• 其适用原则透明度原则程序公正原则

    The principles applied to it should be the transparency principle and the justness of process principle.


  • 执行公正原则一个办法平等对待平等的双方。

    This is a question of justice, in the sense of "fairness in distribution" or "what is deserved.


  • 不但有损于公正原则而且行政处罚惩戒作用无法实现

    This not only destroys the fair principle, but also can't carry out the function of administrative punishment.


  • 不利于体现法律公正原则不利于进一步维护当事人合法权益

    It is harmful to the law's fair principle, and it also disadvantages the legal rights of the party concerned.


  • 起诉制度现状已经有悖于诉讼经济原则效率原则公正原则要求

    The current situation of non-prosecution disobliges the requests of economical, efficient and equitable principles of suit.


  • 违背公正原则的都很难实现假想,是谎言是欺骗是谬误而且事倍功半

    It is very difficulty to realize against justice, is fantastical, falsidical, deceitful, false, times work and half succcess.


  • 这些思想家为知识产权辩护时,主要运用公正原则功利原则人道原则

    In doing so, these thinkers appeal mainly to the principles of justice, of utility and of humanism.


  • 英国自然公正原则源于自然法概念,自然法要求采取回避听取申辩原则

    Britain's "the principle of natural justice" originated from natural law, whose principles include the withdrawal and representations.


  • 所以贡献囊括了全部正确社会公正原则,因而堪称社会公正理论之全面真理

    Therefore, the theory of contribution includes all the right principles of social justice and is the truth of social justice.


  • 觉得也不行因为一条特殊公正原则叫做“同情心”,功利主义无法兼容。

    I think not, because there is a special principle of justice which emerges as compassion and which utilitarianism cannot make room for.


  • 客观公正原则实质上客观性原则公正原则结合因而具有两个方面基本内容

    The objective and impartial principle is essentially the combination of the principle of objectivity and the principle of impartiality, thus it has fundamental contents of two aspects.


  • 唯物史观告诉我们公正原则根源一定社会物质经济基础同时反作用经济社会。

    History view of materialism tell us: justice roots from the very economic basis of some society, at the same time, it has reaction on economy and society.


  • 第二,建筑装饰业劳动过程表面按照公认社会公正原则展开,使工人们容易认可劳动过程形成与体现地位秩序

    Second, the labor process is in accordance with accepted principles of social justice on the surface, which makes workers be more likely to recognize the status order reflected in this labor process.


  • 案子要点法律的公正正当程序原则都被破坏了

    The nub of his case is that the principles of fairness and due process were breached.


  • 千年宣言提出一个能够指导对外关系原则框架即公平社会公正尤其是分担责任

    The Millennium Declaration sets out a framework of principles that can guide foreign relations: equity, social justice, and above all, shared responsibility.


  • 如果公正原则取决于权利服务终点是否有道德内在价值社会怎样处理不同人对“好”持有不同的想法观念

    If principles of justice depend on the moral or intrinsic worth of the ends that rights serve, how does society deal with the fact that people hold different ideas and conceptions of what is good?


  • 正如千年宣言提到一个呼吁,呼吁平等社会公正原则下,全球团结一致。

    As stated in the Millennium Declaration, this is a call for global solidarity based on the principles of equity and social justice.


  • 同时我们希望他们采访报道中能够秉持公正客观平衡原则,能够实际工作体现媒体应有职业道德和素质。

    Meanwhile, we hope that journalists will uphold the principle of objectiveness, fairness and balance during their reporting activities so as to demonstrate their due professional ethics.


  • 按照原则做事,希望自己对待的方式那样对待别人:诚实公正友好体贴

    Follow the golden rule and treat us as you would like to be treated: be honest, fair, kind, and considerate.


  • 对于布什先生来说,哈迪塞事件的答案最终还是坚持负责、公正透明原则

    The answer to Haditha is for Mr Bush at last to insist on transparency, justice and accountability.


  • 阿齐兹高度评价中国伊拉克问题原则立场希望中国继续为伊拉克问题的公正合理解决发挥积极作用

    Aziz spoke highly of China's principled position on the Iraqi issue, and expressed the hope that China will play a more active role in settling the Iraqi issue in a just and rational way.


  • 第三证券发行交易活动必须实行公开、公平、公正原则

    Article 3. When issuing and dealing in securities, all concerned must abide by the principles of openness and fairness.


  • ——各方原则上赞同按照分阶段、同步并行实施的方式探讨确定公正合理总体解决方案

    to explore an overall plan to resolve the nuclear issue in a just and reasonable manner and in a simultaneous and incremental way;


  • 怀疑论者这个声明反应日常现实柏拉图的理论相矛盾:与第一种方式相矛盾的是公正原则激发积极性暴君,他可能已经得到了幸福

    The response of the skeptics is to claim that daily reality contradicts Plato, and that contrary to number one, tyrants, motivated by unjust principles, may be found to be happy.


  • 建造这种荣耀生活原则就是好客,提供庇护公正审判或者进行报复

    The principles on which the honorable life is built are melmastia(hospitality), nanawati (shelter or asylum), and badal(justice or revenge).


  • 尤其是美国,应当检查一下他们制度,应当感到他们这些制度而自豪是因为它们是以公正原则为基础的。

    It is for them, more especially, to examine their institutions; and to feel that they honor them because they are bused on just principles.


  • 人权作为最低限度普遍道德权利包含生命权公正必须所有的人同等享有符合正当人道原则要求

    As the minimum universal moral right, the human rights contain the life power and fair power which must be equal to everyone so that it could meet the principle require of right humanity.


  • Rawls认为,只有这样治理机构才能商定真正公平公正原则

    Then and only then, Rawls argues, could a governing body agree upon truly fair principles of justice.


  • Rawls认为,只有这样治理机构才能商定真正公平公正原则

    Then and only then, Rawls argues, could a governing body agree upon truly fair principles of justice.


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