狂热南部邻国

    As for whether India and China can bury the hatchet over the border: that depends as much on China's understanding of its internal threats as on its robust, sometimes rabid, southern neighbour.


  • 同时,探讨了减少内部威胁不同解决方案基础上提出了一个能尽可能减少内部威胁改良方案

    And on the basis of analysis of different solutions for mitigating insider threat, an largely improved solution was presented.


  • 外包应用程序整合以及内部威胁越来越多关注导致几乎是强制要求强有力地控制敏感应用程序数据访问

    Outsourcing, application consolidation, and increasing concerns over insider threats have resulted in an almost mandatory requirement for strong controls on access to sensitive application data.


  • 近些年来,随着各企业供应商客户业务合作伙伴联系日益紧密网络边界逐渐消失,外部内部威胁概念日渐融为一体。

    In recent years, as organizations have linked with suppliers, customers, and business partners, the network perimeter has dissolved and the notion of external versus internal threats has blurred.


  • 本质俄罗斯未来最大威胁并非来自她的敌人”,而是源于内部虚弱其中有些是自己造成的。

    In truth, the biggest threats to Russia's future stem not from its "enemies" but from internal weaknesses, some of them self-inflicted.


  • 新法任何形式监督未做任何规定对外部威胁内部不同政见界限规定也是模糊不清

    The law contains no provision for any kind of oversight. It blurs the distinction between external threats and internal political dissent.


  • 组织敏捷意味着组织能够快速敏捷内部问题外部威胁不断变化客户需求作出反应

    Organizational agility means your organization can react quickly and nimbly to internal problems, external threats, and the changing needs of customers.


  • 非但没有在欧盟内部成立危险新的部门德国人认为他们正在关闭个:在具有竞争力经济体威胁欧元生存落后经济体之间

    Far from opening a dangerous new division within the eu, the Germans think they are closing one: between competitive economies and the laggards that threaten the survival of the euro.


  • 酋长们希望加拿大能够理解保护受到威胁语言文化愿望,保持克制,不干预霍克内部事务

    They hoped Canadians would understand their desire to protect a threatened language and culture, and refrain from interfering in internal Mohawk affairs.


  • 地下黑客内部四分五裂的时候,新的威胁出现了。

    Even as the hacking underworld has splintered, new threats are emerging.


  • 如今这些孕育人才思想技术的伟大工厂”,面临来自外部内部双重威胁

    Now these great factories of talent, ideas and technologies are threatened from without and within.


  • 美国欧洲内部自由贸易敌视升温这多半是因为人们把看作工作机会和维持生计威胁

    Within the us and Europe, hostility to free trade is on the rise, largely because it is seen as a threat to jobs and livelihoods.


  • 优势弱势通常组织内部因素而机会威胁往往是外部因素。

    Strengths and weaknesses are often internal to your organization. Opportunities and threats often relate to external factors.


  • 盖茨表示这些早已美军内部低级别的将领及士兵间广泛传阅的敏感情报将会威胁情报人员,我们需要重新考虑实行的过于宽松的政策

    Gates said sensitive intelligence which could endanger informants had been widely distributed down to junior level in the US army, in a loose policy which might now have to be reconsidered.


  • 狩猎、车祸、栖息地丧失加快了西班牙猞猁的消亡,种群内部猎食野兔的过度依赖以及外部疾病的侵扰也构成了同等的威胁

    Hunting, road kills, and habitat loss have sped the plunge of Lynx pardinus, as has near-total dietary reliance on rabbits— themselves overhunted and slammed by disease.


  • 对待任何威胁微软公司旗舰操作系统产品Sinofsky都十分谨慎,如果这产品来自于微软内部就更不用说了。

    Sinofsky was wary of any product--let alone one from inside Microsoft's walls--that threatened the foundation of Microsoft's flagship operating system.


  • 厂商早就内部人员的威胁发出了警告他们一直努力帮助企业堵住潜在漏洞

    Vendors have long warned of the insider threat, but they've been racheting up their efforts to help companies plug potential leaks.


  • 这种威胁十分严重。罪犯可以入侵银行内部网络以及重要信息系统

    The threat is critical. Attackers get access to an internal bank's network and critical information systems.


  • 黑客攻击的威胁十分严重。罪犯可以黑进银行内部网络以及重要信息系统罪犯远程抢劫银行成为可能。

    The threat is critical. Attackers get access to an internal bank's network and critical information systems. That allows them to rob the bank.


  • 内部过电压操作过电压或谐振过电压,对电气设备安全运行操作人员人身安全构成严重威胁

    Internal overvoltage is called switching overvoltage or resonance overvoltage, and it threatens the safe operation of electrical equipment and the personal security of operating personnel.


  • 建立要求尽量减少恶意内部人员威胁包括进行背景调查网络权限限制那些绝对必要的需要。

    Establish requirements to minimize the threat from malicious insiders, including the need for conducting background checks and limiting network privileges to those absolutely necessary.


  • 秘密超自然故事显露出来,他们必须确定真正威胁内部还是外部

    Secrets and supernatural stories come to light, and they must determine if the real threat is inside or outside their enclosure.


  • 研究指出大部分网络安全威胁来自系统内部,因此,我们迫切需要采用新的措施技术保障网络的安全。

    Some research point out, the majority of network security threatens from the system interior, so we are urgent need to use one kind of new measure and the technology safeguard the network security.


  • 研究指出大部分网络安全威胁来自系统内部,因此,我们迫切需要采用新的措施技术保障网络的安全。

    Some research point out, the majority of network security threatens from the system interior, so we are urgent need to use one kind of new measure and the technology safeguard the network security.


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