• 兰吉真正区别出现教室

    But Langerman says the real differences emerge in the classroom.


  • 兰吉路德用人单位应该改变他们发掘人才的方式

    Steve Langerud says employers, too, should change their search methods.


  • 他们育有孩子南茜凯茜沃尔特·克朗凯特(芯片)凯兰吉特三。

    They had three children, Nancy, Kathy and Walter L. "Chip" Cronkite III.


  • 锡克帝国的第一君主兰吉特·辛格巴蒂家是同一祖先第12代后裔。

    Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Bhattis had the same forefathers 12 generations back, Saleem said.


  • 不久兰吉就要结束自己来华的一年自己希望回来之间交流桥梁

    Langerman will soon finish his year in China, but he says he hopes to return one day and be a bridge between the two countries.


  • 来自印度东部比哈尔邦名议员兰吉特•计划提出一项议案抑制印度过多婚礼花费

    Ranjeet Ranjan, a member of parliament from the eastern state of Bihar, plans to introduce a bill designed to curb excessive wedding expenses in India.


  • 然后我们还将长一段时间里失去了罗宾范配西,基兰吉布斯阿龙拉姆塞,显然必须到赛季结束

    Then we lost Robin van Persie, Kieran Gibbs and Aaron Ramsey for a long time, obviously until the end of the season.


  • 比利时最高点,海拔只有694伯特兰吉山(SignaldeBotrange)也位于区域

    Belgium "s highest point, the Signal DE Botrange is located in this region at only 694 metres."


  • 史蒂夫兰吉路德用人单位应该改变他们招聘方法他们应该更多的考虑能够帮助企业达到目标真正需要才能。

    Steve Langerud says employers, too, should change their search methods. They should think harder about the skills they really need to help their organization reach its goals.


  • 兰吉将军坚持说,肯尼亚军事入侵行动那些绑架袭击事件直接回应整个行动10月414号之间制定的。

    General Karangi insisted that Kenya's military incursion was in direct reaction to those kidnappings and other similar attacks and that the entire operation was planned between October 4 and 14.


  • 1857年古拉·辛格王公驾崩由于蒙特哥摩利中尉具有王公继承人马哈拉加·兰吉特?辛格一样影响力得以继续勘察工作

    After Gulab Singh's death in 1857, Montgomerie continued his survey work as he carried the same influence with Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the successor of Gulab Singh.


  • 更为壮观的豪宅——拥有装饰华丽的仿制希腊式回廊,以及座高大喷泉——所有者喀布尔警察总长,莫哈默德·阿约布·兰吉

    An even grander mansion - ornate faux Greek columns, a towering fountain - is owned by Kabul's police chief, Mohammed Ayob Salangi.


  • 布里特·汉伦克利夫丈夫女儿生前决定把她的照片发到网上

    Bridget O'Hanlon and her husband, who live in Cleveland, decided before their daughter was born that they would not post her photos online.


  • 沃特开始看看这些生物是否改变不幸遗传病

    Jirtle and Waterland set about to see if they could change the unfortunate genetic legacy of these little creatures.


  • 尽管·卡特去狱中探望了阿·格罗斯呼吁释放,但卡特表示此行的主要目的为了推动华盛顿哈瓦那关系

    But although Mr Carter met the contractor in prison and called for his release, he said his main aim was to try to improve relations between Washington and Havana.


  • 公司创始人兼总裁阿·布斯曾希望能够位于新西门前海滩驾驶该车。通常因为较大的潮汐而难以实现。

    The company's founder and President, Alan Gibbs, wanted to be able to drive onto the beach in front of his home in New Zealand, which is often inaccessible because of high tides.


  • 2006年杰克逊儿子普林斯,现年14岁女儿帕里斯,现年13岁,儿子布·特,现年8岁到了拉斯维加斯

    In 2006, Jackson moved to Las Vegas with his son Prince, who is now 14, daughter Paris, 13, and son Blanket, 8.


  • 电话交谈开场白结束语之间有着本质的不同”朱丽叶·作为开斯特大学数字文学讲师,这样解释

    "Telephone talk has discrete boundaries at points of opening and closing," says Julia Gillen, a lecturer in digital literacy at Lancaster University.


  • 这部做作影片中的女吸血鬼奥德特由·戴维斯扮演,影片讲述了一对小报记者前往斯·瓦尼亚寻找斯坦时遇到故事。

    Geena Davis plays the vampiress Odette in this campy movie about a pair of tabloid reporters who travel to Transylvania in search of Frankenstein.


  • 玛格丽特·摩根鲁斯·特,布代斯大学女性学习研究中心学者,《年龄奥秘:与美国新的年龄歧视作战》作者

    Margaret Morganroth Gullette, a scholar at the Women’s Studies Research Center at Brandeis University, is the author ofAgewise: Fighting the New Ageism in America.”


  • 玛格丽特·摩根鲁斯·特,布代斯大学女性学习研究中心学者,《年龄奥秘:与美国新的年龄歧视作战》作者

    Margaret Morganroth Gullette, a scholar at the Women's Studies Research Center at Brandeis University, is the author of "Agewise: Fighting the New Ageism in America."


  • 讲了·米勒·纳姆(Saran Bynum)的故事。美亚混血儿萨女演员、歌手奎恩·拉提法(Queen Latifah)的业务经理,还经营自己的珠宝生意

    I told him about Jimmy Miller and about Saran Bynum, an Amerasian who is the office manager for actress-singer Queen Latifah and runs her own jewelry business.


  • 玛拿西儿子亚斯列人所生的,又生列之

    The sons of Manasseh; Ashriel, whom she bare: but his concubine the Aramitess bare Machir the father of gilead.


  • 114日“奥·卡特所有将会纽约古根海姆博物馆开幕,届时会展出这位意大利骗子全部作品

    Nov. 4. Maurizio Cattelan: All will present the complete works of this Italian trickster at the Guggenheim Museum in New York.


  • 哈佛教授迈克尔·诺顿切斯卡·近期研究显示固定的仪式更加自信力量

    Recent research from Harvard professors Michael Norton and Francesca Gino shows that rituals have the power to make you more confident.


  • 了,派里尼老板,”说道,“同伴现在不说话了,知道我的性情很爱和平的,那么告诉这个·万帕怎么样的一个人。”

    Well, Signor Pastrini, "said Franz," now that my companion is quieted, and you have seen how peaceful my intentions are, tell me who is this Luigi Vampa.


  • 转过看到了一个不寒而栗的身形,原来·,他气喘吁吁地我跑来,满脸通红,眼神中透着几分狂野

    I turned and saw a sight that made my blood run cold - it was Jimmy Harlan, running breathlessly in my direction, his face red and his eyes wild.


  • 心爱孙女莉安拍摄了孙女诺森伯沙滩奔跑的画面。

    My darling granddaughter: Hannah captured running along a beach in Northumberland in a photograph taken by her grandmother Gillian.


  • 心爱孙女莉安拍摄了孙女诺森伯沙滩奔跑的画面。

    My darling granddaughter: Hannah captured running along a beach in Northumberland in a photograph taken by her grandmother Gillian.


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