• 拒不服从这不公正的判决

    He refused to submit to this unjust verdict.


  • 法官知道可使罪行减轻情况肯定得到公正的判决

    The judge is. aware of the extenuating circumstances and you'll definitely be given a fair hearing.


  • 法官知道可使罪行减轻情况肯定得到公正的判决

    The judge is aware of the extenuating circumstances and you'll definitely be given a fair hearing.


  • 程序保证法官诉讼中立立场作出公正判决

    Guarantee from procedure that a judge stands on the position of neutrality making the just judgement in the lawsuit;


  • 报道改变了高级法院判决本案法官公正判决执行

    This reporting also changed the new judgement from the High Court, as a result, the case was judged and executed according to the righteous judgment made by the original judge.


  • 公正判决基于兼顾外在根据内在理由两方面做出的,法官在裁判必须注重内在理由的构建。

    The justice is based on both the exterior cause and the inner cause. The judge must be intent on the inner cause when he decides.


  • 之所以出现公正判决公众指责为不公的情况,根本原因在于法律世界生活世界认知模式迥然有异

    The reason why a just decision would be regarded as being unjust by the public critically lies in the different cognitive model between the legal world and the living world.


  • 纽约进行审判可能使纽约面临911更为恐怖的袭击;还一些也许质疑一个由纽约人组成的陪审团能否作出公正的判决

    Putting it in New York may make the city a bigger terrorist target; some may question whether a jury of New Yorkers can provide a fair trial.


  • 他正绝食抗议声称谋杀罪的判决公正

    He is on hunger strike in protest at what he claims is his wrongful conviction for murder.


  • 倘若市场曾经做出过公正裁决,领受这样一份判决的正是通用克莱斯勒

    If ever the market has rendered a just verdict, it is the one rendered on G.M. and Chrysler.


  • 美国法庭公正很高标准判决一起件中的婚前协议无效此案中,新郎前往婚礼庆典途中强迫新娘在婚前协议书上签字

    But American courts also have a high standard of fairness: she judged a case in which the groom made his bride sign the prenuptial on the way to the marriage ceremony; that invalidated it.


  • 判决宣布扎伊迪亲属们爆发出一阵阵愤怒呼喊认为一判罚不公平的。

    After the verdict was announced, his relatives erupted in anger, Shouting that the decision was unjust and unfair.


  • 相信瑞典法庭得越高得到判决公正没有一个公平判决

    I'm still quite confident that the higher up you go in the Swedish court system, the more fair you get and no one can say this is a fair judgment.


  • 柏拉图认为,雅典公民如果逃脱判决裁定有碍司法公平和公正。柏拉图在《Crito》详细解释了社会契约理论

    From Plato's "Crito," we get an explanation that forms the basis of social contract theory: Socrates explains why it would violate justice to flee the verdict of the citizens of Athens.


  • 人们只能寄希望于Chapman持续监禁真正依据表现心理状态而做出公正判决而不是因为他罪行特殊性

    One can only hope that Chapman's continued incarceration is indeed justified based on his character and state of mind, not on the special nature of his victim.


  • 笔者认为恶意诉讼加害人故意起诉或者检举控告,使受害人限于不利司法境地,受到不利甚至公正判决而遭致损失诉讼行为

    The author believes that a malicious prosecution action is intentional the offender, the victim confined to adverse judicial position, or even get loss because the unjust verdict.


  • 世界上一半以上国家都有死刑制度但是我们制度保证死刑判决慎重公正

    Half of the countries in the world still have death penalty. However, we will institute effective system to ensure prudence and justice in giving death sentence.


  • 行政处罚公正可以判决变更。

    If an administrative sanction is obviously unfair, it may be amended by judgment.


  • 倘若市场曾经做出过公正裁决,领受这样一份判决书的正是通用克莱斯勒

    If ever the market has rendered a just verdict, it is the one rendered on G. M. and Chrysler.


  • 通过裁判文书,法官不仅当事人表明判决合法性而且也向社会证明司法的公正

    Through the adjudicative document, the judge not only manifests the legality of the judgment to the parties, also manifests the impartiality of jurisdiction to the society.


  • 依照理论重构我国民事再审启动机制应当在维护判决的终局性实体公正之间进行协调与平衡

    According to such a theory, we need balance the final judgments and substantial justice to rebuild our system of retrial.


  • 然而我国刑事诉讼法中,缺席判决制度无疑缺憾,现行的诉讼经济理念违背,也不利于诉讼公正的实现

    While in criminal procedural law, system of default-judgment is absent, which obeys the idea of economic lawsuit and goes against realization of justice.


  • 法院委托执行制度有助于提高执行工作的效率尽快实现公正判决

    Court delegated system will help enhance the efficiency of the implementation as soon as possible to achieve a just verdict.


  • 法庭特定语境限制参与者发言形式和内容,从而避免陈述权力滥用提高公正判决案件可能性

    The certain context-courtroom-restricts the participants' power of voicing, which could avoid the overuse of their rights and increase the possibility of being impartial to decide the case result.


  • 一环节是否遵循判决实施到位,关系整个审判过程是否公正有效关键

    Whether the judge's decision can be enforced completely and precisely is the key to a just and effective judicial procedure.


  • 一环节是否遵循判决实施到位,关系整个审判过程是否公正有效关键

    Whether the judge's decision can be enforced completely and precisely is the key to a just and effective judicial procedure.


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