• 可能世界任何其他博物馆收集化石骨架更多更完整

    It probably has a larger collection of complete fossil skeletons than any other museum in the world.


  • 广场中的其他博物馆他们主题必须处理历史冲突但是没有一个的可以这个一般优雅

    Other museums on the Mall have had to address conflicted histories in their subjects, but none has done so with such grace.


  • 米勒其他博物馆馆员,现在正值春假,又碰上亚利桑那州土桑市举行的美国大学生篮球联赛其他特别活动,这些因素也导致了客流量增加

    Miller and other museum officials said spring break, along with special events like the NCAA basketball tournament in Tucson, Ariz., are contributing to increased foot traffic.


  • 博物馆其他非正式学习机构可能小学中学适合教授这种技能

    Museums and other institutions of informal learning may be better suited to teach this skill than elementary and secondary schools.


  • 除了位于水族馆附近博物馆外,巴士环游门票包含其他任何观光点的门票

    The bus tour tickets do not include entrance to any of other attractions apart from the museum, which is located near the aquarium.


  • 当地人改变了历史博物馆了解这些人和其他当地名人

    Local people, too, have changed history and the museum will introduce you to these and other local celebrities.


  • 博物馆公众其他观众一样赋予表达自己观点信心时,能在艺术体验收获更多

    The museum public, like any other audience, experience art more rewardingly when given the confidence to express their views.


  • 物馆必须和其他娱乐活动竞争人们的业余时间和金钱。

    Museums must compete for people's spare time and money with other amusements.


  • 凰县的熊猫主题公园于2018年底开始动工,包括一个熊猫馆、一个熊猫医院、一个饲料加工室、一个游客服务中心以及一个科学博物馆其他配套项目。

    Construction of the panda theme park in Fenghuang started at the end of 2018. It includes a panda house, a panda hospital, a feed processing room, a tourist service center, a science museum and other supporting projects.


  • 那里气候西班牙北部其他地方温和宜人,同时,那儿许多很棒的博物馆别致的广场

    The climate is normally milder than in other parts of Spain's north, and it has a number of great museums and picturesque plazas.


  • 挣钱绘制油画水彩画以及美术雕塑制品,他这些作品要一些大学博物馆其他客户的销售中提成

    He makes more money on his oils, watercolors and fine art sculptures, which he does on commission from universities, museums and other clients.


  • 公寓靠近博物馆,使文化机构其他没有装备娱乐选项就像一个屏幕电视机视频游戏

    My proximity to museums, cultural institutions, and other venues means I don't have to outfit my apartment with "entertainment" options, like a big screen TV or video games.


  • 商店博物馆以及其他公共景点历史名宅体育中心某些公共假日关门尤其是圣诞节

    Shops, museums and other public attractions, such as historic houses and sports centres, may close on certain public holidays, particularly Christmas day.


  • 1952年起,“演员毕加索玫瑰时代的罕见作品,就和这位西班牙大师其他早期作品一起,一直非常醒目悬挂大都会艺术博物馆

    Since 1952 "the Actor," a rare Rose Period Picasso, has hung prominently at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, along with other examples of early paintings by this Spanish master.


  • 美国邮局为此发行一张纪念邮票,一些曾经生活过城市博物馆分别组织演出阅读其他活动来纪念

    The United States Postal Service is honoring him with a stamp. And several museums in cities where he lived are remembering him with plays, readings and other events.


  • 正如桑德霍尔茨所说,法律历史学家记得美国其他官员承认责任保护博物馆,只是痛惜这种责任竟如此忽视。

    But as Mr Sandholtz argues, legal historians will also recall the fact that other American officials acknowledged their duty to protect the museum, and deplored the way this duty was neglected.


  • 自治区大学博物馆其他机构需要长期租借物品时,拍卖利率债券可以使你以短期利率支付利息。

    Auction rate notes gave municipalities, universities, museums and other issuers a vehicle to borrow long, but pay a shorter term interest rate.


  • 相对其他新兴国家而言,印度中国,该地区的收藏家博物馆画廊和展览数量较少。

    Compared to other emerging markets, such as India and China, there are few collectors, and museums, galleries and exhibitions are thin on the ground.


  • 这座博物馆收藏了两千多件展现自然动物艺术品这里许多绘画照片羚羊鹿其他动物的雕塑

    The museum contains over two thousand artworks showing nature and animals. There are many paintings, photographs and sculptures of antelope, deer, birds, horses and other animals.


  • 有些城市克利夫兰巴尔的摩,把大量资金到了博物馆其他大宗项目异想天开希望引来商机和年轻而有创意

    Cities such as Cleveland and Baltimore poured money into museums and other grand projects in the vain hope that they would lure businesses and young, creative folk.


  • 其他孩子还在足球的时候,科诺德的祖父到了博物馆

    While other tykes were playing football, Konrad’s grandfather was taking him to museums.


  • 瓦斯指出,埃及全世界其他10以上博物馆,寻回某些“独一无二的文物”,像是巴黎罗浮波士顿美术馆

    Hawass said Egypt also was seeking "unique artifacts" from at least 10 museums around the world, including the Louvre in Paris and Boston's museum of Fine Arts.


  • 其他孩子还在足球的时候,科诺德的祖父到了博物馆

    While other tykes were playing football, Konrad's grandfather was taking him to museums.


  • 德州居民正马不停蹄地在市郊建立卫星城镇复兴市中心周边地区扩建博物馆娱乐场所其他娱乐设施

    Texas urbanites are busy constructing new suburban town centers, reviving inner-city neighborhoods and expanding museums, recreational areas and other amenities.


  • 博物馆展出着许多令人惊叹雕塑同样很多仍是以埃及生活主题特别是埃及乡村的生活,当然,也有其他多种多样的主题,包括一些抽象的作品

    There are also some very amazing statues, many of which follow the theme of life in Egypt, especially in rural areas, but others vary, and include a number of abstract works.


  • 博物馆展出着许多令人惊叹雕塑同样很多仍是以埃及生活主题特别是埃及乡村的生活,当然,也有其他多种多样的主题,包括一些抽象的作品

    There are also some very amazing statues, many of which follow the theme of life in Egypt, especially in rural areas, but others vary, and include a number of abstract works.


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