• 这辆豪华亮相于2010年内瓦车展。

    This luxury car were unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show in 2010.


  • 如果对冲基金真的登陆内瓦他们感到如家般的舒适。

    If hedge funds do move to Geneva they will find many of the comforts of home.


  • 内瓦表示,种植树木村庄生产了更多粮食而且可以果树结出的果实

    Larwanou says the villagers who had trees grew more food and could also eat fruit from fruit trees.


  • 目击者宪兵队星期日下午包围阿拉萨内瓦塔拉支持者阿比让的阿波波区域,在开火之前

    The witnesses say military police encircled a group of supporters of Alassane Ouattara in the Abobo district of Abidjan on Sunday afternoon, before opening fire.


  • 客人可以乘坐私人电梯到达套房,该套房包括四个卧房六个浴室能饱览内瓦博朗峰的美景。

    It is reached by a private elevator, has four bedrooms overlooking Lake Geneva and Mont Blanc and comes with six bathrooms.


  • 敢于挑战的话,还可以来参加10月30日千人洛桑马拉松路线是沿内瓦湖滨至梯田山坡

    Or, if you're up to the challenge, join the thousands of runners expected for the Lausanne Marathon on October 30, which follows the shore road between Lake Geneva and the terraced hillsides.


  • 设计一新芬兰德他马林公司销售总监马库•卡内瓦世界上最安全的大型游轮”。

    Markku Kanerva, sales director at Deltamarin, the Finnish company designing the ship, said it would be the "safest cruise ship in the world."


  • 位则乘坐着小船逃离到了内瓦大湖中的小岛上;斯扎帕里先生后来驾驶飞机在小岛着陆接到罗毕。

    The other had fled in a boat to an island in the lake; Mr Szapary later landed there and flew him back to Nairobi.


  • 乔治城大学劳动经济学家托尼·内瓦欢迎这些改变,他说必须降低大学教育成本提供雇主需要技能

    Georgetown University labor economist Tony Carnevale says he would welcome these changes, he says a college education has to be less costly, and then to skills needed by employers.


  • 内瓦会员写道:“有一位风趣幽默朋友入会已经很久了。告诉网站水平下降太多了,她甚至介绍了自己女佣入会。”

    A Geneva member wrote: 'One of my friends, a funny old-timer here, told me that the site has lowered so much its level, that she has invited her maids.'


  • 在2010年内瓦车展奥迪公司CEO波特.施泰德记者表示:“明显,A1A3之间空间用于款产品、另一个概念。”

    "There's clearly room for another product and another concept between the A3 and A1, " Audi CEO Rupert Stadler told journalists on the sidelines of the 2010 Geneva Motor Show.


  • 国际红十字委员会为迎接1949年日内瓦公约诞生60周年所进行项调查发现即使是最近发生冲突地区,人们这些规定也只是一知半解

    A survey commissioned by the ICRC to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the 1949 conventions found that knowledge of them was patchy, even in places that had recently seen conflict.


  • 彼特•斯扎帕里(Peter Szapary)是成为肯尼亚花农奥地利伯爵,他驾驶着自己小型的螺旋桨驱使的飞机东非大裂谷内瓦上空倾斜而过保持着低空飞行。

    THE small propeller-driven plane piloted by Peter Szapary, an Austrian count turned Kenyan flower farmer, banked and flew low over the Rift Valley town of Naivasha.


  • 玛丽·安托断头台处死嘴唇了动,试图说话

    After Marie Antoinette was guillotined, her lips moved in an attempt to speak.


  • 英国皇家图书档案馆负责人基思·穆尔说到:“约翰·爵士论文加入皇家科学院爱德华·斯通档案。”

    Keith Moore, Head of the Royal Society Library and Archives, said: "Sir John Vane's papers will now join Edward Stone's in the archive of the Royal Society."


  • 82岁·哈斯利普(JOAN HASLIP)法国玛丽·安托(Marie Antoinette)墨西哥皇帝马克西米兰(Maximilianof Mexico)历史人物的著名传记作家。

    JOAN HASLIP, 82, popular biographer of such historical figures as France's Marie Antoinette and Emperor Maximilian of Mexico.


  • 个富人同意为皮达支付往返萨尔多的机票。

    A rich man agreed to pay for Pineda's tickets to and from El Salvador.


  • 先生汽车行业并不了解,行业遭受了汽车史上严重危机

    Mr. Varin is new to the car industry, which is itself nearly a year into one of the most brutal crises in its history.


  • 另一个案例中美国考古学家家·米利恩乔治·考吉尔花了年时间系统地测绘了位于墨西哥河谷整个特奥,即现在墨西哥城附近

    In another case, American archaeologists Rene Million and George Cowgill spent years systematically mapping the entire city of Teotihuacan in the valley of Mexico near what is now Mexico City.


  • 正是·亚所的,成功自己创立了另一番事业现在他所制作的高杰作售价高达几千美元

    That's exactly what Nathan Sawaya did, but he managed to build himself another career brick by brick and now he sells his LEGO masterpieces for thousands of dollars.


  • 但是,归根到底,这些研究途径都要归功于爱德华·斯通先生好奇心以及约翰·爵士的不朽发现。

    These avenues of research would not have been possible had it not been for Edward Stone's curiosity and Sir John's discovery.


  • 算法一种有限数量数据储存进非常巨大潜在的空间的绝妙方法

    Kanerva's algorithm was an elegant method to store a finite number of data points in a very immense potential memory space.


  • 话说,指出了一种能够将思维拥有任何感知存入有限记忆机制方法

    In other words, Kanerva showed a way to fit any perception a mind could have into a finite memory mechanism.


  • 叫做网络社区管理员发布了一则消息解释变更背后原因。

    One of the site's community managers, called Vaneras, posted a message explaining the reasons behind the changes.


  • 叫做网络社区管理员发布了一则消息解释变更背后原因。

    One of the site's community managers, called Vaneras, posted a message explaining the reasons behind the changes.


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