• 共同了解女性卫生知识,回答可能提出任何问题

    Take her on a tour of the feminine hygiene aisle and answer any questions she might have.


  • 品酒过程觉得很好的葡萄酒目的品酒一样是为了共同了解葡萄酒的人。

    During the wine tasting which ever wine you feel tastes good is a good wine, the aim with which wine tasting is done to have an understanding of the wine.


  • 今天这个语言边界分割地区考古学家责任公众了解他们共同文化遗产

    In a region today divided by languages and borders, archaeologists had a duty to inform the general public about their common cultural heritage.


  • 相反由于缺乏即刻显而易见共同兴趣爱好我们可能足够多时间了解对方

    Rather, we would not have been likely to spend enough time getting to know each other, due to the lack of immediately visible mutual interests.


  • 居们在共同完成项目的过程中相互了解

    Neighbours get to know one another as they work together on projects.


  • 使任何事情顺利进行关键是以某种方式分析采取行动,确保所有开发人员了解团队共同达到的目的。

    The key to making anything work is to act on your analysis in some way to ensure that all developers understand what the team together is trying to accomplish.


  • 诚然所感兴趣了解描述那种引导他们回到共同幻想之路力量

    What interests me, indeed, is knowing and describing the force that leads them back toward the common path of illusion.


  • 担任工作某种程度为了帮助教育界了解他们什么”,能够按照那种知识共同行动

    She took on her new job in part to help the education community to "know what they know" and be able to act collectively on that knowledge.


  • 属性操作显示好处在于,可以研究它们共同状态行为从而进一步了解个已存在系统是如何实现,这将有助于系统的使用。

    The benefit of showing the attributes and operations is that you can study the common states and behaviours further to discover what has been implemented in the existing system for reuse.


  • 这种交流确实人民提供相互联系合作机会,有助于我们了解我们多少共同之处。

    And these exchanges really offer the opportunity for people to connect and collaborate, and they remind us of how much we have in common.


  • 家庭成员朋友了解到一个男人女人许多方面有共同之处——两人相同兴趣或背景。

    A family member or friend may know a man and a woman who have a lot in common-who share the same interests or background.


  • 坚持观点简单“,科比说,”我的意思说,我了解我们共同征战奥运会是我朋友所以他感到高兴

    "I keep my opinion of it extremely simple," said Bryant. "What I mean by that is, I know him, we played together on the Olympic team, he's a friend, so I'm happy for him."


  • 通过坦白过去错误配偶可以了解弱点共同避免带来麻烦情况

    By expressing past mistakes openly, your spouse can understand your weaknesses, and together you can avoid conditions that tend to create problems for you.


  • 双方认为人权领域开展对话交流有助于增进相互了解减少分歧有利于相互借鉴共同进步

    Both sides believe that dialogue and exchanges in the field of human rights help to enhance mutual understanding, minimize differences, and facilitates mutual learning and common progress.


  • 能够我们国内外合作伙伴了解我们的优先次序以及如何共同保护网络空间本性降低我们所面临威胁

    It provides the context for our partners at home and abroad to understand our priorities, and how we can come together to preserve the character of cyberspace and reduce the threats we face.


  • 对话期间,双方将就共同关心战略性全局性长期性问题进行深入探讨,加深了解增进互信促进合作

    The two sides will make in-depth exchange of views on the strategic, overall and long-term issues of common interests, so as to deepen understanding, enhance mutual trust and promote cooperation.


  • 需要了解提供类似客户价值竞争技术以及可能共同使用协作性技术。

    He also needs to understand the competing technologies that serve similar customer values, and the collaborating technologies that are likely to be used together.


  • 漫长心理咨询咨询以后这些咨询的对话中,希拉里再次彼此有了一定的了解,这种了解超越了我们共同工作观念以及我们的宝贝女儿

    In the long counseling sessions and our conversations about them afterward, Hillary and I also got to know each other again, beyond the work and ideas we Shared and the child we adored.


  • 了解这些需要共同工作过程十分重要,经常忽视掉的事情。

    Understanding how these processes need to work together is a critical awareness, one that is too often ignored.


  • 利用社区培养利用社区交互形成价值网络,需要很少成本就可以接触个体了解共同兴趣

    Community exploitation: the seeding and exploitation of community interaction in a value-net, leveraging the collapsing cost of reaching individuals and identifying common interests.


  • 双方共同努力,持之以恒开展民间人文交流增进两国人民相互了解友好感情

    Both countries should resolutely carry out the non-governmental, cultural and educational exchanges in order to increase the mutual understanding and friendship between their people.


  • 并且他们可以了解的,拥有共同纽带

    For online activities, partners are always available. And they’re people you can get to know, people with a common bond.


  • 作为萨伦伯格的共同作者清楚地了解到,在飞机于曼哈顿上空的那些紧张时刻中,帮助萨伦伯格成功的并不只有丰富飞行经验中练就的高超技术。

    As Sully's co-author, I clearly saw that it wasn't only hisskills as a veteran pilot that carried him in those tense momentsover Manhattan.


  • Soft wareServicesIBMGlobal Services可以许多功能方面为您提供帮助他们共同完成数百项目了解制订计划和构建门户需要考虑哪些方面问题。

    Software Services and IBM Global Services can help in many capacities; having collectively worked on hundreds of projects, they understand the nature of what it takes to plan and build a portal.


  • 讨论collabform .html页面之前需要了解一些关于如何联合使用ClickToCall小部件共同浏览功能的重点。

    Before discussing the collabform.html page, there's something important to know about using the ClickToCall widget in conjunction with co-browsing capabilities.


  • 知道从见面约会需要一段时间通常情况下逐渐了解对方狗狗然后才发现你们可能还有其他共同

    Know that meeting to dating can take time. Often, it's about getting to know each other's dogs before realizing you might have other things in common.


  • 我们了解到,个体行动可能受到群体共同心理负面正面影响。

    We also know individual behavior can be influenced negatively or positively by the crowd's collective psychology.


  • 我们了解到,个体行动可能受到群体共同心理负面正面影响。

    We also know individual behavior can be influenced negatively or positively by the crowd's collective psychology.


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