• 即便是这样一个数字一些国家2050年也可能翻翻更不要私人养老成本以及用于医疗保障长期护理开销了。

    In some countries the current figure could double by 2050, to say nothing of the cost of private pensions and extra spending on health and long-term care.


  • 他们社会支出偏重养老就业政策着力保障在职员工不易解雇

    Their social spending is skewed towards old-age pensions, and employment policies are focused on making it hard to fire people already in work.


  • (瑞恩先生一次解决问题数量有限:预算方案未触及另外一个最大项目——社会保障制度国家养老方案)。

    (There are limits to the number of live rails Mr Ryan is willing to grasp at once: his budget leaves intact the biggest single item in the budget, Social Security, the state pension scheme).


  • 郑岩说:“这些合同保障学生们享有养老保险起始。”

    "The contracts are the starting point for students' pension funds and insurance guarantees," Zheng said.


  • 妇女目前非正式部门工人四分之三。 对她们来说,流动意味着没有获得保障机会,养老安全条例医疗待遇

    Women now make up three quarters of workers in the informal sector – a move that means they have no access to protections such as pensions, safety regulations and health benefits.


  • 毕竟养老是用来保障公民退休后的利益没有义务用来减少的用量。

    Pension funds have a duty to guarantee their members' retirement benefits, after all, not cut carbon.


  • 婴儿出生于1945年至1963年,即使经历了房价飙升,但认为是幸运的一代,他们养老保障生活也很富裕

    Baby boomers, or those born between 1945 and 1963, have been called the luckiest generation ever after they enjoyed soaring house values, guaranteed pensions and lives of prosperity.


  • 冬天逼近时候,当局无力保障领取退休、养老或抚恤金生活水平只好向企业机构求助

    Authorities failed to provide pensioners with worthy level of life and asked enterprises and organizations to help in providing of urgent help to this category of people as the winter approached.


  • 令人担忧事情如果公司倒闭最终不得不养老保障基金(Pension Protection Fund)取出退休金的话能得到只是存全部金额的90%。

    More worrying, she says, is that if your company fails and you end up having to claim your pension through the Pension Protection Fund, you will only get 90% of what you had saved.


  • 比如一个农村社保体系包括养老健康保障必须覆盖大约八亿农民

    A rural social security system, for instance, including pension and health care, would need to cover about 800 million farmers.


  • 许多国家确实安排部分资金用于支付未来养老,”世界银行首席社会保障专家依雯.辛(Yvonne Sin)

    Many countries do have the desire to set aside some money to help pay for the [pension] obligation in the future," says Yvonne Sin, a World Bank Lead Social Protection Specialist.


  • 公共退休养老保障在在20世纪60年代推行时,由11位在职人员供养一位领取退休养老金的人。

    When public pensions were introduced in the 1960s there were 11 workers for every pensioner.


  • 不管是养老还是劳务合同关键在于只要别人打工,就没有工作保障’一说。

    Regardless of pension promises or signed contracts, the real fact of the matter is there is no 'job security' in working for someone else.


  • 然后,根据退休年龄家庭状况其他收入调整基本保障计算实际养老

    To compute actual benefits, the PIA is adjusted by an amount depending on retirement age, family status, and other earnings.


  • 养老模式帮助老年人出售房屋前提下房产套现,现金保障老年生活模式设计。

    Retire to Enjoy Life with the Building is the mode that guarantees the aged with cash on the premise of not selling the house property.


  • 这种保障中包含许多被提拔可能性退休有权领取养老

    This security includes the increased chances of being promoted and being entitled to pension after retirement.


  • 人口老化退休金养老系统不完善,以及五亿劳动者没有保障,这严重影响经济增长

    An aging population, an underfunded pension system, and half-a-billion workers who aren't covered could be a drag on economic growth.


  • 目前各地劳动保障部门财政部门正在抓紧组织实施,确保明年春节广大企业退休人员拿到调整后养老

    At present, the labor and social security and financial departments in every region are seizing time to ensure that enterprise retirees receive the adjusted pensions before the Spring Festival.


  • 讨论带有收益保障养老计划在随机利率模型优化管理问题。

    This paper deals with the optimal management of the pension fund with guarantee under CIR model.


  • 答案就是停滞不涨的工资日益严重的收入分配不公正在减少健康保障养老造成了对经济方面更广泛担忧,而中国恰恰成为了这些问题的替罪羊。

    The answer is that China is a scapegoat for broader economic anxieties to do with stagnant wages, rising income-inequality and dwindling health and pension benefits.


  • 利率降低至关重要,因为养老提供商直接间接客户购买年金(保障终身收入)。

    Lower interest rates are important because pension providers are, explicitly or implicitly, buying annuities (guaranteed lifetime incomes) for their clients.


  • 但是今天赤字规模(不算当前养老医疗保障开支)增长不够的。

    But the size of today's deficits-on top of the future cost of existing pension and health-care promises-means growth alone will not be enough.


  • 这些国家目前所要考虑的问题还是延长人口寿命,增进公共社会保障以及完善养老制度不是建立监护体制

    These countries are currently concerned about such issues as increasing life span, public social security and pension systems for old age, rather than guardianship regimes?


  • 工作条件安全上有保障,也富有弹性雇员保险金大部分已经协商妥当,包括带探亲假、病假还有以雇佣关系为基础的养老

    Working conditions are safe and flexible, and most employee benefits are already negotiated and in place, from paid parental and sick leave to employment-based pension.


  • 继续提高企业退休人员基本养老,提高失业保险金工伤保险金标准,提高城乡低保、农村五保保障水平。

    We will continue to increase basic pension for enterprise retirees and upgrade the standard of unemployment insurance and workers' compensation.


  • 继续提高企业退休人员基本养老,提高失业保险金工伤保险金标准,提高城乡低保、农村五保保障水平。

    We will continue to increase basic pension for enterprise retirees and upgrade the standard of unemployment insurance and workers' compensation.


- 来自原声例句

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