• 关于骨头肌肉我要关于魔法

    I am going to read books about bones and muscles, but I am going to write a book about Magic.


  • 他是我们语言的创造者,也是美国身份认同的创造者。”约亚·肯德尔说。他正在写一本关于韦伯斯特的

    "He was the creator of our language and the creator of American identity," said Joshua Kendall, who is working on a book about Webster.


  • 内容是关于通过想象大自然,治愈“精神错乱症”。奥姆斯特德就一个男孩那样阅读齐默尔曼的奉之为宝贝

    Olmsted read Zimmermann’s book as a boy and treasured it.


  • 最后心理学大部分关于快乐美好生活留给了哲学,哲学则理所当然地任凭那些落满了灰尘

    In the end, psychology left most of the volumes on happiness and the good life with philosophy, which dutifully left them to gather dust.


  • 如果读了很多关于求职面试,你可能会注意到有很多都列举出一大堆问题需要学习答案

    If you read many books on job interviews, you'll notice that some feed you lists of interview questions that you should learn answers to.


  • 肯尼斯·拉克的关于第二个问题却是一个与第一个问题相关自白开篇。

    Kenneth Pollack's book is all about the second question but he starts by making a confession relevant to the first.


  • 没有关于亚里士多德只有亚里士多德自己的

    No books about Aristotle, just Aristotle. Like, you would read book-books.


  • 装置关于解剖学关于,他认为是是地球血液。

    He set out plans for books on anatomy, and on water, which he saw as the "blood" of the Earth.


  • 知道父亲写过关于康德另一本是关于黑格尔,我出来看。

    I knew there was a book on Kant and another on Hegel that my father had written, and I searched for them and showed them to her.


  • 与此同时,《谷歌星球》一可是在冒险登上极速火车:因为关于谷歌的故事变化得如此之快没有可以之长存

    At those moments, “Planet Google” takes a risk akin to trying to board a speeding train: the Google story changes so fast that no book can stay up to date for long.


  • 第一事实上开创了军民关系研究领域,它的最后一却是关于人口学文化

    His first book practically invented the field of civil-military relations; his last was on demographics and culture.


  • 目前,您能找到关于SCJP 1.2考试关于 SCJP 1.4 的没有上市。

    At present, several books are available for the SCJP 1.2 exam, but none have yet turned up for SCJP 1.4.


  • 名为Koizora(天空)关于一个高中女孩欺负,群奸,导致怀孕自从发行售出120

    One book, Koizora (Love Sky) about high-school girl who is bullied, gang-raped, becomes pregnant has sold more than 1.2 million copies since being released.


  • InfoQ现在一些关于依赖注入框架著作但是采用了与其它不同方法每当深入框架支持之前,你会呈现依赖注入背后基本概念

    InfoQ: There are several books on di framework specifics, but yours takes a different approach by presenting the fundamental concepts behind di, before looking every time into framework support.


  • 这部关于预言占卜极其受欢迎过去四百年间一直是最畅销自从1555年第一次出版以来,几乎没有停止印刷

    This popular book of predictions and prophecies has been a bestseller for over 400 years, rarely going out of print since its initial publication in 1555.


  • 各种各样都有提供范围那些关于布兰妮·斯皮尔斯TheRock”一样的名人像斯珀基麻烦制造者朱尼·琼斯一样的虚构人物故事

    A variety of books were offered, ranging from those about celebrities like Britney Spears and "the Rock" to stories of fictional characters like the spunky troublemaker Junie B. Jones.


  • 不仅个人理财方面知道的,过去读了很多类的),还有一些关于自励成功指南

    Not just personal finance books (though, as you know, I read plenty of those), but also self-help books and success manuals.


  • 正如要求的那样,已经审阅关于电脑升级计划,我完全赞成计划书的提议,公司应该购买最新型号的电脑。

    As you requested, I have reviewed the proposal for an upgrade in computers and I am in total agreement with its recommendation that the company purchase the latest models.


  • 很多关于野生动物,我每天早晨晚上在家这些

    I have many books on wild animals, and I read them every morning and evening at home.


  • 弃权声明借着宴会任何正确地以下关于被考虑一个弃权声明除非那个免除宴会签署写作方面明白地免除。

    The waiver by a party of any right hereunder will not be considered a waiver thereof unless expressly waived in a writing signed by the waiving party.


  • 真的关于则报道中所使用的图片非常可爱,包括孩子写给袜子

    I actually have that book from the picture posted above, and it is a really cute book with the letters written by kids to Socks.


  • 关于摩斯码理论清晰阐述数学理论典范,是最好,”纽约州罗切斯特大学的道格拉斯·拉夫内尔

    "His book on Morse theory is a model of mathematical clarity, the best book I have ever read," says Douglas Ravenel of the University of Rochester in New York state.


  • 非常不是旅行日志因为观察关于他的旅途的,看见所有地名索引。

    The book is not so much a diary of his travels as it is a book of observations about his journey, a gazetteer of all that he saw.


  • 比尔爸爸一些买了关于中国本英中字典

    Bill's father bought some books for me. He bought two English books about China and one English-Chinese dictionary.


  • 正在关于中国为什么一本关于国家

    I was reading a book about China and he asked me why I had a book about his country.


  • 因为非常喜欢所以有人邀请我写本关于他的书的时候,我就答应了。

    I've enjoyed reading him so much that when I was asked to write a book about him, I agreed to do so.


  • 喜欢幽默所以,我每次逛,都忘记另外自己关于笑话而且到哪里随身带着本,妈妈经常我是“公子”。

    I like humor, so, when I go into a bookstore, don't forget in addition to give oneself buy a few books about joke of the total, and where love carry a, mama always said I was "book childe".


  • 复一年,烹调关于减肥饮食总是最畅销的学会做菜又怎能它呢

    Year after year cook books and diet books are the biggest seller, how not to eat it once you've learned how to cook it.


  • 翻译:教授老师一些关于计算机方面参考但是不幸的是,这些我们学校不能找到资源。因此,对此十分的担心

    My professor assigned me some reference books on computers to read. Unfortunately they are not available in our school library. I am kind of worried about it.


  • 翻译:教授老师一些关于计算机方面参考但是不幸的是,这些我们学校不能找到资源。因此,对此十分的担心

    My professor assigned me some reference books on computers to read. Unfortunately they are not available in our school library. I am kind of worried about it.


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