• ,目前关于加入一个新的社会化媒体阻碍变得越来越大了。

    I'd say the barrier to getting me to join a new social network is getting higher and higher.


  • 2005年,土耳其重新开始欧盟关于加入欧盟谈话时,塞浦路斯成了一个麻烦

    When Turkey opened its membership talks with the EU in 2005, Cyprus promptly became a big issue.


  • 们兴致勃勃地听着,然后充满热情地加入关于哈利冒险经历的愉快谈话中。

    They listened with great interest, and then enthusiastically joined in grand conversations about Harry's adventures.


  • 关于那些只是为了好玩加入功能——这些东西的研发,严格来说,都不是硬件需求来驱动的。

    What about the addition of features just for the heck of it - new stuff that is not strictly driven by new hardware?


  • 理想的情况下,通过客户自已加入团队提供关于场景建议指导可以做到一点。

    Ideally, this would be done by having the customers themselves join the group and offer Suggestions and guidance on the scenarios.


  • 上次访问土耳其2005年,土耳其官方讨论的话题关于土耳其加入欧盟努力

    Indeed, the last time I visited Turkey in 2005, my discussions with officials were all about Turkey's efforts to join the European Union.


  • 我们所属群体对于我们的重要性以及我们经常在无意识的情况下如此轻易地加入不同的群体,这些关于人性微妙深刻的观察

    The simple fact of how important group membership is to us, and how easily we join groups, often without realising it, is both a subtle and profound observation about human nature.


  • 关于会是最佳的接替者,曼联球队高层一直讨论最佳人选并征求意见弗格森自己加入其中

    United are canvassing opinion among leading football figures about who would be the best man for the job and Fergie will also have an input.


  • IT治理构想必须加入关于执行业务策略采用的方法思想信息

    Your vision for IT governance must incorporate ideas and information about the way you execute your business strategy.


  • 美国国会并不满足于在1996年婚姻保护条例》(DOMA)加入法令全书,现在开始举行关于尊重婚姻条例》的听证会

    Not content with having in 1996 put a Defence of Marriage Act (DOMA) on the statute book, Congress has now begun to hold hearings on a Respect for Marriage Act.


  • 可以加入各种证明书FAQ(常见问题),你之前相关文章,还有关于公司各种媒体报道

    You can also add testimonial letters, FAQ pages, copies of articles you've written, and reprints of any media coverage your firm has received.


  • FDA命令企业必须关于构想自杀观念用语加入到医护人员标识警告用药指南里。

    The FDA is dictating the language the companies must include on suicide ideation in the "Warnings" section of the professional labeling and in the Medication Guide.


  • 比尔是威廉的昵称)正如鲁珀特•默多克在2007年威廉•罗兹加入花旗集团50周年致辞时提到,威廉如果关于卓有成就的金融生涯之回忆录,该书将会多么引人入胜。

    Rupert Murdoch's 2007 tribute to William Rhodes on the 50th anniversary of his joining Citigroup hints at how interesting this retrospective on a stellar career in finance could have been.


  • 最近出现很多关于欢迎UIUX加入敏捷团队以及精益ux前沿讨论

    Recently, there has been more talk about welcoming UI and UX into Agile teams and Lean UX has been at the forefront.


  • 关于这次收购我们花费大量时间精力确定合适合作伙伴对于ICD加入,我们感到极其高兴

    We have invested significant time and effort to identify the right partner to ally with for this acquisition and we are extremely excited about the prospect of bringing ICD into the DSM portfolio.


  • 如果了解了情况,把你发现任何漏洞(特别是安全漏洞)追踪报告我们加入我们的GoogleGroup分享关于这项技术的想法

    Once you've gotten your bearings, please report any bugs you find (especially security bugs) using our issue tracker, and join our Google Group to share your thoughts on the technology.


  • 个人关于Ruby的经验——从是2007年9加入这个项目才开始接触Ruby的。

    My personal experience with Ruby - well I got into the language when I joined the project in September 2007.


  • 作者乐于接受关于本文中的技术内容以及HTTPR 协议规范的反馈。 (请加入我们的论坛反馈您的意见。)

    The authors welcome feedback on the technical contents of this article and the specification.


  • 相反地每个任务中的标准活动要求加入关于那些活动如何利用所选具体工具MDA技术实现自动化细节

    Rather, the standard activities in each role will require details to be added regarding how those activities are automated using the specific tools and MDA techniques chosen.


  • 第二版中加入很多关于基本xp方法学策略更改材料

    The latter edition adds more material about strategies and modifications to the basic XP methodology.


  • 加入实验室了每篇关于蛔虫报告,以及领域的期刊《蛔虫饲养员报》的所有备份

    She joined his lab and read everything written on the worm, including all the back copies of the little field's informal journal, the worm Breeder's Gazette.


  • 最近很多关于绿色船舶的谈论,许多加入这个大潮中去。

    Lately there has been a lot about Green Ship and it seem that many owners has decided to join the "Trend".


  • 开发者纷纷加入已经提交了许多关于未来版本改进

    Developers have also jumped on board and are already submitting changes for future releases.


  • 关于多大孩子适合加入在线社交网络的问题,隐私专员父母们争论了很多年

    The question of what age is appropriate for kids to join social-networking sites has been debated by privacy advocates and parental groups for years.


  • 现在重要事情就是关于战争和平激烈争论完全审视土耳其是否能够加入欧盟这件冗长乏味的事情分开

    Right now, the most important thing is to keep heated issues of war and peace entirely separate from the slow and tedious business of examining whether Turkey can one day join the EU.


  • 混淆人生,星期加入这个互联网博客,这个博客上另一非常出色关于工作技巧文章篇文章叫做怎样主人一样工作

    LifeRemix, the blog network I joined last week, has put out another excellent article with tips on working, called How to work Like the Masters.


  • 混淆人生,星期加入这个互联网博客,这个博客上另一非常出色关于工作技巧文章篇文章叫做怎样主人一样工作

    LifeRemix, the blog network I joined last week, has put out another excellent article with tips on working, called How to work Like the Masters.


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