• 微软给以应征者公平机会我们鼓励具备各类背景女性男性应征

    Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer, we encourage Women and men with diverse backgrounds to apply.


  • 美国工人企业农民公平机会全球经济展开竞争时,我们可以赢

    When American workers, businesses, and farmers have a fair shot to compete in the global economy, we win.


  • 其中一部分得到了在初选大选获胜公平机会没有一个是真正最有希望的获胜者。

    A few are given a fair chance of winning their primary and general elections, but none is an outright favorite.


  • | |有需要,公司考虑是否政策进行调整,以确保全体求职者员工给予更大公平机会

    Consideration will be given, if necessary, to adjusting this policy to afford greater equality of opportunities to all applicants and staff.


  • Ubuntu流行Linux桌面发行版可能意味着一个公平机会的确Ubuntu配置RAID或者的特征之一。

    Ubuntu is the most popular Linux desktop distro, which probably means there's a fair chance you will indeed be setting up RAID on Ubuntu or one of its flavors.


  • 许多综合性学校帮助更多孩子成功因为类学校公平方式每个人提供相似的机会

    Many people say that comprehensive schools help more children to succeed because they provide everybody with similar opportunities in a fairer way.


  • 决定机会周日结婚确保每个人都合理规划自己日子公平方法就是通过公平抽签系统

    The fairest way to determine who gets the chance to wed on Sunday and ensure everyone can properly plan for their own big day is through a lottery system.


  • 大多数孩子进入唱诗班管弦乐队艺术工作室戏剧机会很少,而他们特权同龄人却能享受到这些机会完全错误的,也是不公平的。

    It is simply wrong and unfair that most children have a fraction of the access to choirs, orchestras, art studios and drama that their more privileged peers enjoy.


  • 开放科学初级研究人员提供机会通过更好地获得关键数据公平竞争。

    Open science also offers junior researchers the chance to level the playing field by gaining better access to crucial data.


  • 知道编辑利用这个机会了一些非常公平的话关于学生会尤其是关于会长萨莉·史密斯

    You know, the editor used the situation to say some really unfair things, about the student government, and the president Sally Smith in particular.


  • 不可否认是,高考给不同家庭背景学生创造相对公平的竞争机会

    It can't be denied that the College Entrance Examination creates a relatively level playing field for students from all family background.


  • 尽管这么多优势正像我们选举前所的,肯尼亚机会非洲树立榜样”,举行一场自由公平选举

    Given all these advantages, as we wrote before the election, Kenya had an opportunity to "set an example" to Africa and hold free and fair elections.


  • 通过抽选活动决定获得周日结婚机会公平方式,这也可以确保每个人都适当适时的规划他们自己的日子

    The fairest way to determine who gets the chance to wed on Sunday and ensure everyone can properly plan for their own big day is through an even-handed lottery system.


  • 同事进行比较一件比较公平学校里相同机会朋友比较的话,你可能会他们的要好所以一定没有他们的能力强。

    With work colleagues it's a fairness issue, but with school friends who had the same opportunities as you you might think 'They've done much better than me so I must be less competent'.


  • 保守秘密对他们公平,等于拒绝朋友家人真正了解机会

    Keeping secrets is not fair to anyone. It denies friends and family the chance to know who you really are.


  • 我们知道这一成就来之不易道德领域取得的巨大成就。不得出于公平理由包括不得以人们无力支付为由,剥夺人们获得挽救生命药品机会

    As we all know, this was a difficult achievement, but a great one on the moral front: people should not be denied access to life-saving medicines for unfair reasons, including an inability to pay.


  • 一些男人可能会认为他们错误的暗示,但是认为大多数女人只是每个男人一个公平机会

    Some men might think this is leading them on but I would imagine most women just want to give every bloke a fair shot.


  • 我国建立完善初级卫生保健网络不仅改善了我国卫生统计数据而且增进卫生公平提供良好机会

    Establishing a solid Primary health Care network in our country, not only improved our health statistics, but it was an excellent vehicle to move towards health equity.


  • 日本这样一个难言拥有自由竞争缺乏机会公平、受到高度规制经济体中,公平在所难免

    But in a highly regulated economy such as Japan, which does not have free competition and lacks equality of opportunity, inequality can also be hard to escape.


  • 任何人都不应当因为公平理由包括经济社会方面的原因,失去获得拯救生命或促进健康干预措施机会

    No one should be denied access to life-saving or health-promoting interventions for unfair reasons, including those with economic or social causes.


  • 不过发现自己倾向聘用那个看起来讨人喜欢的家伙——有失公平因为长相难看肯定也需要机会

    Yet I find myself inclined to hire the person who looks more prepossessing - which is unfair as the plain one surely needs a break.


  • 此同时,我们也在致力于女性创造公平机会因为对于很多极度贫困国家来说,这个问题极大地拖累经济

    And we're working on trying to equalize opportunities in the world for girls and women because that's a big economic drag on a lot of very poor countries.


  • 出于公平理由剥夺人们获得拯救生命的干预措施(包括经济社会干预措施)的机会

    People should not be denied access to life-saving interventions for unfair reasons, including those with economic or social causes.


  • 一些男人可能会认为他们错误的暗示,但是认为大多数女人只是每个男人一个公平机会

    Some men might think this is leading them onbut I would imagine most women just want to give every blokea fair shot.


  • 良好城市卫生管理有助于确保公平分配机会优势确保人们能够公平获得负担得起的卫生保健服务

    Good urban health governance helps ensure that opportunities and advantages are more evenly distributed, and that access to health care is fair and affordable.


  • 良好城市卫生管理有助于确保公平分配机会优势确保人们能够公平获得负担得起的卫生保健服务

    Good urban health governance helps ensure that opportunities and advantages are more evenly distributed, and that access to health care is fair and affordable.


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