• 多萝西朋友们来到片罂粟旁边许多其他五颜色的

    After crossing the river, Dorothy and her friends came to a poppy flower field, with many other colourful flowers next to it.


  • 朋友们将屋外围墙满了五颜色的卡通和抽象的图案有些上了白天闪闪发光的荧光涂料。

    He and his friends are daubing the outside walls with colorful cartoons, flowers, and abstract designs, some in fluorescent paint that shine in the daylight.


  • 山坡杜鹃一片火红。

    The hillsides in June flame with azaleas.


  • 形状,有球,有旁每上也有三个杯,形状像杏,有球,有灯台杈出来的枝子都是如此

    Three cups shaped like almond flowers with buds and blossoms were on one branch, three on the next branch and the same for all six branches extending from the lampstand.


  • 朋友们将屋外围墙满了五颜色的卡通和抽象的图案有些荧光漆画的图案白天闪闪发光。

    He and his friends are daubing the outside walls with colorful cartoons, flowers and abstract designs, some in fluorescent paint that shines in the daylight.


  • 不要衣服洗衣房然后再整个半个的时间来衣服衣服

    Don’t let the laundry pile up for two weeks then blow half your Saturday doing laundry and folding clothes.


  • 小时后油管渐渐消失了但是茂密的丛林景色没有变化尽管注意到路边木屋外面摆放着盆装的杜鹃

    After about six hours the pipelines Peter out. The dense jungle scenery has not changed - although I notice the little wooden roadside homes have potted azaleas outside.


  • 下午一些时间陪着妈妈姐姐们一起甜食

    Spending time with my mom and sisters on a Saturday afternoon, baking sweets.


  • 通常情况下这些小孔是以角形图案排列的,但是新型运算法则却生成了一种奇异的小孔形图案,这是人类无法想到去尝试的。

    Normally, these holes are arranged in a hexagonal pattern, but the algorithm generated a bizarre flower-like pattern of holes that no human would have thought of trying.


  • 这就是每天必须小时六花两个小时考虑的问题:它们总是在不停地变动着

    I simply saw that they changed. That was all I had to think about five hours every day and two on Saturdays: that they were always changing.


  • 总的来说中国界对充满了热切期待

    But overall, the skating community in China is awaiting Saturday night with baited breath.


  • 不管谁明年1月21号入主白宫不会时间违犯安理会制裁伊朗什么好印象

    And, whoever goes into the White House on January 21st is not going to look favorably at an Iran that has spent six more months violating Security Council resolutions.


  • 自从2007年,调查显示鸡蛋价格了40%——八个鸡蛋——面包鸡肉牛肉涨了20%。

    Since 2007, it says the price of eggs has risen by 40% - that's six eggs for the price of eight - and that of bread, chicken and beef by over 20%.


  • 如果超级天使年内得到10回报相对于一个风投希望年时间上市公司那里所得的,是一个更高回报率

    If a super-angel gets 10x in one year, that's a higher rate of return than a VC could ever hope to get from a company that took 6 years to go public.


  • 其它豆类蔬菜坚果一杯菠菜所含蛋白质豆含有公克蛋白质,用手抓杏仁,所含的蛋白质为公克。

    Other beans, vegetables and nuts: One cup of cooked spinach can serve up to 5 grams of protein. Half a cup of kidney beans provide 7 grams of protein.


  • 35美元,获得精选红酒份灰雁伏特加Cristallino(译注:酒类品牌)香槟礼品套装(由位于马里兰的那家我们之前品尝苏格兰威士忌的酒店提供)。

    35 for a Six Pack of Selected Wines or a Grey Goose and Cristallino Gift Set at the same liquor store in Maryland that sold us the horrible scotch tasting.


  • 就是传说税收收入支付保险补偿的方案,不太可能再次发生的传说,除非这个国家同意十年当中四年的医保空白期。

    That’s 10 years of revenues to pay for 6 years of benefits, something unlikely to happen again unless the country agrees to go without health care for four years every decade.


  • 随着球队作为一个防守集合体更多时间一起并且重新适应寸的巨人保护篮筐这样的比赛,他们每个人合作更加轻松

    As the team spends more time together as a defensive unit and readjusts to life with a 76” anchor protecting the rim, their comfort with one another will improve.


  • 流行的认证Web站点CertificationMagazineCertCities讨论表明大多数it专业人员平均星期学习来准备一门考试

    Discussion on popular certification web sites like certification Magazine and CertCities indicate that most it pros take from two to six weeks studying for each test.


  • 狄斯丁姑娘袍子照一八○年的式样裁剪,上身腰围紧,双肩高耸,盘绊。

    Mademoiselle Baptistine's gown was cut on the patterns of 1806, with a short waist, a narrow, sheath-like skirt, puffed sleeves, with flaps and buttons.


  • 一品红非常周围五颜的叶子被称为片。这些苞片这种植物美丽起来。

    The flowers of the poinsettia are very small. Around the flowers are colorful leaves called bracts. These bracts are what give the plants their beauty.


  • 如果毕业证书,有优良人际交往技能,那么你获得此证只需的时间。

    If you have a high school diploma and good people skills, earning this health care certification can take as little as six months.


  • 五颜色的三色堇大阪日本

    The colorful pansy is the flower of Osaka, Japan.


  • 远远望去草坪大块绿色毛绒绒地毯,地毯隐隐约约开着五颜,就像一幅美丽图画上有一朵雪白

    Far looked like a large green lawn plush velvet carpet, the carpet was also a vague manner of colorful flowers open, like a beautiful picture, painted on a white flower, look!


  • 房间里充满五颜色的

    The room was crowded with colourful flowers.


  • 摘了一些五颜色的

    I picked some colourful flowers.


  • 摘了一些五颜色的

    I picked some colourful flowers.


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