• 在位于卡兹兰加边界处茶叶种植园中,女工们将采摘的新鲜茶叶运

    At a tea plantation bordering Kaziranga, women workers tote freshly picked leaves to be processed. Animals face occasional hazards at the many plantations near the park.


  • 可以不工作的部件重新启动,先生解释道至少即将损坏的电子元件能维持恢复出的重要数据

    That may help free up binding parts, Mr. Langa explains, or at least let a failing electrical component remain within specs long enough for you to recover your essential data.


  • 后来亨利八世那个恶棍接受斯特王朝议会实行统治原则但是需要原则样式截然不同

    Then Henry VIII, that old scalawag, accepted the principles of the Lancastrians to rule by Parliament, but he wanted the principle in an entirely different way.


  • 本文采用认知观点,以阿里尔可及性理论兰加可的观念参照理论为基础,对深层回指提出全新的解释。

    This thesis will develop a cognitive exploration of deep anaphora on the basis of Ariel's Accessibility Theory, Langacker's Conceptual Reference Point Theory.


  • (新西北岛北岸港市)寄宿在一家旅游爱好者家中他们自己设计建造了一辆“家居式的旅游车”。

    In Tauranga I stayed with a family who were travel enthusiasts. They designed and built their own motor home and traveled in it for months at a time.


  • 一些迁徙水鸟如斑头雁和红麻鸭,会涌卡兹兰加湿地这里的斑嘴鹈鹕黑颈鹤等常驻鸟类一起度过整个冬季;

    Migratory waterbirds, from bar-headed geese to ruddy shelducks, crowd into Kaziranga wetlands over the winter with spot-billed pelicans and black-necked storks.


  • 公众喜欢那些善恶分明故事,”青少年健康专家-珍恩,“那些未成年结婚女孩大部分1317岁的。”

    "The public loves those kinds of stories, where there's a clear right and wrong," says Saranga Jain, an adolescent-health specialist. "But the majority of girls getting married underage are 13 to 17."


  • 作为亚洲主要犀牛避难所保护其他保育动物的保护区卡兹兰加维系着印度独角犀(R.unicornis)的未来

    Now Asia's premier rhino sanctuary and a reservoir for seeding other reserves, Kaziranga is the key to R. unicornis's future.


  • 当然火车到达市中心穿过有有色人种聚居的乡镇,也就是亚伯拉罕,那位剧场工人居住的地方一个黑人聚居的乡镇也都有警察部署。

    That included the train line that ran through the colored township where Mr.Abrahams, the theater worker, lives and Langa, a black township, before reaching downtown.


  • 说服去拍电影

    It was he who had cajoled Garland into doing the film.


  • 捂住,小心翼翼地打了个

    Garland covered his mouth with his hand and belched discreetly.


  • 特里·奥斯特演奏宝思鼓。

    Terry Ostergaard is playing the bodhran.


  • 入了摩德斯塔·为首恰朗乐队,许多不同的乐队一起玩

    He started in a charanga group with Modesta Duran as the leader and played with many different groups.


  • 城堡位于缅因州滨海小镇卡姆登建立1886年,已经成为这里一个地标

    Built in 1886, the Norumbega Castle in the coastal town of Camden, Maine, has become a landmark in the area.


  • 而两名利比亚空军飞行员已经驾驶飞机叛逃马耳他宣称他们拒绝服从轰炸昔重要城市西命令

    Two Libyan air force pilots have defected to Malta, taking their aircraft with them and claiming that they had refused orders to bombard Benghazi, Cyrenaica's main city.


  • 抗争看来这个人口稀少只有6百万国家里遍地开花,东部的局势最为紧张,反抗卡扎菲历史

    Protests appear to have erupted all across the sparsely populated nation of 6m people, but most intensely in the eastern region of Cyrenaica, which has a history of resistance to Mr Qadhafi.


  • 这部马克·罗曼尼克导演亚力克斯·编剧影片星期三有限公映

    Directed by Mark Romanek from a screenplay by Alex Garland, the film opens in limited release on Wednesday.


  • 内斯托式宽轮篷车这种与众不同货运马车历史可以追溯到18世纪中后期宾夕法尼亚州卡斯特的康内斯托流域。

    The origins of the distinctive horse-drawn freight wagon known as the Conestoga wagon can be traced to the Conestoga River region of Pennsylvania's Lancaster County in the mid - to late-18th century.


  • 宁愿研究歌曲一方面有助于雄性鲸鱼找到配偶以及配对是否有特殊情况等。

    Garland says she'd love to study which aspects of a song are important for helping males mate and whether nonconformists are less successful at mating.


  • 提及最多的人包括上诉法庭法官迪亚娜·伍兹梅里克·、副检察长埃琳娜·卡根

    The most-mentioned names include Diane Wood and Merrick Garland, both appeals-court judges, and Elena Kagan, the solicitor-general.


  • 内斯托(名康内斯托)流经卡斯特萨斯奎哈纳河的条支流

    The Conestoga River (also referred to as the Conestoga Creek) is a tributary of the Susquehanna River that flows through the center of Lancaster County.


  • 内斯托(名康内斯托)流经卡斯特萨斯奎哈纳河的条支流

    The Conestoga River (also referred to as the Conestoga Creek) is a tributary of the Susquehanna River that flows through the center of Lancaster County.


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