• 开源软件生态系统社区可以通过参与成为不同兴趣社区中的活跃成员来获取大量的所需。

    Open source software is an ecosystem and a community. You can gain a lot by becoming an engaged and active member in the different communities of interest.


  • 它们提高农村社区认识兴趣方面发挥重要作用

    They played an essential role in raising awareness and interest among the rural communities.


  • 为什么殖民时期社区规划方面感兴趣

    Why are you interested in doing something on community planning in colonial times?


  • 偶然发现了名为 Blotanical 的在线社区,这是一个园丁论坛,其中很多园丁都对可持续发展兴趣

    She stumbled upon an online community called Blotanical, a forum for gardeners, many with an interest in sustainability.


  • 组织社区中的很多可能这些文档兴趣所以需要一种方式管理那些用户他们访问

    Many people in the organization or community would be interested in these documents, so you need a way to manage such users and their access.


  • 人们加入社区组织为了能够结识朋友学习新的技能追逐一个兴趣他们生活提高更高的层次。

    People join community groups to meet people, to have fun, to learn new skills, to pursue an interest, and to link their lives to some higher purpose.


  • 我们很少遇到组织内部社区努力满足员工兴趣个人主题

    Rarely do we come across communities within an organization which strives towards fulfilling personal topics of interest for the employees.


  • 提供一种创建具有共同兴趣职责专长领域社区工具整个企业的人员都可以加入到其中

    Provide a facility for creating communities of common interest, responsibility, or areas of expertise that people across the organization can join.


  • 可以智能社区概念化为与业务相关特定兴趣领域活跃最新知识网络中心

    Smart communities can be conceptualized as a vibrant, up to date knowledge hub on a particular area of interest relevant for business.


  • 该项技术兴趣公司进行适当计划确保实现对用户社区影响最小无痛升级

    Companies interested in moving to this new technology should plan appropriately to ensure a pain-free upgrade with minimal impact to the user community.


  • 觉着这意义重大:源于自豪感、社区支持兴趣翻译作品仅仅为了报酬而的翻译要出色

    It makes perfect sense to me - translators motivated by pride, community support and interest might well do a better job than those just collecting a paycheck.


  • 创建社区分享品牌产品经验兴趣可以导致保持相关产品或服务的关注和销售提升

    The creation of communities to share experience and interest in brands or products can lead to increased retention or upsell to related products and services.


  • 这个社区聚集使用虚拟世界兴趣热心人士开发人员革新家一般

    The community brings together virtual world enthusiasts, developers, innovators, and those interested in learning more about usage of virtual worlds.


  • 可以选择成为某一方面专家,根据自己工作兴趣领域大约三网上社区他人建立联系分享各人的想法,交换信息或者撰写评论

    An alternative: Be an expert. Find three or so online communities in your field or interest area and create bonds, share ideas or information, or write reviews.


  • 欢迎开放源码开发OD F兴趣志愿者加入社区、为社区做出贡献受益社区成果

    Volunteers who are interested in open source development and ODF are welcome to join and contribute to the community, and to benefit from its work.


  • 他们正在努力,使商业企业对于年轻领导者构建团体社区产生兴趣赞助商通常会希望拥有一个年轻消费者团体。

    They are urging firms to take an interest in building a community of young leaders; sponsors are more likely to want a community of young customers.


  • 最近兴趣DB 2知识传播外部DB2用户社区以及帮助改进DB2用户体验

    Her most recent interests are to transfer her DB2 knowledge to external DB2 user communities and help improve the DB2 user experience.


  • 另一家保险行业客户允许他们员工围绕兴趣组建社区

    Another customer in the insurance industry allowed their employees to form communities around hobbies.


  • COE选择业务IT社区都感兴趣主题混合最大化受众兴趣参与协作

    The COE chooses a mix of topics of both business and it community interest to maximize audience interest, participation, and collaboration.


  • 目前市场许多公司制作社区自己网址压缩服务,在引起普通用户兴趣之前这些服务主要为开发者服务。

    There are a number of efforts in the market to create community-owned URL shorteners, with features serving developers first before the interests of private owners.


  • 显而易见创建一个开发社区需要招募人手,让大家你所做的感兴趣大家对工作乐此不疲

    This should be obvious. In order to build a development community, you need to attract people, interest them in what you're doing, and keep them happy about the amount of work they're doing.


  • 利用社区培养利用社区交互形成价值网络,需要很少成本就可以接触个体和了解共同兴趣

    Community exploitation: the seeding and exploitation of community interaction in a value-net, leveraging the collapsing cost of reaching individuals and identifying common interests.


  • 商务人士试图博客社区在有着同样兴趣的人员之间建立联系进行同步工作、相互合作彼此协助

    Businessmen and -women trying to forge connections among like-minded peers can use blog communities to network, collaborate, and assist each other.


  • 依照兴趣社区得以组建参与),同时被分割为小块

    Communities are forming (all opt-in) and are segmenting by interest.


  • 我们之所以瞄准WebProfile规范所定义技术是因为社区所开发各种应用这些技术非常兴趣

    We targeted the technologies of the Web Profile specification as these are of most interest for the class of applications being developed by our community.


  • 这些选项充当用户标记,将使同伴My developerWorks社区发现相同兴趣和专业,建立有意义联系

    These selections will serve as user tags that will lead you and your peers in the My developerWorks community to discover common interests and expertise and to form meaningful connections.


  • 虽然Rubyon Rails一个非常令人兴奋框架,并且Web社区已经引起了人们相当兴趣,但是它核心架构仍然遵循在J2EE中发现的基本模式

    While Ruby on Rails is a very new and exciting framework that has generated considerable interest in the Web development community, the core architecture follows the basic patterns found in J2EE.


  • 虽然Rubyon Rails一个非常令人兴奋框架,并且Web社区已经引起了人们相当兴趣,但是它核心架构仍然遵循在J2EE中发现的基本模式

    While Ruby on Rails is a very new and exciting framework that has generated considerable interest in the Web development community, the core architecture follows the basic patterns found in J2EE.


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