• 一部典型公路电影宁浩竭尽全力地捕获公路片的精髓。

    It's a typical road movie and you can tell that Ning Hao gave his best to capture the essential elements of one.


  • 流动变化镜头自由自在的公路音乐美国公路独特的视听语言

    The flowing and changing shots and the dynamic road-music constitute a unique audio-visual language for American road movies.


  • 美国已经产生许多公路佳作国外公路片研究一些成果系统研究很匮乏

    There are many excellent road movies in the United States, and some research results of road movies from foreigners can be seen now, but the systematic research on them is still scarce.


  • 只有这块一小仍是高价值庄稼圣所,公路看见这块地几乎不可能

    Only the sliver of the land that is almost impossible to see from the road will remain the sanctum of his high-value crop.


  • 高速公路树立里,我们可以听到微小生物树叶移动的生硬。

    In the woods beside the highway, we could hear small living things moving beneath the leaves.


  • 费耶特维尔往东大约英里地方,16公路旁,有一八十公顷的土地,房子就建在那里。

    The house was on more than eighty acres of land about eight miles east of Fayetteville, on Highway 16.


  • 二十世纪六十年代墨西哥南部修建高速公路过程中模糊废墟发现这块石碑。石碑差点被毁;这里大部分上了路面,石碑碎也被掠夺一空。

    Found at an obscure ruin in southern Mexico during highway construction in the 1960s, the stone tablet almost did not survive; the site was largely paved over and parts of the tablet were looted.


  • 然后我们启程出发离开了Khun Yuam市的大街,朝着条只能够走摩托车的公路走去,经过缅甸寺庙群一座座小木房大约分钟之后绿的原野出现在我们眼前,刺得眼睛发

    We head down a motorbike-wide road, past Burmese temples and wooden houses, and ten minutes later we're looking at fields so bright green they hurt the eye


  • 房子前面耕地,耕地公路邻接

    In front of the house there is a large plot of field, on which neighbours the highway.


  • 如果成功的话2020年,微芯价格降到不足美分时,远程信息技术应用美国成千上万英里公路上。

    If successful, by 2020, as the price of microchips drops to below a penny piece, telematics could be adopted in thousands of miles of highways in the United States.


  • 那晚海堤公路漫步。 途中经过漆黑水域突然停下了脚步握住,在我耳旁轻声说她可以回家

    That night we took a slow walk on the Malecon and when we passed a dark stretch she suddenly stopped, held my hand and whispered into my ear that she could go home with me.


  • 内,甚至公路干线两侧笼罩白色烟雾,过火后黑乎乎的土地随处可见,一凄凉烧焦树桩泥炭土在慢慢地燃烧着。

    In Riau, even beside main roads there are bleak, blackened landscapes, shrouded in white smoke, where the peat soil still smoulders under charred tree-stumps.


  • 比如说蒙大拿高速公路疾驰的几天里的细节靠近加拿大边境平原对我来说都是朦胧,我的脑海穿插着关于停歇小镇的记忆碎

    Details, for example, from my several days' ride through the Montana Hi-Line, the plains near the Canadian border, are hazy, the towns I stopped in mixed up in my head.


  • 我们听到巨响…天空尘土,就像是火山喷发然后洪水泥浆夹杂着岩石倾泻公路,”

    "We heard two loud bangs... the sky was filled with dust like a volcanic eruption, and flood waters, mud and rocks streamed onto the roads," she said.


  • 高速公路混乱绝对的混乱,我I-29大约已经有一个半小时依然寸步难行,我在35,i - 70上经历了这种境况,现在烂摊子

    The freeways here are a mess, an absolute mess, I was stuck on I-29 for about an hour and a half, just dead still, I've gone on 35, I-70, all of it an mess.


  • 被堵塞单线公路交通不时停滞重型设备货物军用车辆陷入混乱。

    Periodically, traffic on the single lane dead-end road stopped in a tangle of heavy equipment, cargo and military vehicles.


  • 窗台上树叶屋顶上、公路校园操场上都已经厚厚的山上公园里也白茫茫的一吧!

    Windowsill, the leaves on the roofs of houses, roads, school playgrounds, have a thick layer of snow, I think, the mountains, the park will be a vast expanse of whiteness in a bar!


  • 哈博高速公路行驶几天的路程都看到这座城市陷入火海,这种结局正是我们能预料到的。

    For days one could drive the Harbor Freeway and see the city on fire, just as we had always known it would be in the end.


  • 爸爸那条蛇山上了西维公路,在常青树紫丁香丛旁停下

    Dad drove the snake and me down the hill on Seavey Landing Road and stopped the car beside a thicket of evergreens and lilacs.


  • 如果成功的话2020年,微芯价格降到美分以下时,远程信息技术应用美国成千上万英里公路上。

    If successful, by 2020, as the price of microchips drops to below a penny a piece, telematics could be adopted in thousands of miles of highways in the United States.


  • 建筑可以起到钢筋的效果有用削减地上裂缝洼陷广泛用于公路以及工厂地上硬化

    Building net has reinforced effect, reduce the ground crack and sag are widely used in highway, and factory floor hardening.


  • 邮车沿着黑黝黝的公路缓缓驶去,车灯闪闪发光喇叭声激起四面八回响。

    Off went the mail at a canter down the dark road; the lamps gleaming brightly, and the horn awakening all the echos wide and far.


  • 玛瑙斯亚马逊州首府这个城市就像是原始森林那些公路建筑只是夹杂丛林中的点缀。

    Manaus is the capital of the Amazonas. This city is like primitive forests. Roads and buildings are like ornaments in the forests.


  • 他们不停地呀飞,飞过绿色棕色交织乡间,地面蜿蜒公路河流宛如一条条暗淡光滑丝带

    On and on they flew, over countryside parceled out in patches of green and brown, over roads and rivers winding through the landscape like strips of matte and glossy ribbon.


  • 因此提高高速公路管理部门其他决策部门服务质量成为大势所趋,这智能交通系统推广及应用开辟广阔的空间。

    Therefore, to improve service quality of highway management and other policy-making departments has not only become a trend, but also promoted a wider use of intelligent transportation systems.


  • 一望无际荒漠中间公路看着块八十英尺标牌,上面闪烁着“太虚幻境凯撒宫殿”的字样。

    One is standing on a highway in the middle of a vast hostile desert looking at an eighty-foot sign which blinks "STARDUST" or "CAESAR'S PALACE.


  • 一望无际荒漠中间公路看着块八十英尺标牌,上面闪烁着“太虚幻境凯撒宫殿”的字样。

    One is standing on a highway in the middle of a vast hostile desert looking at an eighty-foot sign which blinks "STARDUST" or "CAESAR'S PALACE.


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