• 罗尔斯则认为人们公平条件一致选择原则才是正义原则。

    However, Rawls thought that the principle of unanimous selection by people under fair conditions is the principle of justice.


  • 明显公平条件提供或者接受资金商品服务或者其他资产的;

    Providing or accepting any fund, commodity, service or any other asset under obviously unfair terms;


  • 有关人命的案件中,法官应当法律容许的范围内)在公平的条件想到仁慈严厉眼光事,仁慈的眼光对

    In causes of life and death, judges ought (as far as the law permits) in justice to remember mercy; and to cast a severe eye upon the example, but a merciful eye upon the person.


  • 不是那些没有获得公平薪酬未能享受灵活工作方式员工他们工作条件不满合理的。

    I'm not referring to employees who are legitimately dissatisfied with their employment conditions due to, say, being denied fair pay or flexible work practices.


  • 上海分公司提示,对于公司办事公平,要友好解决问题,可是一个条件卫生检疫官员发证书要给我们

    Tang: To be fair to your company, I am directed by my Shanghai Branch to settle this issue with you amicably on condition that you give us a certificate issued by your Health Department.


  • 更深一层的承诺即创造条件彼此公司公平竞争中走向繁荣

    It is a deeper commitment to creating conditions that let both our nations prosper as our companies compete fairly.


  • 一个公平教育制度应该考试时间安排适合女孩子生理条件的时候。

    A fairer system would be to arrange exams to take place at a time that is biologically more suitable for girls.


  • 公平联盟调查了特许生产厂用工条件,这些工厂位于中国南方。

    The Playfair report investigated conditions at four of the licensed factories, all in south China.


  • 世界上每个角落某些城市居民过多地承受健康不良造成的痛苦,这些公平现象他们在社会生活条件方面的差异

    In every corner of the world, certain city dwellers suffer disproportionately from poor health, and these inequities can be traced back to differences in their social and living conditions.


  • 这个新的报价之前两个报价一起提出来是为了始终强调优先考虑,同时也给对方公平交易的机会——延期付款条件

    This offer, extended in conjunction with two offers with up-front payment, lets you remain focused on your top priority, while showing the other side the tradeoffs required for extended payment terms.


  • 公平地说我们毕竟应该指定惟一的条件至少一些可以特殊性确定条件

    Fair enough, we might say. After all, we really ought to specify unique conditions or at least conditions that can be arranged by specificity.


  • 这种电子化行为可能作为公平竞争条件因此称为电子公平竞争。

    Such electronic actions may qualify as unfair competition and will therefore be referred to as electronic unfair competition.


  • 财政上的公平竞争意味着俱乐部不能竞争对手债务瓜葛,只能凭借自身条件竞争比如通过自己创造资源条件

    Financial fair play means clubs not getting into a spiral of debt to compete with their rivals but rather competing with their own means, ie the resources they generate.


  • 因此意图提供CPU资源公平访问(等待某个条件变为)的编码模式实际上将消耗运行的整个CPU核心

    So a coding pattern intended to provide fair access to CPU resources while waiting for a condition to become true in fact consumes 100 percent of whichever CPU core it happens to start running on.


  • 一个公平、合理的基础上家庭就业定义与普通就业类似这种条件下,就业人数就猛增至540000,而相比之下薪金调查记录仅为32000.

    On an apples-to-apples basis, household employment, defined to be similar to payroll, rose a robust 540,000, compared to the mere 32,000 recorded in the payroll survey.


  • 由来自5个几十万工人因为危险的工作条件、不公平工作时间不合理的报酬等原因拒绝工作

    Hundreds of thousands of workers across five states refused to work, citing unsafe conditions and unfair hours and pay.


  • 每一海员均有权获得公平就业条件

    Every seafarer has a right to fair terms of employment.


  • 支持小鸟热线志愿者奉献时间告知民工公平工资安全工作条件权利

    He also expressed support for Little Bird Hotline volunteers who donate their time to advise migrant workers on their rights to fair wages and safe working conditions.


  • 注重工作机会所以只要条件公平不会计较太多

    My focus is to find jobs, so as long as the conditions are fair, I don't care too much.


  • 然而不是每个人都认识难民营生活可以对于生来就没有权利公平生存条件和生活的人的世界了解的更多。

    However, not everyone knows that life in a refugee camp can open your eyes, ears and mind about the world and the life conditions of people who were not born with rights and fairness.


  • 极端鼓励诱惑类似条件存在,对人们道德标准坚持做出不必要的公平测试

    Conditions such as extreme incentives or temptations exist that can unnecessarily and unfairly test people's adherence to ethical values.


  • 想象一下,假如对方提供了远远超出预期条件正常工资水平高出一倍,而且不容商量——这种条件是否依然公平

    Imagine you are offered double the regular rate and more than you expected but they don't negotiate - would it still be unfair?


  • 银行应从公平原则出发,通过改善现有条件设置新的业务模式降低风险成本避免亏损

    The banks should keep the fair principles in mind to reduce the risks and costs through improving current conditions and establishing the new business modes in order to avoid loss.


  • 公平规范实为保障契约自由实现制度条件契约自由限制

    Equity norms are institutional conditions of realizing freedom of contract, but not the limitation to it.


  • 上海分公司提示,对于公司办事公平,要友好解决问题,可是一个条件卫生检疫官员发证书要给我们

    Tang: : to be fair to your company, I am directed by my Shanghai Branch to settle this issue with you amicably on condition that you give us a certificate issued by your Health Department.


  • 计算结果表明确保公平公正实际操作相衔接条件,利用后一种方法取得较为理想效果,可进一步计算输电电价提供可靠依据

    The calculation results are satisfied under the condition of ensuring fairness and linking up with practical operation and is available for reference in further calculation of wheeling rate.


  • 这个社会据说还是公平如果只是条件公平,那还是叫看人下菜碟。

    The society is said to be fair, but the fairness is still NOT fairness if it is conditional.


  • 这个社会据说还是公平如果只是条件公平,那还是叫看人下菜碟。

    The society is said to be fair, but the fairness is still NOT fairness if it is conditional.


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